Saturday, September 15, 2018

Why Judge Roy Moore lost the race for Senator in Alabama



How short are the memories.  Evidently, they have forgotten all about Roy Moore.  Moore was running for the seat vacated by former Alabama Sen and now AG Sessions.  Alabama now has a democrat senator.

Moore was accused of sexual improprieties.  Okay, but where's the proof?  Proof!  What proof?  You only need to make the accusation, and the limp wrist GOP types collapse in a heap.

Kavanaugh is getting that treatment now.  What did you expect?  If you don't burn this, they will keep doing it.  They do it because it works.

the original post follows:

1.9.18 @ 10:51 am:

As a wrote at the time:  what do you have against the Ten Commandments and traditional marriage?

It seems that contempt for the Bible may be the reason.

In my opinion, the Judge's alleged mistreatment of women some forty years ago was a complete sham.  They absolutely could not have this man in the Senate.  That includes so-called conservatives.  There you have it in a nutshell.

At least they could be honest about it, instead of inventing this phony excuse.  If they were honest, they would be different people.  And there is where the problem is.

Texas Senatorial Race



3:00 pm:

You can talk all you want about the endless investigations.  Every last bit of that is meant to distract from the issue at hand.

The issue is do you want Trump to be POTUS or not?  Because if you do, you'd better make sure that the Democrats do not win in November 2018.  They must be stopped, because if they are not, they will be emboldened.  So will the never Trumper faction of the GOP, which is probably a significant portion of elected officials.  The never Trumpers cannot do what they want because they cannot justify it to the voters.  They are biding their time.

If the GOP retains the House, impeachment goes away.  That is the only way to be sure.  In order to accomplish that, everybody who voted for Trump in 2016 must go back and do it again.  If not, the GOTV of the Democrats may force a change in control of Congress, and all bets are off.

The investigations are the distraction that makes you overlook this fact.

2:30 pm:

The last midterm was in 2014.  A Texas Senate seat was in play in that election as well.  How many votes cast?  About 4.6 million.  That is only half as many as was cast in 2016, just two years later.

Clearly, an opportunity exists for the Democrats, provided that the GOP loses interest, and does not vote. However, if the GOP does its job, they will win this state easily.  If not, look out!


It is interesting to look back at the 2012 election, in which Cruz won.  He won by
1.3 million votes.  Again, if the GOP voters show up here in Tx, they will win quite
easily.  If they don't show up, they can lose.

You can pay attention to all the noise, or you can set your priorities on what you
want from the government.

There is really no excuse for the party of limited government to be staying home.

Trump has governed the way that these people should be supporting.  Everything else
you're hearing is noise.

9.12.18 @ 8 am
the original post follows:

To make this short and sweet, it's Trump v. Obama, not Cruz v. O'Rourke.  Why?

It's all about turnout.  If the 2016 race were to be hyped up, which is what
this has become, then the Dem great hope is that they can turn out the vote.  If
that happens, they figure they can win.

Looking at the primary vote, it was just a fraction of the vote in the general.  In
2016, nearly 10 million Texans voted.  In the primaries?  Just a million and a
half voted for the GOP Senate candidates.  If the Dems got out as many votes as
the GOP, which they didn't, it would have only had been 30% of the turnout for
the general.

In other words, the primary vote numbers don't mean squat.  It is the general
election that matters now.  In the general election, the idea is to remove Trump
and to put "hope and change" back on the ballot.

Will it work?  Only if the GOP falls asleep.  That can happen, you know.  That
is why Cruz invited Trump to come to Texas, and help him out.

You could generalize that to the national scene as well.  If the Trump voters
stay home, and if the rest of the GOP stays home, then they could lose the
Congress and the Presidency.

Victory is all about turnout.

Conspiracy theories v. collusion

If you are going to win this election, you not only have to keep your base, but you also have to gain voters who do not necessarily agree with you.

For if you allow your opponents to grab those votes and their own base, then you are destined to lose.

I believe to support Trump is the correct choice.   So, I am not going to stand by idly on this blog, and let the Democrats get way with defrauding the country with the "collusion" narrative.

Isn't that what the Democrats are really selling in this campaign?   Nancy Pelosi says she wants to talk economics.  But do they really want to do this?

Trump's policies are working very well.  You can see that in the numbers before he was elected and after.  You can see this clearly in the Fed Funds rate.  If Obama's economy was so good, then why was the Fed Funds rate near zero for his entire tenure as POTUS?  No sooner than Trump was elected the rates started going up.  Higher rates are definite signs of a strengthening economy.  Lower rates is an "accommodative" policy meant to support a weak economy.  The economy was weak during Obama's entire presidency---the weakest recovery on record since WWII.  Why would Pelosi want to talk about that?  Therefore, she is just winking at the collusion narrative.  They have nothing to sell but the collusion talk.

What about this word "collusion"?  It is a political word, not a legal word.  The legal word would be "conspiracy".  Since no conspiracy has been found, this just a "conspiracy theory".  The use of this word "collusion" is meant to obfuscate the fact that it is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.

The conspiracy theory is being woven out of cloth of falsehoods  exaggerations, and guilt by association.  Scalps have been collected in order to make it appear that there is guilt to be found here, but the guilt that has been found so far has been coerced out of hapless associates of Trump, who are being targeted as a way to get to Trump.

When all this fails, they will ultimately resort to process crimes: ie, perjury, obstruction of justice.  It is the Scooter Libby model.

Phony and fake scandals is all they have.  Pelosi doesn't really want to talk about those things because those things don't favor her prospects to be Speaker.   She may say it to muddy the issue, but it has no credibility, unless she comes out forcefully against the Mueller "investigation" of what amounts to a conspiracy theory.  Weak statements, such as the ones she makes, are not convincing.  You cannot straddle the fence on this one.  Either support impeachment, or end this phony impeachment scandal mongering so-called investigation.

Don't trust Nancy Pelosi

With respect to the "wait for the midterms" message that the Obamabots are selling to their comrades overseas, you should not trust the words of Pelosi.  Pelosi is saying those words in order to fool somebody, and that somebody may be those who support Trump.

Don't be fooled.  If the Democrats really wanted to drop the impeachment drumbeat, then they would tell Mueller to wrap it up before the election.  Since they are not going to do that, then their words are meaningless.  Especially since officials from the previous Democrat administration are out there telling the Iranians, Chinese, Canadians, and others to wait on the midterms.  For if the Democrats win the midterms, Trump could be greatly weakened or removed from office.

Here is something else to consider.  Pelosi is on the record supporting investigations that could lead to impeachment of the POTUS.

“That doesn’t mean nobody is listening to cases that are being made in a very scientific, methodical way as to whether there are grounds for impeachment.”

How can you not be running on impeachment and support Mueller's effort to find something, anything to impeach the president?  It is double talk.  Such as this quote:

"I have said over and over again that I don't think we should be talking about impeachment," Pelosi said during her weekly press briefing on Thursday. "I've been very clear right from the start."

Talk about it and don't talk about it?  Which is it?

Don't trust the Democrats.  Don't trust Pelosi.

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Last Refuge: "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Blasts John Kerry's Intervention in Iran"

"literally unprecedented"....  via @thelastrefuge2  [ tweet ]


It's all a part of a pattern, the article explains.  "Wait out the mid-terms."  That's what Kerry said to the Iranians, but others have been reported to have said the same thing to other countries.

The Democrats are putting all their eggs in that midterms basket.  They are counting on the Russian conspiracy to take them to victory.  But no such conspiracy existed on the Trump side, and may well have happened on the Democrat side.

Come to think of it, the Trumpists  are counting on logic, reason and evidence to prevail.  They believe that they can prove what they say is true.  Yes, they can, but....if you cannot convince enough of the voters....

What if you lose????  Somebody's gonna lose.  Hard to win when your own party won't support you even though you are delivering on what they always claimed to believe in.

If the Trumpists lose, what will they do???  Civil war???  I am thinking such talk is foolish, but it continues.  Nobody should be talking civil war unless they are prepared for one.  Nobody is preparing for one.  It is all talk.

I am hoping that there isn't enough turncoats on the GOP side to turn this election the wrong way.

I am also hoping that enough Democrats "see the light" , and stop voting for what's killing them and the rest of us.  There's some evidence that this is possible...

Ixnay on the otten-ray, but it is really rotten anyway!

Thoughts on the road, 9.14.18

Been awhile since I done that.  I guess I like to drive, and to think while I
drive.  Probably not a good habit.

Anyway, one thing I was thinking about was how satisfying it is sometimes when
I think I did something pretty good, and that feeling that goes with it.  Only
thing is, that feeling doesn't last.

Sure enough, I got to thinking again.  Derned if I didn't start thinking about
the subject of Hobbesian choices.

( Note:  After looking up the term, I realize that what I write below is incorrect. )

Hey, Vern!  What's that choice thing again?

You probably know what that is.  Some kid may have asked you that when you were
a kid yourself.  Would you rather be boiled in oil, or ride on a mile long razor
blade?  You have to make a choice! 

Like hell I do.  I refused to answer such questions.

Eventually you have to, though.  A Hobbesian choice could be one in which you have
to choose the manner of your death, and it's not optional.  Consider those people
trapped in the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001.  Their choice was jump to their
death, or be burned to death.  There was no escape, and no other options.

I haven't had to make such a choice, obviously.  For if I had, I wouldn't be
writing this little ditty.

But I may have gotten closer to it than I would have liked.  I have a notion now
of what that may be like.

I could have had to choose between dying from cancer later, or dying on the operating
table now.  My cancer would have required a very lengthy and difficult surgery
that few surgeons want to attempt.  Even if I had lived through it, the rehab
would have been long and difficult.  Not to mention that I would never have been
the same again.

I have heard that people when faced with this type of news commit suicide.

When I think back over all this that has happened in the last couple years, I am
amazed at how lucky I was.

I had proton therapy to treat that cancer.  It didn't cause pain at all until the
end of the treatment, and that was no worse than a sunburn.

It bought me a quality of life far superior than what I might have had to accept
if this therapy wasn't available to me.  That is why I was so very lucky.

Eventually, the luck runs out.  It does for us all.

Not trying to be morbid here.  No sir.  But it is sobering to think of it.

The moral here?  Maybe none.  Or, perhaps don't tempt fate.  It will come soon

After including the note above, maybe there is no moral.  Just stop wasting your time
thinking about dumb stuff!

Humor: Ixnay on the otten-ray

Young Frankenstein is a great movie.  Lots of good stuff, like the one in which they are arguing about the monster's brain.  Frederick von Fronkensteen says that it's a rotten brain, and the monster roars.  Eye Gore says "ixnay on the otten-ray" as a warning not to use the word "rotten" in reference to the monster's rotten brain.  That's because that makes the monster even more fierce than usual.  Eye Gore is using Pig Latin to fool the monster.

I'd like to use that phrase in relation to our political class, which is rotten.  However, if you use the word "rotten" too much with these people, they might come after you.

I think that it has happened before.

Ixnay on the otten-ray.  But I am going to use it anyway.  They are otten-ray, I tell you.  Otten-ray!

Al Fin blog: Shocking Rules for Preventing Personal Poverty

Shocking Rules for Preventing Personal Poverty  via @wordpressdotcom

Good advice, generally speaking.  However, there are no guarantees in life.  Furthermore, don't get sick, and don't get old--- like me.

Don't want to knock this piece, but the excessive focus on money may be a problem.  I should know.  I kinda learned a lesson on that.  Or, I'd like to think I have.

Trump can't use the phrase, but Gov. Moonbeam can

California Governor: President Trump is the "Enemy of the People" Because Climate Change via @WattsUpWithThat


Do you recall when President Trump call the media the enemy?  The media is largely foreign controlled, and at best, it is not our friend.

Did Moonbeam actually use that phrase, and did Trump actually use that phrase???  The reason I ask that question is that it is an old phrase from the Cold War years.  The Soviet Union used that phrase in reference to anybody who questioned their regime.  Remember that the left is actually accusing Trump of a conspiracy with the Russians in order to rig the 2016 election in his favor.

So, I am asking that question to ferret out the truth.  Who actually used that phrase?  From the link, Brown actually used that phrase.  But did Trump?  Not exactly.  He singled out a few media outlets and specified "fake news", according to the Hill website.

Not exactly the same thing, wouldn't you say?

So why did the GOP controlled Congress pass a resolution that seemed to contradict Trump???

Are they actually trying to win this election, or lose it???

Do you really believe that Trump is a communist?????


You may notice that I have made a few changes on the left sidebar.

One of those changes is to add "Whatfinger" to the preferred blog list.  Whatfinger is a news-aggregation site, not unlike Drudge.

Drudge has become unreliable.  Maybe he always was.  Won't go any further than that.  Read up on the speculations to understand why.

There are a number of interesting links there.  Stuff you may not see elsewhere.  In fact, if I can remember it, I am planning to visit that site for news on a daily basis.

Real Clear Investigations: How Anti-Trump Leakers Moved From Offense to Defense

More discussion on The Last Refuge.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Grumpy old fart time

Yes, it must seem that way to young eyes.  I could tell that when I went out to
work last Saturday.  These young people are like babies.  It is almost like you
have to change their diapers for them.  All of that last comment was metaphorical,
of course.  Yes, you have to do everything for them.  Might as well put a bib on
'em and spoon feed them as well.

Young people may think they know everything.  It seemed that way when I was young.
I knew everything and I was going to live forever.  But youth lasts but for
a short time.  Before you know it, you are an old fart like me.  Now the young
people see me as a grumpy old fart.  I can see it out there when I work.

The politicians fool the public all the time.  They are deceitful as the day is
long.  So, who do they like to deceive the most?  Why, the youngsters, of course.

As old as I am, they fool me too.  But hopefully not as much as they used to.

You might hear the phrase "rule of law".  Nothing changed since I was a youngster.

There's plenty use for that phrase---then and now.  Only thing is that the rule of
law has been subverted then as now.  All in the name of preserving it.  Just another
one of the lies from our good friends, the politicians.

The US Constitution provided the blueprint for a country to be governed by the
rule of law.  Of course, the politicians are all for the rule of law except when
they are not, which is most of the time.  Consequently, the Constitution is quickly
becoming nothing more than a relic from a bygone era.  It is has been referred to
as such, because it is a "living document".  Only old farts like me seem to care
about it anymore.

The living document is an argument for subverting the Constitution, and replacing
it with the whims of men.  These men are not elected, but they are responsible for
most of what is called "progress" these days.  You know, like redefining marriage,
even though there is nothing in the Constitution that gave these judges that power.

Culture was supposed to be a local affair.  It is not supposed to be a concern
of the nation's highest court.  But politicians have a better idea.

Why, in the good old days, homosexuals were considered abnormal.  These days, we
are much more enlightened.  Thanks to our leadership, what was once considered
abnormal and repugnant has now become mainstream.  In the old days, there was
this song that referred to "father-rapers".  It seemed hilarious back then.  But
today?  It might get banned for being "anti-gay".  Of course, gay used to mean
something else entirely when I was a kid.  It had nothing to do with homosexuality.

All this progress happened right under the noses of my generation.  So now I am
very sorry that I didn't do more to stop it.  It was no big deal then.  Even now,
when the politicians preach to us about rule of law and democracy, they practice
neither.  As a result of all this democracy and rule of law, the California
initiative to ban same-sex marriage was ruled "unconstitutional" by what has been
miscalled a "conservative" court.

So these conservatives really love the rule of law, don't they?  Nobody keeps
standards anymore, not even conservatives.  Conservatives?  What conservatives?

The pedophilia in the Catholic church is in the news these days.  The very idea
of priests doing this to youngsters would have been considered so shocking that
it would have shook the world, is now slowing changed into something considered
to be normal.  What's the big deal?-- in today's world.  Nothing like this would
have been taken so lightly in my youth.  No siree.

They used to burn heretics at the stake.  How uncivilized.

In my youth, even criminals had been morals than the priests these days.  If a
convict was found to be a pedophile, the prisoners would beat that guy to death.
We put up with things today that even the lowest dregs of society of an earlier
day would not have tolerated.

But the politicians say we have made progress.  The younger people, not having
seen with their own eyes how our society has degraded, will accept that as
gospel truth.  But kids are easy to fool.

It might be a bit harder with an old fart like me.  But who listens to old white
guys?  Remember George Will?  He won't vote for the GOP anymore, even though
the guys he wants to vote for now are disregarding the dead white guys of days
gone by.  I heard the term "dead white guys" from Will himself.

Will isn't young anymore.  How did they fool him?  Maybe there is no fool like
an old fool.

I just as soon be a grumpy old fart.  I refuse to be a fool for these "father

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Are eyes opening yet?

There is so much talk of a "war" going on, that I am almost beside myself with astonishment.

What war?  The traditional culture of our country, and that of the west, is being continually MUGGED.  Yet, they call this a "war".

We have a COUP going on, in case you didn't notice it.  The POTUS has done NOTHING, but we are supposed to sit here an listen to this insane accusations of the Democrats of Russian "collusion".

Why is it insane?  Because if anything illegal, immoral, or fattening ever came out of the Trump campaign, the left would have been all over it.  If they couldn't find anything during the election of 2016, then it didn't exist.  If it did exist, like a PRIVATE recording in which Trump used the "pussy", then we would have heard about it endlessly.

But if it didn't exist, why are we hearing so much about it almost two years later?  Because they MADE IT UP.  If they cannot find anything, then they will make it up.  It is a principle.  Call it the Democrat principle.  The principle states that they will do ANYTHING TO WIN.  Nothing is forbidden to them.  Everything is possible.  I would say even MURDER, like Seth Rich.

Now let me segue into something I just read on Limbaugh's site.  Evidently, officials in Puerto Rico HID bottled water in order to make Trump look bad.  You know what this reminded me of?  A scene in Black Hawk Down, where food supplies were denied to hungry people.  It makes you wonder if those same hungry people, if given a chance, would vote for the people who denied them food? Probably not if they are dead.  If you cannot convince them, KILL THEM.

You might expect that from uncivilized people.  Aren't we supposed to be civilized?  Maybe not anymore.

Isn't that about what Democrats are continuing to do---destroy this culture?  They punish everybody, but then, for some strange reason, people keep coming back to them for more punishment.  We have a great economy, but for some strange reason, people want to go back to 1.5 % growth rates.  Evidently, they cannot handle prosperity.

Maybe people will wake the hell up in time, but I don't know.

From a soft coup to a hard one

The soft coup needs the cover of the legal process in order for it to succeed.  But what if this fails?

If Trump declassifies all documents pertaining to the fraudulent FISA warrants, and the subsequent fraudulent Mueller "investigation", then all bets could be off.  The reason for this is that all of the coup plotters will be exposed, and liable to criminal prosecution.  Not to mention, just about all of the Establishment will be at risk for criminal liability for their complicity in the same.

In my opinion, President Donald J. Trump is in danger.  These people may be plotting an assassination attempt if their attempts at this fraudulent impeachment probe fail.

As I have been saying all along.  There will be no civil war.  But there will be a coup.  It is no longer much in doubt.

Mueller is trying to isolate the President from his legal staff.  Everyone is being forced to recuse.  This is in an attempt to make the President look guilty of obstruction, or abuse of power.  They are attempting to tie his hands while they attempt to force him out.  All of it appears legal and ethical, but it is based upon a fraud.

There will be no war because the president will be forced out, and there will be nobody to lead the government except the coup plotters.  If there is any popular resistance to this, then they will be out of the loop of government power, and at a great disadvantage.  If there is any organized resistance, then the same dynamic applies.  These people are desperate.

There really is a deadly threat to the POTUS.  Let's hope he can do the right thing and avoid being assassinated.  DECLASSIFY.  The FISA app has already been leaked to the press.  There is no secrecy being affected here.  The coup plotters have no respect for that, it is only an excuse.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Why you won't make progress sometimes

This is with respect to the endless investigations that are going on.

The fact is, these perps can deny, deny, deny.  Then they can counter accuse you, and this makes things seem to even out.

Somebody's lying, though.  You cannot both be telling the truth.

Now, the main thing is that the average person isn't likely to spend much time trying to figure these things out.  As a consequence, the thing that happens is that people may "split the difference".  Anybody who appears "extreme" will be avoided.

Yet the truth is an extreme as compared to a lie.  You cannot split the difference with the truth.  Something is true or it isn't.  It may take a lot of effort to find out, but I think most people will not take the effort.

It may take more effort to find the truth than to spin a lie.

Hurricane Florence

Having lived in Houston almost all of my life, I can tell you a bit about hurricanes.

If I had lived in Galveston, I could tell you even more.  The main thing to remember about hurricanes is their storm surge.  If you can manage it, get to high ground.

As for water and electricity, be aware, as this post points out, that you may be out of electricity for awhile.  But it is good practice to be prepared for an electrical outage in any case.  Also water shortages could occur. 

People will raid the shelves at the supermarket.  Actually food is the least important survival tactic.

You should know the rule of three

  • Three minutes without air, you could be dead.  Don't drown.
  • Three hours without shelter, you could be dead.  Don't be exposed to wind hazards.
  • Three days without water, you could be dead.  Keep clean water close by.
  • Three weeks without food, you could be dead.  Maybe have some MRE's if you can get them.

Set your priorities accordingly.

Obligatory, 9.11.18

Running low on data.  I can post sparingly through the rest of the period, which
is about eight or nine days.

Doing mostly housekeeping stuff around here.  Also, maybe some navel gazing.

Putting it another way, I am taking stock of my situation, and thinking forward
a bit.

As for the navel gazing, I recall a self-improvement technique of writing down
some "virtues" that were meant to correct some faults.  Each day you were
supposed to write down what you did wrong, and think about ways to correct this.

As a matter of fact, I do this anyway.  However, it isn't directed at myself
personally.  When it does get to that, I call it "navel gazing".

So, as an example, I have a fault of being disorganized.  This actually fits into
a category of the seven deadly sins.  Of which "sloth" is one of them. Sloth or
something like it.  In my case, I am a sloppy, disorganized, and careless person.

After 2 years in this trailer, I still don't know where I put everything.  Things
get lost or misplaced on a frequent basis.

Legendary coach Bear Bryant was said to have taught that you should work on your
weaknesses until they become strengths.

Am I still disorganized, relatively speaking?  Probably.

Also been looking at budget situation.  Also 911 anniversary.  Now I am getting
pissed again.  If I didn't spend so much time getting pissed about this stupid-
ass, chicken-poop politicians, maybe something might get done around here.

Don Surber: Blue collar comeback is why DC hates Trump

Don Surber: Blue collar comeback is why DC hates Trump: This next paragraph is why the Washington Establishment is stark raving mad at President Trump and wants him destroyed. "While everyo...


All you hear is about a "blue wave".  How can there be a blue wave when Trump has delivered on his promises?  The same people who voted for him should be back in force to fight the efforts to impeach and remove him from office.

He hasn't done a thing to warrant impeachment.  Just the reverse.

So, why would there be a blue wave?  It doesn't make sense.

Monday, September 10, 2018

From Heroes to Villains

One step at a time.  Before you know it, the Alamo will be torn down because it's a "monument to the racists who conquered a Mexican province".

Santa Anna will be a hero, and Sam Houston a villain.

These people need to be rooted out and dismissed.  Even that would be too good for them.

Do you realize what you are messing with?  They made a commercial about picante sauce being made in New York City

New York City!!!  Get a rope.

Powerline: "Return of the Hypocrite"

The last paragraph was worth the click.

Benghazi was a crime.  Trump should be all over this.

Better late than never

Link from Insty to an Andrew McCarthy piece on NRO online.

Fishing expedition or witch hunt, it is all the same thing.   Everybody should be on the same page now.  If you cannot get on this page, you need to get another book.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Dick Morris: How To Defeat the Blue Wave

Go on offense, he says.

Actually, you only need to get the GOP voters to show up here in Texas.  Ted Cruz seems to be worried about it.  Frankly, I don't know what has changed in the last few months since primary.  In the primary, the GOP outvoted the Dems by a large margin.   Why would that have changed?

Whatever.  If the GOP voter cannot get himself energized for this, then nothing will.

Obligatory, 9.9.18

An idea sprung up this morning, and I am evaluating it.  If it is a good idea, then I will pitch it to the readers of this blog.

You may not be interested, though.  That's the catch.

You have to excuse me today.  I am getting a late start.  I am just getting out of bed.  Yikes.  Talking about lazy.  But things were on my mind last night, and I didn't fall asleep until the very late hours. 

At least I got some sleep.