Saturday, March 18, 2023


Update: NY District Attorney wants to arrest Trump

The lemmings are going over the ledge now. The insanity has gone into terminal mode.

The only corrective over the most recent past is an election, and the hope that the people will come to their senses. Well, the latter is iffy, and the former is being eliminated. There probably won't be an election in 2024, and if there is, it won't be any cleaner than the last one. If anything, it will be worse.

Trump will be arrested for political purposes and motivations. There is no issue here worth going after the former head of state. Paying off a porn star who was extorting him?

These people are nuts. They're driving the entire country off the cliff. There won't be any coming back from this.

Jan 15, 2021 They are insane

Byron York has an article out about the coming Senate trial to ban Trump from holding office again.

How can there be any doubt that these people are criminally insane? They stole the election, prevented the challenge process with a false-flag op, and now they want to leverage it into a ban upon Trump ever running again.

York says that Dems are going to claim that all they need for the ban against Trump is a majority. The trial is moot, so how can there be a vote on a ban?

They are insane.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Economic Leverage and the Wuhan-Virus Crisis

Seems appropriate today considering the news:

Re-posted from original:

Originally posted. April 2020:

The enormous amount of economic leverage, and the unwise dependence upon it made the current crisis inevitable.

Is it deliberate then? After all, these people have to know the power they are wielding, and how it can be used to attain more, or to deny it from those who wish to reform it.

If it isn't deliberate, then it is incompetence to an extreme. In any case, those who are attempting to LEVERAGE this health situation for political gain have some explaining to do.

I have a number of posts on the subject of economic leverage. Perhaps a reading of these could be worthwhile. 1) How much leverage? 2) Thoughts on Monetary Policy 3) My history with trading leverage 4) Is an economic collapse inevitable?

I regret not being better prepared for this "crisis". I am convinced I had the right idea, though.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Checking in, 3-15-23

The well is a bit dry, so pardon the rambling on that may occur on this post. There was a video on the Youtube, which had Billy Joel being asked why he hadn't done anything new in recent years. He answered with something along the line that he had said everything that he wanted to say. There have been a helluva lot of posts here. Everything that I could say has already been said at some point. It gets to the point that anything new is really old recycled stuff.

So here's some more recycled thoughts. Perhaps a new way of saying it, but the same old stuff...

Indeed, how is anything really original? There have been those who've said that there hasn't been anything original since the Greeks. Talking about recycling things...

Today's thought is this Matrix thing again. How do they do it? How do they get people to think the way they want us to? I'm referring to the powers-that-be. In this discussion, that is what is the "matrix".

If you were to bring up the indoctrination, people would just shrug it off. Or perhaps rationalize it away. The commies believe that people are given a "false consciousness". Give the commies one thing--they seem to understand the need for narrative control. There was something on the Robert Ringer blog about the dishonesty of politicians. You can say that there is this "false consciousness" running rampant in this culture. Ringer didn't say so, but what if there was a movement towards "truth conciousness"?

But there is a truth consciousness, provided that you follow the program. It is called the scientific method. You can bet that the scientific method is NOT being followed for the most part. People tend to believer what they want to believe.

I've written it recently, and it bears repeating. There IS a way to get as close to the truth as is humanly possible. If you want truth, that is.

The crux of the problem is desire. Do people really want truth? Because there is a way towards it. There is also a way away from it. Our society is not moving towards truth, but away from it.

Men are men, women are women. That's truth. Men having periods and having babies is not truth. You can talk all you want about social programming. But you cannot argue against chromosomes. Two x's make a female. An x and a y make a male. Anything else is less than truth. You can accept truth, or you can fight the truth. If you are fighting the truth, then the problem isn't the truth, it is how you deal with truth.

How do you deal with truth? Acceptance may help. You may not like the truth, but acceptance helps in coping with things you don't like. The alternative is fighting it.

It may well be true that human beings cannot accept truth, and so there will always be a fight. That too may need some acceptance. There may be this wish that all people can be happy all the time, but that's not the way things go, now is it?

I think the gobblely gook warning sensor went off. Enough for one day. There is always more on the horizon.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Some links as food for thought

False flag and Parliamentary shenningans


The above link describes how they needed a disruption on January 6th in order to keep the Supreme Court out of it.

Second link:

Why do the Jewish people vote for these people?


In the second link, Mark Levin discusses the scandal that the media won't cover. It all makes me wonder why the Jewish people vote for the anti-Semitic left.