Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Chain reaction crash on bridge in Louisiana


Reminds me of the time when I got stuck behind a wreck on IH10 a bit east of LaFayette. No place to go. You just have to wait till things get sorted out. Must've been stuck there for a couple hours. After getting free to move, I had another problem just outside Baton Rouge. It took me forever to get that delivery down.





Monday, December 16, 2024

A revelation late in coming


Just a brief thought here.


It has frequently occurred to me that the political left is constantly lying to all of us. But now it has occurred to me that those on the Republican side ( or almost all of them ) are just as bad.


This may be an admission of naivete for all I know. But I DID believe these people. Now I am having a great deal of trouble believing ANY of the yayhoos.


What set me off is these people who keep using the leftist terminology that refers to themselves as being "on the right". No honest person should be doing this.


If someone wants to say "how dare you", then I'll ask if the letters G-F-Y mean anything to you.


Nobody should be using leftist ideology. Especially now. Let the left have their own bullshit ideology. But no. "We" got ours doing "their" schtick for them. Well, count me out. There's no more of this "we" shit from me from now on.




Have to call BS on this one

Murkowski has been captured by the far left, but insists that she's a Reagan conservative. She is either lying or she is Delusional.

Reagan was strongly anti-communist. He would never have joined them.

What principle is she defending? What principle is she advocating for? I don't see Reagan crumbling in the face of Democrat opposition. That a Bushie type habit.  If Reagan acted this way, the Soviets would have won the Cold War.

Murkowski and her ilk, are losing the Peace that Reagan won.

The answer to the question is: "communism"



Hegseth is said to want meritocracy to return to the military. In the Soviet Union, and in all communist ordered societies, meritocracy takes a back seat to the party line.


Like the comedian "Yakov Smirnoff" once quipped, "In America, everyone looks for a party. In Soviet Union, party looks for YOU."


There can be no meritocracy in Sovetized America, comrades.






Sunday, December 15, 2024

Black fungus extremophile may aid in space colonization

Studied on the ISS

There may be a fungus in the future of space travel. It uses the radiation to convert it into chemical energy to sustain life. High radiation is a potential hazard for space travelers, so anything that is helpful in alleviating this hazard would be a significant development.

More of this please....


It doesn't look like much of an apology. I get the impression that it isn't sincere, either. They're not sorry.


It is therapeutic to admit error. This could be part of a national reconciliation, but Insty has another point to make. Forced apologies are insincere, I would think.  The political left owes us ALL an apology.  But I won't hold my breath.