Saturday, August 3, 2024

We have a situation here

With respect to attempted Trump assassination, a whistle-blower says that the Secret Service was ordered to stand down.

Note: I haven't watched the video. So, there's that as a caveat.

Friday, August 2, 2024

It's official ( sort of ), Harris is the nominee

Enough of the world salads, there may be some buyer remorse.

If Biden is "gone", where's this train going?

They are going where the "word salads" come from. Another one dished out by the Veep in Chief.

1958 Thunderbird


The last of these embeds, I think. This video has a bit of background about the body style known as the "square bird"--the 1958-60 models, that is. There are very few changes in the styling in those three years of production. The ones that I had were 1959s. I had two of them for awhile. This was right after high school and several year afterwards. So much for this for now.


There seems to be a lot of these type of videos. I checked to see what he did with this T-bird, but there isn't a follow up video. It doesn't appear to be that old of a video, so that may explain it.


Put in the 8 track tape, and cruise on down the highway in my 59 T-bird. Been there, done that. But I'm not John Milner in the movie. Oh, no. Not hardly. But me and a friend of mine did race down the service road on the Katy Freeway back in the day. Now that was crazy.


This one brings back some memories...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Unfortunately, the "unvaccinated" are in the minority. The majority may have to suffer through the after effects.

Will the majority ever demand justice for what was done to us all?

A quid pro quo to get Biden to quit race?


Not getting any better for Dems.

Sen. Tester isn't "moderate", it seems


Is this election going to be close? There's no way the Dems can be competitive. But I was wondering what kept Biden afloat for so long, so who knows?

I Love You More Today Than Yesterday (Lyrics) - Spiral Staircase


Just one question I'd like to ax you. Can you see anybody producing a song like this today? Songs like this were common back in the past. Sigh.

6/22/14: Pure psychology folks.  It's troubling times, but no need to go around with a sad face.  I am going to enjoy myself.  Screw all this crap that's going on!

Collyfornia Valley Girl, like wow man.

How we all feel in the moment, she says... At the moment I am watching this, I am absolutely gobsmacked at the idiocy of this answer. Maybe in the next moment, I will realign with the universe and feel like a unicorn and take a giant dump. What the f**k?

Seriously, I am really worried about her winning. We are so screwed... Not.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

If the economy is so good, then why do they need to jail him or assassinate him?

Of course, the economy isn't that good. Plus the jobs are going to illegals.

6,000 lbs of food on 1/10th acre - Urban Farm - Urban Homestead - Growing Your Own Food ( reposted from 11/9/13 )



This is the kind of thing the government should be encouraging.  Not foodstamps!!!!

The repost follows directly below....

How about that for some "creative destruction"?  By the way, there are lots of videos like this on YouTube.


The man's name is Jules Durvaes.


Note: the video below has become (obsolete?!?), and is no longer available. but the link above ( not in bold, is still good!)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

A way to reclaim your privacy without breaking your piggy bank


I recently purchased a phone with CaylxOS on it. It was more than I wanted to spend, and it is turning out to be a major league job to make the transition. But I WILL make it.

I didn't follow the directions below. If I had, I'd have been in deeper doo-doo than what I am in right now. This is actually the easier way. Or so I thought. I'm sure it is. Anyway, I've got plenty of time since I am retired.


David Bombal has a video out that shows you how to install CaylxOS on a Pixel phone. He has a link to a pdf file with detailed instructions. Plus you can watch the video below to see him do it.

I did a bit more checking after watching the video. You can get a Pixel phone ( refurb ) for a bit over 160 bucks.

If you get the voip pkg from Braxman, you can provision the phone to run on a network ( like at home, but not on the road) for $5.00 a month. After a year on this service, you pay $60 for the voip phone, plus $160 for the phone itself. Not a bad deal.

You'll have more privacy. Following Braxman's advice, you can get different phones for different tasks. For example, for the road, you can get another phone. Maybe even a google phone, but keep it in a bag. (it's what I do) Sure, it's not as convenient, but at least you don't have big tech looking over your shoulder at every move. For the record, I don't have this set up, but I'm considering it.

Idiocracy: "President of America", Camacho speaks!

"Shit's bad"...

Chuckles, the clown car


Kamala Harris can't answer policy questions

Honorary sex worker


Chuckles jokes about killing Trump, Pence, et. al.

If she wants respect, then stop clowning around. She should run as who she is, not some pretend "moderate" or "centrist". No one should believe the clown car routine.

11:21 AM More chuckles, she was last person in the room when Brandon was about to bug out of Afghanistan

8:43 PM

Zero hedge

Changes her mind on fracking

Assassination risk? Not sure I'd buy into that. More government sponsored propaganda to offset Dan Bongino's criticisms.

11:18 PM

The Dan Bongino Show Episode 2296

The latest from Dan Bongino on the assassination attempt on former POTUS Trump.

Normally, I would watch an entire video before posting, but I only got through about a third of this one. It doesn't really need vetting.

There's a sense out there that there's an attempt to make this story go away. But that isn't succeeding. If anything, this story is getting more and more persistent is staying out there.

Matt Lowne's Space Update for 7/29/24

Elon Musk says "two weeks" till launch. Hmm. Where have I heard this before???

An oldie but goodie

I remember this song when it came out. It was a different time and different country. No question about it.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

"1984 is here"

Mark Farner -- Street Fight (1977)

It's a street fight ya'll.

Bloodbath is a blood libel

How did I find this "bloodbath" blood libel of the Democraps? It was a link to Rumble with respect to a different matter---Kamala Harris. If I depended upon the media, I'd never learn about this that I am about to relate.

I don't go to Trump's rallies. I don't watch Trump on TV. I get my news elsewhere. So I knew all the "bloodbath" garbage was more of the same crap the Democraps spew forth on a regular basis. An honest person would at least check up on some of their accusations, don't you think? Incidentally, Ground News doesn't help you do this kind of analysis. It is too shallow.

Anyway, the "bloodbath" thing morphed into "Trump's going to start a bloodbath". Plus the other usual garbage that comes from the political left, such as "Trump's going to end our democracy".

This is going to be a street fight every day, and you'd better be prepared for it. For anybody else, try to get around more with respect to your information sources. Listening to Democraps will definitely make you quite stupid.

It's a blood libel because it's directed against an identity ( traditionally Jewish, but can generalize to anybody who is out of favor) with hatred in mind, and an intention to do great harm. This is what happened in America on 9-11, and what is continually happening with Israel. Guess who is behind this now?

Put the fox in the chicken coop, why don't ya?

Nothing arouses suspicion more than these types of moves. Instead of doing things to gain confidence, the Democrats make themselves look guilty. Thompson is the last person that should be considered for this committee. It is almost if the Democrats want as much controversy as they could generate. Bingo.

See how that works? Why would the Democrats want to do this unless they are guilty of something?

A better choice would be ??? Not sure. But certainly not Thompson.