Another perspective on COVID
There's an article on Zero Hedge, in which a man tells his experience with the virus.
I know some people are won't to criticize others who have their doubts about this condition, so if I were to get it, I may hear things like --"serves you right".
The way I've written about COVID has changed over the months from skepticism combined with some acceptance to what it is about now. Right now, it is mostly hostile towards those who are exploiting it for personal gain.
But for those who have had it, or have someone close to them who have had it, and have suffered from it, I offer my sympathy. There has never been any doubt in my mind that there's nasty bugs out there and that people can get very sick. I don't claim that any folks out there are being insincere about their suffering.
The thing that gets me suspicious is that stuff that appears not to be right. Taking advantage of an unfortunate situation, no matter what it is, is just not right.
There may be those who say that is is fair game. When it comes to politics, I am for accountability, yes sir. But it seems in this country that accountability goes one way. It is frustrating as hell that there is no accountablity for those who have put this country through this and the other things they have for the past four years.
Trump isn't a "denier". Their claims that he didn't handle it right are just partisan sniping. For me, it is the typical bravo sierra that his critics keep throwing at us.
Despite all the constant sniping, I still think he truly won this election, and the theft is just part of the problem we are having in this country, of which the COVID RESPONSE is a large part of.
If you have a problem with that, then sorry. I'm not shutting up just because some people don't like it.
The author of the piece seems to get reactions from people that they don't want to hear his story. I am willing to listen to other perspectives, but that doesn't change my mind with respect to the way that this has been abused by Trump's critics.
Some of this is just "virtue signalling". I'm not so sure of their claimed virtue.