Saturday, October 10, 2020

Trump on Limbaugh


The transcript is on Rush's page. You can also get it off of CTH, which is where I got it.

After reading it, it seems that POTUS has useful things the say. This is contrast to the left and their media accomplices, who have nothing useful to say. Yet you have to respond to their continual negativity because too many people listen to them.

After a bit of thought, the song "Straighten Up and Fly Right"* came to mind. The media and the left need to do that. Hopefully, the public will dismiss them rather decidedly on election day, and maybe they will learn their lesson and take this song to heart.

If they did, we'd all be a lot better off. There's nothing wrong with being better off. It is far better than the alternative.


Friday, October 9, 2020

The Russian collusion scandal was a hoax, declassified documents show

 Hmm.  I thought we knew this already.  Sure.  WE know.  But who else?

My guess is that there are too many people who are willing to let someone else do their thinking for them, and will believe whatever they've been told.  If the media says so, it must be gospel truth.  Even though the media is allergic to the truth and has been for as long as I can remember.

Even the late Ben Bradlee said as much.  They are about causes, not truth, he said.

It is a bit galling to have these people claim that they were for the rule of law.  But now they are calling for it to be abolished.  Let anarchy rein, they seem to be saying.

So now it is official FACT.  They concocted a phony scandal in order to get Trump.  It is a declassified document.  That is, if you are interested in the truth.

Are you better off than 4 years ago?


There was a post on the Don Surber blog about that question that Reagan asked in 1980. It was credited at least partly for his victory in that election. Four years later, people must have felt better off, because they returned Reagan to the White House in an historic landslide.

The interesting part of that post wasn't that, however. It was that the same question was put forth to the public in a poll, and the answer was that well over 50 % of the public felt better off in July, in the middle of the so-called pandemic, than they did four years ago. Yet Trump is supposed to be losing. How can this be?

The curious thing about that poll is that so many people felt better off when they were supposed to be super fearful of this virus. Very odd it seems to me.

The other curious thing is that the same poll was conducted during Obama's reelection in 2012. Trump's numbers are better than Obama's were. But Trump is supposed to be behind. Obama won fairly easily.

Why would they return Obama to the White House, but not Trump? That is very strange.

Perhaps this question doesn't matter any more? Or would people rather suffer than to be happy? But that doesn't answer the question as to why Trump won in the first place. If the reason Obama was returned was because of race, then Hillary did that too. It didn't work for her, why should it work for Biden?

Somewhere there was this assertion that Biden is more likable than Hillary. But is that so? What is so likable about Joe Biden?

Female Secret Service agents complain about his swimming in the nude. I noted his strange mannerisms during the debates in 2012. The guy is a creep.

Then there are all of the false accusations being made against Trump. There are always going to be these, but the ones against Trump are especially aggressive. After all, the man was impeached. He was impeached over the thinnest of pretexts in a kangaroo court process that resembled a Star Chamber. Perhaps people have forgotten that already since it was flushed down the memory hole.

It isn't just Trump who is being unfairly accused. There's General Flynn. There's that couple defending themselves LEGALLY against the mob, but who are now charged with a crime. Meanwhile, the authorities won't crack down on the riots. What is a person supposed to do? Let themselves become another Reginald Denny, who was beaten near the point of death for merely being the wrong color person in the wrong place at the wrong time during the Rodney King riots in 1992? Are people not allowed to defend themselves anymore?

The world is turned upside down. The guilty are rewarded. The innocent are punished.

If people feel that they are better off today, then how does N.Y. Gov. Cuomo get to be a hero when he put infected people in with the elderly people in a nursing home during this so-called pandemic? It is an example of the maladmistration of Democrats, who have made shutdowns their rallying cry, and to which Hanoi Jane Fonda said that the virus was God's Gift to Democrats. How does bad judgment become a reason to call someone a hero? Is Hanoi Jane now a hero? To some she is. But Cuomo knows he's wrong. He gave those nursing homes immunity. Why would he do that if the did the right thing?

Perhaps something has snapped in the American mind. Perhaps people have become so twisted with this debauched culture that they feel they must be punished and must be killed off in order to expiate their guilt. But they sure don't want to die themselves. Otherwise, why wear the masks? But maybe they know down deep that the masks are useless. The Democrats know this too, because of all their carping criticism, they let the cat out of the bag with the Secret Service business. If they were wearing masks and Trump was wearing a mask, then what danger were they in? Could it be that the masks don't work?

During Soviet Union times, the Russians had a saying. It was this: "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us." Are we now like those Russians who played pretend games? Do we pretend to believe things that are not so, and pretend not to believe things that are?

If people voted the same way as they did in 1984, Trump should win. Why do the polls show otherwise? Are the polls right? Have people decided that it is more important to be WORSE OFF than before? Are people incapable of being rational anymore? You are better off than before Trump, but that is insufficent reason to return him for four more years? You are racist even if you didn't hurt anybody ever?

What could explain such a twisted development of a Biden victory? He doesn't draw big crowds. People are enthused for Trump, but where's the enthusiasm for Biden? It just doesn't add up to a Biden victory. But according to these polls, there it is.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Tesla makes "crate motor" for small block Chev V8

 Looks like Tesla is finding a new market for gasoline powered cars to be converted to electric.

Imagine dropping in an electric engine in place of a gasoline powered one.  ( You still need batteries, but Tesla makes those too.)

One of these days, they may figure out how to convert the whole darned fleet of gas powered engines.  Not that that would actually achieve anything.  You still need to power the things.  That part hasn't really been figured out yet.

Still it is kinda cool, if that is your thing.

click on pic for source

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Risk v. Reward


There is a lot of criticism from the left, and a bit of worry from yours truly with respect to Trump's early release from Walter Reed. However, upon further review, I am onboard fully with the President's decision.

It's a risk-reward decision. Trump acknowledged that he was taking a risk, but how big of one? If you were to quantify this thing, it might put it all in perspective a bit more. I think the risk is pretty small. If it were a significant risk, then it might be different.

Risks are necessary sometimes. When you get on an airplane, there is a risk of a crash. If the plane crashes, your chances of survival are not good. But many people have taken that risk because the rewards of plane travel greatly compensate the small risk that you are taking when flying on one.

This pattern is repeated all the time. All of the time you have to make decisisons about risks and weigh them off against the rewards. It is a part of life. It has been a part of life since forever. Even in the animal kingdom, there are risks. In order to get something desired, even an animal will take a risk of being eaten in order to satisfy a need. Risks cannot be avoided.

Of course we are not animals. We can weigh risks and determine if they are acceptable. This is something every individual can make, and nobody else can make it for you. In the POTUS' case, it was his own well-being he was willing to risk. The benefit is to be free from the hospital. Who likes being in a hospital for any stretch of time?

There is also the risk of doing nothing. These are often hidden in your analysis. If the POTUS' stayed in the hospital, what was his risk of getting sick of something else? This is not a zero risk decision either. If there was zero risk, decisions wouldn't be necessary.

Unless the critics can show he took an unacceptable risk in coming out soon, then I am all for his early release. It is his risk to take, after all.

Historically, risk taking has gone bad. Consider the case of John F. Kennedy in Dallas Texas on the day of the assassination. Kennedy could have foregone a trip in an open limousine, but he wanted to be seen. As President, he must be seen. He took another risk and not having a Secret Service agent close by. He felt that it obstructed his view of the crowd and their view of him. If an agent were closer to him when the first shot hit him, an agent MIGHT have been able to cover him up with his own body and save his life. That risk cost Kennedy his own life. But it was his choice. He wanted to see the crowd, and he wanted the crowd to see him.

Kennedy could not have known about Oswald at that point anyway. Sometimes unknown factors can skew your analysis and the risks could have been seen as too great at the time. Kennedy remarked that an assassin could get in a high place and take a shot at him and nobody could stop it. But he must have felt that the risk was pretty small and he took the risk and the rest is history.

The point is that risks exist and cannot be avoided. We cannot create a risk free life.

You pays your money and you takes your chances. That's life. A life inside a shelter all the time is not much of a life.

I'm with the POTUS.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Off-grid post, 10.6.20


This post is about power. For my purposes out on the desert, a solar power system is contemplated. However, some doubts have appeared on the scene, as it looks like my current little system is dead. Not sick, but D.E.A.D dead.

Replacement parts are not that much, and this little system doesn't do much. But what it does is needed. There are alternatives, but not good ones.

So I need to buy a replacement for it when it is a little over 5 years old, but was expected to last longer than that. This is the source of doubt. If a system doesn't last, then what?

The downside to solar is the high upfront costs. You are expected to recoup your initial investment with free energy over a long period of time. Evidently, this is not the case.

If this is an anomaly, and solar really does last a lot longer than this, it can be justified. Otherwise, what are the alternatives?

Solar has no moving parts. A generator does. If a generator is used instead, how long does it last? Something tells me that it won't last that long either. In five years or less, it will also need to be replaced. A generator will produce more power though, for the amount of upfront costs. You will need to spend money on the fuel, however.

They both will need batteries. Seriously, you cannot run a generator continually. The fuel bill will be ruinous.

That means a battery system for either alternative. The solar absolutely needs one. The generator may not, but it may be desirable to add a charger to the mix, and let the generator run the charger which charges the batteries. When it is off it saves fuel.

I have a 2 cycle generator already. Yet I have never used it. It will require gasoline and an additive to the gas since it doesn't use oil for lubrication.

This little generator will only output a tiny amount to charge a battery. About the same as the solar panel I've got.

Actually for my own purposes, the generator may be attempted. Meanwhile, I can check out if there's any way to repair a solar panel.

A thought here: There was this off-grid reality show based on the lives of people living in the Arctic. I think it was called "Life Below Zero". In comparison to their problems, mine seems rather trivial. But I'm not yet out in the desert. This little generator can't handle what I will need out there. But neither would the solar panel.

It's a simulation. It's like training wheels for a tyke learning to ride a bike. No reason to get cocky. I've got a long way to go yet.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Information: Reliable or not?

 It has gotten to the point where I just don't trust what I read anymore.  That could include people on the side that I consider myself on.  ( whatever that is )

Yes, you have to choose sides.  Somebody is more right than the other.  But who, exactly?

You hear how the media is going nuts over the early release of Trump.  If it turns out that he is really okay, then he comes out looking good politically.  But if he gets sick enough to have to go back, that won't look good.  This close to the election, it just won't look good.

There's a lot being said if you check around, but you don't know what is accurate and what is not.  If Trump has to go back, it is going to make those defending him look bad too.

Look, I don't know.  The first things I heard was that he was asymptomatic.  Then I hear that he had a fever and low oxygen.  After that, the fever thing went away.  Okay, that sounds good.  But is it justified to release him this soon?  Having a fever is not asymptomatic.  First we were told that the visit to the hospital was out of an abundance of caution.  But if he had a fever and a positive test, well if isn't just an abundance of caution.  We need to maintain some reliability in the messaging, please.  If he really is okay, then everything is fine.. but if not, it won't be good.

I just don't know enough to make a judgment from a distance.  But he'd better get this right if it wants to win this election.  If he is wrong, it won't be good.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Techno-metal post

Here's something I saw in an ad. It may be an alternative to digging out my own posts. These are drilled into the ground and the structure is built on top of it.

Lots of noise, but no real news


Seems like a familiar story. A search for news reveals none, but plenty of opinions and clickbait.

I'd like to know how the President is doing. There should be frequent updates, and I guess they'd say there are, but if there are, there's little news being put out.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. As of this writing, which is a little after 6 am central time, Oct. 4, I don't see any time stamped news item relating to the President's health that's within 8 hours of this time. These include my usual sources. C'mon man!

It might be early Sunday morning, but that doesn't stop the 24 hour 7 day a week news cycle. There's stuff being put out there, but too few hard facts. I spent an hour on this, that's all I am going to spend.