It looks like "social justice" is inspired by communism. Indeed. That is exactly what's wrong in this country today. Here's a quote from the piece:
What Baldwin would “remember for decades” is a woman “approaching him with a countering argument” afterward. “You only talked about individual justice,” she said. “This is a bourgeois idea.”
A lot of Democrats are using the language of communism without knowing it, or while appearing to be not in the know about it. Example: The common usage of the phrase "Being on the right side of history". Marxism teaches that communism is inevitable. So, to be on the "right side" of history is to be on the right side of the inevitable. These people are mouthing a Marxist dogma--whether they are aware of it or not.
As in the quote shown above, communism rejects individual justice in favor of "social justice". Therein illustrates the principle involved.
The principle is individualism v. collectivism. Collectivism is the hallmark of communism. These people, who identify as social justice warriors, are at the very least proto-communists, if not actual communists.
The hysterical opposition to Trump can also be thus explained . Anybody like Trump, who defends this country, is an enemy to these wackos. These wack jobs want the "revolution". Trump stands in their way. Indeed, any Republican president stands in their way. Even weaklings, like the Bush clan, stand in their way. Hence, this false labeling of any opposition as a fascist or like Hitler is employed. This would be true regardless of who the Republican president was.
The tactic of reparations fits into the
Marxian class or social war as well. It is evidenced as group guilt as opposed to individual guilt. Hence, no
individual white person needs to be guilty of slavery because all white people are
collectively guilty. It is the Marxist way to wage the struggle as a part of the greater class struggle. It is a Marxist tactic. It is distinctly un-American.
Good article. It explains a lot of the crazy things right now.