Friday, July 30, 2021

Hegelian Marxism


The Authoritarians is a book, which is discussed in the link provided.


What is striking, once again, is the connection between Hegel ( see: Dialectic ) and Marxism. But even more than that, was how the Ante-bellum South depended upon this very thing to support their model of SLAVERY.

Consequently, I was definitely on the right track with this. It isn't about left versus right. It is about Freedom versus Slavery. More to the point, it isn't about the dialectic either. The dialectic isn't very useful in a world gone insane. All rational thought has been thrown out the window. Even Hegelianism is based at least upon the concept of rationalism. This can no longer apply in a world gone mad.

Well, if you are a general fighting the last war, you are making a mistake. The mistake when fighting an irrational enemy is to engage that enemy on the battlefield of reason. These people are irrational, and to beat them may end up requiring brute force. The use of brute force must be employed when persuasion can no longer work. We are approaching that cliff at an alarming rate.

Those on the side of reason have to know what they are fighting. It is enough for the rational to argue with other in order to understand each other and the situation, but to leave out the irrationalism is to court defeat.

For instance, these people will call everyone fascists and racists, but the data show that this is what they are doing themselves. These people will use their magic words like "science" to fool people into believing that they believe in it themselves. But they are irrational, they believe in nothing, which especially includes science. They do not believe in equality, because they seek privilege. They do not believe in anything that's outside of their own skins.

They will impose slavery because that is a device which enables them to consider only their own needs to the exclusion of everyone else's. It is a fraud, and it must be indentified as such and repudiated before it has a chance to succeed in putting us all in chains.

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