Saturday, December 26, 2020

Covid story


Another perspective on COVID

There's an article on Zero Hedge, in which a man tells his experience with the virus.

I know some people are won't to criticize others who have their doubts about this condition, so if I were to get it, I may hear things like --"serves you right".

The way I've written about COVID has changed over the months from skepticism combined with some acceptance to what it is about now. Right now, it is mostly hostile towards those who are exploiting it for personal gain.

But for those who have had it, or have someone close to them who have had it, and have suffered from it, I offer my sympathy. There has never been any doubt in my mind that there's nasty bugs out there and that people can get very sick. I don't claim that any folks out there are being insincere about their suffering.

The thing that gets me suspicious is that stuff that appears not to be right. Taking advantage of an unfortunate situation, no matter what it is, is just not right.

There may be those who say that is is fair game. When it comes to politics, I am for accountability, yes sir. But it seems in this country that accountability goes one way. It is frustrating as hell that there is no accountablity for those who have put this country through this and the other things they have for the past four years.

Trump isn't a "denier". Their claims that he didn't handle it right are just partisan sniping. For me, it is the typical bravo sierra that his critics keep throwing at us.

Despite all the constant sniping, I still think he truly won this election, and the theft is just part of the problem we are having in this country, of which the COVID RESPONSE is a large part of.

If you have a problem with that, then sorry. I'm not shutting up just because some people don't like it.

The author of the piece seems to get reactions from people that they don't want to hear his story. I am willing to listen to other perspectives, but that doesn't change my mind with respect to the way that this has been abused by Trump's critics.

Some of this is just "virtue signalling". I'm not so sure of their claimed virtue.

Friday, December 25, 2020

US Death Rate Historical

 Some quickie observations:

1) there is no trend upward this year, but a slight trending down over the past several years

2) the trend is UP, but this year is not the cause of that trend, and the trend is not accelerating despite

   the so-called "pandemic"

3) for many years previous to the recent upward trend, the trend was DOWN

Just one more reason to doubt that the hysteria surrounding the so-called pandemic.

Merry Christmas.  ( Hah! Bunhug! )

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Focus Fusion newsletter

LPP Fusion Newsletter


  • Snubbing Out the Current Oscillations
  • Design Complete, Anode is Ordered
  • Last Chance to Invest at $125/Share

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Somebody's lying

 So what's new?  Most of today I've spent watching videos on how to spot liars.  Lies can have grave consequences for us all, but we are ill-equipped with how to cope with the lies.

One thing that you can be sure of--- two contradictory ideas cannot be true at the same time.  Who won?

It cannot be BOTH.  It can only be ONE.  Therefore, somebody has to be lying.  We need to get this right, but can we?

Trained lie-spotters can get the truth 90% of the time, according to this video.  Otherwise, it may only be a 50-50 proposition.   Mostly of the public will be in the latter category as opposed to the former.

That's leaves too much wiggle room for the liars.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Bongino on Rumble


Between the 40 and 48 minute mark ( as a guesstimate, as I am not totally sure-- if you want to look it up, you can do it yourself) Bongino describes the process of objecting to a state's electoral votes in the joint session of Congress on January 6th.

My reasoning is that the Supreme Court has to get involved in any case because of partisanship that will decide the outcome. In other words, the Court will most likely decide who will be the winner whether they like it or not.

Not getting involved doesn't make them blameless. That is because of the default mode of the law will decide it in favor of the original electors. In this manner, the Democrats will choose Biden. No way they choose Trump. Non-involvement is tantamount to choosing Biden themselves.

Getting involved merely gets their opinion in. If they choose to disqualify the electors from the contested states, that doesn't guarantee a Trump victory. The reason is the fact that so many GOP members seem so willing to throw in the towel already.

The likely result is that the Democrats will object to the new electors, and maybe enough never Trumpers will join them in order to send the thing to the House.

If that happens, the same thing could happen all over again and the House can choose Biden anyway.

So why get involved? It removes their cover and shows that the thing will be decided by partisan politics in Congress and the voters will not have a voice. That would be the case anyway if there was sufficient fraud, which I believe to be the case.

The Court is involved in any case. At least they could give the voters a voice by objecting to the fraud.

Read the riot act to the GOP

 If they won't support us, we should not support them ever again.

What would replace them?  A new party.

I've written of this before, for all the good it has done.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Nightmare on Main Street

Wargaming the resistance

This may be as futile as resisting the "Borg", by the way.

Our overlords are about to sweep away what is left of the Constitution. At the same time, they are going to insist that we went willingly. I don't believe that. If the worse happens, which it appears to be the case, this will have been coerced upon the people.

The "wargaming" refers to what I do about it. If you are reading this, then perhaps you can ask yourselves that. I don't have a give and take with the audience here, so I don't know what those of you who read this are thinking this moment.

Perhaps I'm just talking to myself. Whatever.

If this vaccine becomes mandatory, I'm going to resist. I don't know what that will mean just yet, but it could mean the worst. The "worst" means no medical treatment. The next time I go to the doctor, I may get told that it is a requirement for any further medical treatments. If I get told that, I will just leave. That means doing without any meds and follow-ups for my conditions. This will not be good.

As for mask wearing. If this state gives in to any national mandate, I will be disappointed. But I will do what I can to resist that as well. This may be very challenging, as they may make it very hard to get basic supplies. You know, like food?

This could all turn into a nightmare without end. Or a nightmare that Freddy Krueger could love.

But it ain't no movie.