Wednesday, January 11, 2023

People seem to be dropping like flies

Australia COVID news---shocking

The link says that they are all vaxxed, and they are dying. Some "vaccine", eh? None of the unvaxxed are dying, it says.

Also, it's on Twitter. If Elon Musk didn't buy it, the news would be banned. This OUGHT to give a lot of people some serious concern, but who knows?

So, if the Twitter story is true, then there are some folks that need to answer for this.


There's more here with regard to COVID, and on the Ivermectin treatment that was also censored.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

New refrigeration idea isn't really new

New refrigeration idea

This is similar to the hype for fusion breakthrough recently in one respect. The idea that you can repeal the laws of thermodynamics may be implied in this article. The article references a new idea in refrigeration, which supposedly is superior to the ones being employed now.

The new process involves the use of ions to cause a phase change from a solid to a liquid. This is said to cause a drop in temperatures, which is what is desired. This process is said to be useful in refrigeration and possibly climate control.

There is nothing really new here. The process currently being employed also involves phase changes. The difference is that the new one goes from solid to liquid, and presumably back to solid in a looping process; but that really wasn't discussed enough in the article. The article only mentioned the phase change from solid to liquid, but not back to a solid again. This may not be an easy process, nor economical...

We are supposed to like this because it does away with a "greehouse gas". However, if it proves not to be superior in any respect, what are we to do when these zealots demand that we switch to this new process?

Since it involves the same type of processes ( phase changes) as the current systems, what is the advantage besides getting rid of "greenhouse gases"? What if there isn't any greenhouse effect? ( Like I have been saying, AGW is a fake.) Are we all supposed to drop everything that works okay for a new gizmo that isn't even proven to work?

If it is more energy efficient, that might be useful. However, the article really doesn't discuss that. It has to be demonstrated that it is more energy efficient, unless the claim that the laws of thermodynamics no longer apply. The laws of thermodynamics were thought up by dead white guys anyway. /sarc

It is also a bit sobering that a "conservative" type blog reported this. Once again, we are helping the left win the war of ideas. The premise is that there is a problem with current systems because of AGW. Why accept that premise?

If it can be shown that it is safe, effective, and reliable; the device could gain a foothold in the marketplace on its own. That would be true particularly if it is also cheaper. But I wouldn't count on that.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Right v Left is a phony model

So there was something on the Bongino show that caught my attention, but on the other hand, it's probably no big deal. That's because there's just too many people who won't take the next step.

Bongino said that the GOP needs to stop using the lefties language. Well, that's all been said before. Limbaugh said it. The GOP adopts all their premises, and then goes out and repeats it. So Bongino is now saying it too.

So have I said it on this here blog. There's something that they just keep right on doing, EVEN after saying that we shouldn't adopt their premises. One of these premises is that the choice is between right and left. (As Ronald Reagan said in "The Speech") As I've mentioned over and over again, this is adopting one of the commies favorite "gaslighting" tricks.

If you don't agree with them, they'll call you a fascist. That's the trap you're walking into every time you refer to yourself as being on the "right". The terminology favors the left of course. That's why they use it, for crying out loud. If they use the terminology, it is for a reason. The reason is to accuse you of being "extreme". If you are "extreme" and on the "right" ( using their terminology and their premises), you've just called yourself a fascist.

It gives the squishes an "out". They don't want to be "extreme", because they don't want to be called "fascist". But it is awfully helpful to the left to have their "opposition" hamstringing themselves right out the gate. Funny thing, it almost looks like it is intentional. It gives the squishes cover for not actually opposing the left. By the way, if the left calls themselves on the left, then calling them "left" is fair game. Likewise, if you call yourself "right", it is also fair game to call you on the "right". It is, after all, your own choice of models you use in your political analysis. You can't complain when you put six bullets in the political gun and point it at your own head. The commies will get you to pull the trigger every time.

If you want a real opposition to one party rule, then you cannot use their premises and terminology. But so many do.

It is frustrating. But when Bongino, who uses the terminology that I'm referring to, (as being on the "right"), it is especially frustrating to being so close to having an influential member be SO CLOSE to getting over the gaslighting tricks the pinkos love to use.

But there it is. The GOP does it over and over again, and the left uses the tactic over and over again because it works over and over again. Bongino says nothing will change until the GOP does better, but unless they do this, they will never do any differently than what they've been doing.