Saturday, February 8, 2025

Democrats reduced themselves to their base of 15 to 20 percent

They must change, or they will be left behind, tweets Musk.

Pounding the facts, the law, or the table

Let's start with some facts

9:18 AM:

How do you get unvarnished and unspun facts on what is spent? If you don't have the keys to the Treasury;  but you can, at least, go to their website, and get some of those numbers to chew on. I've done some of that, but I'm not prepared to write up anything on that subject.

The numbers being discussed in the news don't amount to much when the deficit is monstrously big. The question arises as to what can be done in order to bring the budget back into balance? So I will be digging into that soon, and perhaps if I can write anything worthwhile, I'll post something about it.

It's been awhile since I posted anything on the economy. Has anything changed? One thing DID change. The share of the budget for government went up from 20 per cent to 23 per cent of GDP. In a near 30 trillion dollar economy, that (3%) would be close to a trillion. Can any of that be rolled back? We'll see about that as a possibility. Some of that expense is interest on the debt. Once interest rates went up, so did the interest payments on the debt.   So, I'll have to get back to that in the future.


For the basic facts, go to the source: Treasury dot gov

Elon Greatest Feat? I'd say SpaceX



Friday, February 7, 2025

The biggest challenge will be the Congress-critters

DOGE's work looks glorious, but it may be all for nought if the GOP doesn't codify the cuts into the law. One trillion in cuts would be a good start. Better yet, go for TWO.

This video won't be jipped this time. End to end must watch. One thing that has me worried. Of all the corruption found and such, it may come to nothing at all if the GOP doesn't act upon it. The POTUS cannot do the legislation for them. They have to do that part. If they won't, they will let us down. Bongino gets to that at the end of the video. Watch it all.

Another fake campaign


Don't fall for it. Read this to see why.





Quick update:


Here's another one for ya.






Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Everything the left does is fake.

Listen for it! I jipped the video just a bit before he says it; listen to Bongino laying it down...


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Going down, down, down



And then there's this about all the big things they're gonna do. The polls are against them. Even their own people are against them. The lunatic fringe as your leadership is not the look of a winner.



Trump has the Dems in achy breaky mode

But it is WAY too early to talk the next election


That's right libs, bring a knife to a gun-fight

D.C. Federal Judges Join the Resistance by John A. Lucas

Overriding the President's Control of the Department of Justice

Read on Substack

This judge admits to not having any power to do what she's doing, but she does it anyway

For a judge to bestow a power to herself that she does not have is inviting a pissing contest that she cannot possibly win. That is, unless the POTUS agrees to have himself defenestrated.


Monday, February 3, 2025

Tesla battery swap initiative


EV Battery-swapping is not a new idea. Here's a link from a post I did on the subject almost 12 years ago. Question: Why didn't Tesla pursue this technology? Obviously, they had the opportunity. For some reason, Tesla took another path, or did I miss something?


If there's a will, there's a way.

A brief stroll thru history from a boomer

Why didn't the Reagan Tax cuts in the 80's NOT cause inflation?

That's why I didn't vote for Reagan back then. I thought his deep tax cuts and heavier defense spending would cause huge deficits. We got the deficits alright, but instead of inflation rising, it actually FELL. This is perplexing, and later I attributed it what Milton Friedman was saying. Deficits do not cause inflation. Inflation is always a monetary phenomenon.

Therefore, as long the Fed kept the monetary policy non-inflationary, inflation would be kept in check. And so it was. Contrast that with today, with high deficit spending and higher inflation during the Biden years. Now you've got higher deficits, and you DO have higher inflation. One may infer from that that the inflation increased due to higher deficits, but the 80's experience should tell you otherwise.

Monetary policy goes with fiscal policy. If there's too much money and not enough production, then inflation may rise. Therefore, monetary policy was out of whack. But fiscal policy could still be out of whack. In the Reagan years, there was a fiscal policy that encouraged economic growth. The only growth policy in the Biden years was the growth of government. Therefore, in order to tame inflation, interest rates had to go higher. Fed policy usually lags condtions by nine months or more. Looser monetary policy won't cause inflation as long as growth policies are in effect.

So that's my best guess going forward. Trump will push for economic growth. There will be a containment of government growth, if current indications continue as they are. But it won't happen overnight.

Who owns Federal Debt?

When somebody says "we're broke", what does that even mean unless you know who the creditor is ?

The operations of the Federal Reserve may be a bit opaque. I think I know how they do open market operations, which is what controls the interest rates ( and money supply ). In order to raise rates, they sell bonds on the open market. This puts downward pressure on the price of bonds, which inversely effects their yield rate. ( I think ). So, if they want to tighten monetary policy ahead of inflationary pressures, they'll sell their supply of bonds. This also has the effect of reducing their holdings of bonds.

Thinking a bit about this. If the Fed monetized the debts ( by buying bonds ), they'd eventually gather up a crap load of US bonds. Eventually, they'd like to get rid of all that paper, and one way would be to off load it into the market. But by doing that, they'd have to raise interest rates. We've been in a high interest rate environment since the Biden years took over in 2021. It was also a time of higher inflation. Thus inflation can be a cover for offloading all those bonds that they accumulated over the years of low interest rate and QE ( which included monetizing US Debt).

Hence the question. Who bought all that debt from the Fed so that they could raise interest rates?

It doesn't appear to be China, nor any of the BRICS countries. Not hardly. Then who?

I'm going to guess that it was the big US banks. It would be considered a safe place to park money. But if interest rates go down, then what?  The Fed's going to buy those bonds back, but from whom?  Anyway, it is a opaque type situation. Is anybody giving it much thought?

By monetizing all that debt, they may have to monetize it right back to lower rates. Rates are fairly high so as to tame inflation. What happens to inflation then if the Fed floods the zone with cash?

Not sure what to think about all this.

DNC has lost it

David Hogg cannot possibly be the power behind the throne

David Hogg is a joke. The DNC cannot be a serious outfit anymore. Unless the other guy is no joke. But I don't know anything about him. But David Hogg? Puh leeze. This is clown show time.

Pre-Determined Scenario?

Could be true... There is a concerted effort to bring us down, on that count, I am very, very confident. The only thing that the political left hasn't tried yet against Trump is a coup. ( Unless you count January 6th 2021 In that case, it would have been a stealth coup. The next one will be in your face. ).

The political left is very confident that they can engineer a crash. Check out what they are saying NOW. We may be on the front edge of a vast upheaval. Get ready. For some folks, "getting ready" could be going short! What a cluster bungle. So, what do you do? I think the best thing is to not to counsel fear. These people need you to be afraid.

Why so few white kids in math and stem these days?

In my opinion, a high-level decision was made sometime in the past, to do this to the white folks. Listen closely to left's rhetoric and watch what they do, and you can see this underlying HATRED of white people. You could call it "whitey must DEI". Think about it.

A clue to the attitude can be seen here from a new "leader" in the DNC. Some of the colored folks objected to this "white man" to be in a leadership position. But with an attitude like THIS, I do think they protest too much.

Very interesting

Looks like the Chinese have perfected a battery swapping concept for EV's

The trouble comes from trying to impose a type of one-size-fits-all policy upon those who wish to innovate concepts such as these. There could be all kinds of ways to make a car, and a consumer could pick and choose what works best for them. It's called "freedom". The political left wants to jam unwanted things down people's throats.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

Always the best option

Because when the wheels come off, you are going nowhere fast.

Trump’s Second Week: A Turning Point in American Governance

Trump’s Second Week: A Turning Point in American Governance: In his second week of his second term in office, President Trump has asserted the right of the Chief Executive to effectively manage the Executive Branch. He has blindsided -- even gelded -- his detractors in the media and Congress, and issued an ast...





Hoo-boy! This thing is getting fouled up

With respect to the air craft collison over the Potomac River in DC

Too many people out there saying it "went straight to the plane" (paraphrasing)

This kind of comment is being repeating around and around. There's no "straight" line here that's even possible. These aircraft were moving at speeds over 100 mph, and from different directions. How is it possible then to move "straight to it"? The plane is not stationary. It is moving FAST.

It may look that way on a two-dimensional TV screen. There's an extra dimension though, and both aircraft are on different axes in the three dimensional space. I'd say that there's a real low probability that you could hit it intentionally EVEN IF YOU TRIED. The appearance that it did is mostly an optical illusion.

Did a so-called "squad" member tell POTUS to shut up about DEI?

With that in mind, I embed this video on the Potomac air crash. We wouldn't want to memory hole this, now would we?

After all, the assassination attempt last July seems to have been memory-holed. I haven't heard a word about it. There's no accountability in DC anymore, so it makes sense if they want everybody to shut up.

Maybe we ought not to shut up, then. By the way, Seth Rich's murder hasn't been solved yet has it?

Quick update: Comments (on youtube) refer to this as a garbage video. Should I take it down? I don't know. I don't like to cover up mistakes. I just admit them. If it turns out to be a mistake, then here it is anyway. My point is this: there is an attempt to shut down discussion of this because there are people who don't want to hear about it any more. Also, there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY anymore.

7:23 end---

7:57 AM: Ok, it was a mistake. So, here's another video...

The new administration lost this narrative battle due to unfair coverage by CBS ( in my opinion). See video below...

Why was it unfair? CBS didn't mention the lawsuit involving air traffic controllers, and the fact that there was one controller handling two jobs when the crash occurred. CBS let a comment be aired about admin's comments about DEI being "shameful", when DEI is part of the lawsuit. The matter has yet to be adjudicated. Should admin's DEI comments have been mentioned? Why not? And why not have CBS mention the lawsuit? It is fair to mention DEI, but the admin should have mentioned the lawsuit too. CBS trying to score political points for the Dems is why a lot of people hate the media these days. CBS could have mentioned the lawsuit, that's the point. Bias is towards Dems. Admin needs to manage the news better.

9:29 AM:

Looks like FAA is 3000 air traffic controllers short. Here's a link about the lawsuit alleging reverse discrimination because Obama changed the rules.

Ooops! That was CBC not CBS. My bad. Well, that is "Canadia" for ya.

The nonesuch address

Blah, blah, blah

I got off to a good start, or thought I did. Now I've got to put up something, but what? It's called an editiorial decision. But I'm the chief, bottle washer, and cook on this here outfit; and I do it all.

I was wondering: could I set up an organization of people to put material up, and I would just be the editor? Yeah. I suppose I could do that. That is, as long as I had people who would be willing to contribute. I'd have the power to run it or not. On this blog, that is. Anybody could have their own blog.

But I'm not much of an organizer. So it was an idea. It might even be a good idea, but I'm not much for action. This is a bit of a joke, ya know? The joke is that everybody else does the work. I just do the supervision. Ha, ha, ha.


Groundhog Day

Times have changed. Instead of Ned Ryerson, you've got PETA

1993 flick