7:20 PM
Violence is the last resort. If they use it, which they might have to, since their efforts may come up short, it will have to look like they're not doing it on their own initiative, but in response to something else. Therefore, there will be provocations.
The problem with the people at J6th was that they got violent in response to violence. If they had used non-violent responses, then it would have been very difficult for them to protray it as a "violent insurrection". It would probably have been completely censored out, as they would have likely have gotten brutal.
That's what's coming. People are going to have to be prepared for the worst, and its aftermath.
First things first. That stupid conviction and the rest of the Lawfare has to be shitcanned. If that doesn't happen, it' going to be hard to stop them.
end update of 10:18 AM post:
There has been talk of civil war for a long time now. I've disagreed that anything like that is going to happen. Why? There is no organized polity that could run a war.
The only "war" will be a lot of civil disobedience that the left will call a war. But it won't actually be a war.
If you want a real war, then you need an organized polity to run it. Otherwise, it just a mob.
Considering all the mass surveillance that is going on, how can there be anything like a war being organized anyway? They can see everything.
Everything means E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G...
If you want to resist, then do it down the still currently legal routes. Even these are closing down fast. That's what the Trump conviction was about. That is what the anti-Trump Lawfare is about. You don't change things with violence because they are almost certainly ready for anything like that. What you do is to follow the law and encourage people to stop sitting on their asses and just letting everything go to hell.
J6th was just a lot of foolish people who let themselves be tricked into compromising positions. The left took advantage. Of course they did. That's what they do. People have to be smarter than that. Nobody should've gotten themselves into those positions. They went with trackable phones. Paid for the trip with trackable credit cards. They went into a city that is highly surveilled. DC votes 90% Democrat. It was a hostile venue. Every step could be monitored and WAS. There was no surprises on January 6th. That's one reason you KNOW it wasn't an insurrection. It was innocent sheep being led to a slaughter. A real insurrection would have been much better prepared and organized. January 6th was a set up. Don't fall for any more of these, please.