Saturday, July 20, 2019

Media Lies

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Why do people listen to these liars?  Perhaps the truth isn't in them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Guts and truth will win

If not, then we still have our guns.

Flynn case proves Mueller investigation was cover for taking down Trump

The Man Without A Country --- short story as allegory

The left is at it again.  They are misrepresenting what Trump said when he said that they should go back to their own countries, fix them, and come back and tell us how to do it.

Some folks in his audience started chanting "send them back" or something to that effect, and now it is as if Trump said it himself.

Let's be clear about this:  you cannot deport people who are legally here.  But our government has failed to enforce its own immigration laws for decades now.  A very large population has grown up in this country who have learned to be scornful of their own adopted country.  The Trump crowd being a crowd, which is sometimes a fearful thing, did a wrong thing in response to this.  But the sentiment is understandable.  The crowd is sick and tired of all of this disloyalty to their country.

A citizen by birth or naturalization is expected to be loyal.  If not, then why have the word "treason" in our very Constitution?  Treason is defined in the same, but it is very rarely enforced in the US.  It seems that in this country, disloyalty has become almost encouraged by some elements.  Such a condition, should it become large enough, could endanger the security of the entire nation.

So, I segue into the story mentioned in the title.  That story was written during the Civil War, and its intent was to rally support for Union.

It seems to me that this President is trying his best to keep this country together.  His opponent are trying to tear it apart because they do not appear to approve of it.  Step back and remember this story then.  We all should remember what it would be like if we lost this country.   Perhaps those shouting the loudest should step back, read this short story, and try to imagine losing their country.

We should remember what this was really about.  It is about loyalty to country.  It is about having a country after all.

These Congressional Representatives have not even been loyal to their own Party.  They have said indefensible things.  Of course they would like it to be about Trump so as to deflect from their own problems.

This country has a choice between the forces that are destroying it, and the forces that are attempting to keep it together.  Hopefully, we all make the right choice next year.  It would not be good to lose our country.

Is Corporate America Selling Out Our Country?

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It's predicted in the Communist Manifesto.

More hacks

Thursday, July 18, 2019

42 hacks


Some of these look good.

"Dozens of felonies ": are ignored, but fraudulent Mueller investigation makes the headlines

Left-wing cynicism and the accompanying fear-mongering of the left, is a loser for America


The advice for Trump is to say "damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!"

The evil amongst us


Some of what I have seen looks just like this...

Democrat dead-enders


Plain and simple name-calling.  It's all the Democrats have left.  If they have anything useful to say, then let them say that.  But no, this is all they have.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

SHTF Time?

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It has been  said  that ---"Nobody went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."  Yes, somebody's luck could be running out.

As long as it's the right ones.

Paul Krugman Takes Aim

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... and misses.   He's the clown prince of liberal buffoonery.

Finnish Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Climate Change is a SCAM

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Of course it is

Will Democrats say Mexicans are racist now?


Just remember this:  This is all they got.

FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier


Steele's dossier is not enough.  There needs to be a stake through the heart of the entire enterprise.  For it is a total and complete fraud.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump nails 'em again


You gotta read through this thread.  A dude falls right into an ignoramus trap.  The tactic they are using on Trump won't work, except for those who are blind to their own virtue-signaling.

This won't impress the people the lefties want to impress.

Integrity is not just a word

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Kamala Harris is on a shake-down cruise,  but she's already sunk.

Identity politics hits dead end

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"If you support Trump, you are a racist."  That is the sum total of their opposition.  The Dems and their supporters have nothing else.

Oh, they might add that Trump supporters are Nazis, too.

It is empty and meaningless.

No one should should fear their name calling, either.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cruisin' for a brusin'

Did AOC's chief of staff really mean to spill the beans?

This reads like a sure path for victory for the Donald.  Democrats are depending upon the identity politics thing, but the ones who hate PC more than anybody are the minorities.