Saturday, March 16, 2024

Chaos in Haiti may result in avalanche of illegals hitting Florida

14 pt lead in Florida

Terrorists accuse others of hating them

Well, boo-freakin'-hoo. Get me a freakin' violin and I'll play a sad, sad song.

Nirvana Come As You Are

My apartment flooded out one evening, and as I waited for the apartment manager to set me up with another place to stay while it was being repaired, this song was playing in the lounge. Funny how this video captures a lot of scenes with water flowing around. Quite the "coinky-dink". In those days, I swear, I didn't have a gun. Anudder coinky-dink.

I'm goofing around with songs about now. That's how I came upon this "memoria". Funny how the mind works. Or doesn't.

McAfee called it an "odor of mendacity"

"Ooo, ooo, that smell."

Pence breaks promise to endorse the eventual GOP nomination, as did Haley

What purpose did his candidacy serve, and what purpose does his non-endorsement serve?

This isn't even news, but what IS news is that it is reported as news. Why? To continue to feed divisions?

Friday, March 15, 2024

Slipping into darkness

6:51 PM, 3/15/24:

The kind of people that the Democrats need to get themselves elected... Tsk, tsk

end daily update, the earlier post is directly below:

An old story.

Politico: "Bloodbath at RNC"


More info about the recent changes at the RNC.

end update of 3/13/24 post, the original post is directly below

Going to be neutral on this development. Why? The results aren't in as to the significance of the firings. If the GOP becomes more attentive to the public,and in particular the base of the GOP, then it could be a good thing. Otherwise, who knows?

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Scientia Plus: Starship lost

7:48 PM CDT

Here's another video by Scott Manley, who breaks it down a bit further. Not too much to add, except for the attitude of the Starship was not maintained. Something may have failed as it was coming down through the atmosphere. Even if the tiles held up well, it wasn't going to stay together coming down like that.

end update, the original post follows:

Debris comes off the Starship at the part of the video where it is started in the replay. I saw that in real time, and it was no surprise when the ship broke up. Upon replay, it isn't entirely conclusive that it is the heat tiles, but what else could it have been? The ship may have broken up when it hit the dense part of the atmosphere as it came in for the splashdown.

As for the booster, it seemed to be coming down pretty hot. The engines lit up, but it didn't seem to be enough of them, or they were lit up too late, and the vehicle appears to have hit the water at high speed. Maybe close to supersonic speed. There was a picture right up to the end. If there was anything else significant, I couldn't tell at this point. Note: it was about 6 and 7 minutes into the video, so by the time the above was cuing up, the booster had already crashed.

Jihad and the consequences

Biden made a protected class of this.

Lots of ignorant people in the world

Just watched the Starship launch, and saw some ignorant comments about Musk's "failure". There's a lot of talk about "Democracy" and "equality", but there's a downside to that. The downside is that ignorant people also get a say about how things are to proceed. Unfortunately, a good portion of the population are ignorant dumbasses, and it shows in their comments. Anyway, congrats to Spacex for their achievements, and a downward pointing thumb for the critics. That is all.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Looming Dystopia

There seems to be a lot of this sentiment out there. Doesn't matter which side of the aisle you favor. There is this persistent feeling that things are just not right, and are heading in the wrong direction.

Reviews of the SOTU speechification


No bump in the polls for Corn Poop.

the last update of 3/11/24 follows below:


Corn Popped apologizes for using the term "illegal" in reference to illegal aliens. Progressives Commies complained rather loudly, so he had to do something. Cannot afford to rile up his benefactors in Red China.

The commies are all for "rule of law", doncha know? But wait, the term "illegal alien" is in the US Code. How do they explain this?

The most recent update of 3/10/24 follows directly below:


Obviously, I didn't watch the speech. I've watched excerpts of it. There seems to be a consensus that he yelled a lot. Also, that it was partisan.

There's not much good that can come from an Administration that takes the side of terrorists, and makes terrorists a protected class, as he is doing with regard to the terrorist attack in Israel last October.

The issue of his age is a false issue. Of course he is too old, but that's not his biggest problem. His biggest problem is that he is a very bad man, and a very bad president. No speech is going to turn that around.

end update, the last update of 3/9/24 starts below:

3/9/24: NOTICE

The word "speechification" is no typo. The word comes from a heestwa book from Texas in the Republic of Texas days. Speeches were called "stump speechification". Maybe they talked funny in those days. Not to worry, they talk funny these days too.

end update, the original post of 3/8/24 follows directly below:


There's a cartoon there that portrays Biden as Grandpa Simpson of the TV cartoon yelling at the public.

The Hill

Comment: It was a partisan speech, no doubt. The Democrats have a problem. The more he sounds like he can do the job, the harder it will be to justfy replacing him. On the other hand, he doesn't have that good of a record to run on. So they are worried, and rightly so.

Democrats "seething" at Hur testimony

Hur says he did not exonerate Joe Biden.

Julie Kelly: An effort to influence SCOTUS to rule in their favor regarding Trump's legal cases

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Democrats divided on Hamas-Israeli conflict

Several points to make on this one. The Dems like to use the word "Progressive" in reference to their left wing. But "progressive" is just another word for communist.

Secondly, the tweet embedded below is in reference to a Ground News "blindspot". Evidently, there are those in the GOP media that don't think this is newsworthy, thus the non-coverage of this story on "right wing" news sites according to Ground News.

Thirdly, the Administration has decided to make terrorists and terrorist sympathizers a protected class. Just seems to me to be a good topic to go after the Democrats on, because the attack on Israel was an act of terrorism, the Israeli cause is just, and the Hamas sympathizers want the right to kill people according to the Jihadist principle of killing non-believers.

An important point must be defended, yet the Democrats are decidedly divided on it. The GOP is quiet on that, which is a mistake.

Equal rights means some people are more equal than others


Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes. Guess what that means.

The general idea---ssshhh!

end of update of the last post dated 1/19/23:

Update from orginal post of 6/5/13:

Today's Bongino show is an illustration of the politics of shut up. The left can't win on the merits of their policies, so they institutionalize shut-uppery. Bongino describes how they are doing it. It's a five part program, Bongino says. That all reminded me of this post of almost 10 years ago. The more things change, the more they stay the same. ( The relevant part of Bongino's show is a segment before the 30 minute mark.)

The original posts and subsequent updates follow directly below:

A couple of posts on Instapundit reminds me of what Andrew Klavan once said about the left.  Their argument is "shut up".  Even this IRS scandal is a part of making the opposition "shut up" or else.  Benghazi was a form of "shut up" too.  You can't say anything bad about the Muslims even if they kill you.  Just shut up.

Shut up doesn't apply to Democrats, as Hillary once screamed at us.  They won't shut up. ever.

Here's the video again.

Monday, March 11, 2024

What to do about Biden?

Daily update:

the most recent daily update on 3/11/24 is directly below:


Chucklehead screws up again. Houston, the Democrats have a problem. But that's ok. We can handle it. But can they?

The original post of 2/12/24 follows directly below:

According to Bongino, this Ben Hur attack on Biden ( sans chariots) was no accident. They want the chuckehead out because he is hurting their chances to escape accountability.

But the GOP is in this scam as usual, so the GOP wants chucklehead to disappear. Chucklehead means Biden, not Trump. Not that the GOP wants Trump either. But they may be able to control Trump better than Biden.

Biden may get Epsteined by the Democrats at some point. Or they'll make a deal with the shit wing of the GOP. ( assuming there's anything in the GOP that isn't shit)

We are living in the Gangsta Paradise. It's a dreary future, just as the song is dreary.

The right thing is to impeach Biden and run a Senate trial. Someone in the Democrat party may have to go to Biden and tell him it's time to go. This is a Nixon scenario that may not play out because Biden is not only senile, he is a monster.

The bozos who put this monster in the White House have to be held accountable for doing this to us, but that won't happen. They're incapable of doing the right thing.

Those in the power structure should go quietly, but won't. We'll be lucky if there's anything left when the smoke clears.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

LPPFusion: The Power Of Love


The Power of Love, eh? Jimi Hendrix didn't do this particular version, but Huey Lewis did. Here's a mashup of the song plus some scenes from the 80's film "Back to the Future".

There may be plenty other versions of this song. No time to see them all.

the original post of 3/6/24 follows below:

I would correct this.  The power of profit may incentivize those who can do what it takes to realize one's aims.

If Lerner can achieve this feat, he will do far more than just mouth pretty sermons.

More achievements please.  I'm in already.

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Date: Wed, Mar 6, 2024, 10:59 AM
Subject: LPPFusion: The Power Of Love

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The Power Of Love

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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" - Jimmy Hendrix

It takes conviction, knowledge and love to do what we do. We believe that common basic needs such as housing, healthcare, energy, infrastructure, and education that humans have world wide, will be easily resolved with cheap, safe and clean energy. But currently "the powers that be" are drunk on profits ...

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Busy day today

3/10/24: Update:

Another busy day. The posting has been lite due to the stuff needing to be done.

Still more to do. So much to do, so little time.

end update of last post of 3/8/24:


This post is being created with the new broadband install I got done TODAY. Yay for that, by golly by gosh. That old way was getting a bit tiresome. Hopefully this will work pretty good. Looks good so far.

end update of 2/9/24 post:

Me too.

You are the product, since YOU are being sold


Did the deed, and now on shakedown cruise of it.

end update of the post of 3/9/24:

What to do? I am considering this.

LabPadre Space: Starship Is Launching This Week! - SpaceX Weekly #105

Detailed summary of the past week's preparations for the upcoming launch, which is expected near or about March 14th.