Friday, August 18, 2017

Betsy's Page: Cruising the Web

Betsy's Page: Cruising the Web: We can tell how fed up some of Trump's administration are with him by the way they're leaking about him. They've progressed fro...


One of the most curious things to me is how this person can write so much stuff that makes sense, then turn around and rip Trump.

Does this person think that having someone else in the White House is going to further the agenda than what Trump is already doing?  Trump got the GOP where it is, not what the GOP has done.  All the GOP seems to know how to do is lose.  This article is proof of that.

Are we to believe that these people are serious about what they profess to believe, when they go about trying to destroy any chance of achieving it?

Trump's temper is not the issue.  The issue is why they are trying to provoke it?  Just so that they can have an excuse for abandoning him?

Sorry, but what they are selling just doesn't sell to me.  I'm not buying into it.

Obligatory, 8.18.17

My battery went dead earlier today.  So, the netbook computer that I use was on the charger.  It was a slow charge, but now it is back.

Meanwhile, Bannon was fired.  There's plenty to think about right there.

It seems that DC wants scalps, and tend to get what they are after.  Flynn's scalp made way for Sessions' recusal.  Sessions' recusal made way for an independent counsel.  You don't get these prosecutors unless you are scalp hunting.  So that is the end game.  But in the meantime, they need to get things set up.  A few more scalps first, before the big 'un.  It seems to me that Bannon's has always been high on the list.  Now that they've bagged his, what comes next?  The biggest of 'em all?

Trump has a lot of followers.  Getting rid of Bannon is sort of a big deal because the thing that may be keeping this ship afloat is Trump's continued support amongst the people.

Regardless of most of these polls say, according to the more accurate ones, he seems pretty steady in his support.  If that gives way, it may open the door to his removal.  What happens if Trump is seen to be shifting away from what got him elected?  That could be the thing his enemies are trying to set up.

We will see if that is how it plays out.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Obligatory, 8.17.17


You don't need dog whistles.  The Dems are very frank about wanting Trump dead.  Why?  Well, according to them, he is the next Hitler.  And you know what Hitler did.

All you deplorables have got to go.  Trump will go first.  If you don't shape up, you'll be next!

Yep, there is no need for a dog whistle.  You can hear them loud and clear.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The latest phony outrage

It's all over the news everywhere.  Trump didn't say the "right" things and the media is aghast.  Well, bless their little hearts.

A study of history shows that the Weimar Republic was brought down by Nazis and Communists.  They worked together because neither liked the Republic and both wanted to overthrow it.

Could history be repeating itself?

Now, if you were to make a comparison between the Weimar Republic and the American Republic, the two groups that squared off are both rather off the mainstream, just as in pre-Nazi Germany.  Probably neither want the American Republic as it is, just as in the Weimar Republic.  Indeed, if you are a Neo-Nazi, then you must approve of the type of government that the Nazis had in Nazi Germany.  Stands to reason, right?  If you do, then you want to bring down our government and impose a dictatorship with a Fuhrer, just like Adolf Hitler.

But what people forget is that there is another side to that historical story as there is to this story.  There always is, but these guys do not want to talk about that.  They want to play politics with it.

History again:  Not only did you have an Adolf Hitler, you also had a Josef Stalin.  Do people really want to say that Stalin wasn't a bad guy, it was all Hitler's fault?  Did Stalin want Hitler to win in Germany?  Did the communists in the Weimar Republic support Stalin or Hitler?

These antifa people seem a bit over the top to me.  To not condemn them is just as bad as not condemning the Neo-Nazis.  Both are dangerous to the Republic.

You don't have to be a KKK supporter, nor a Neo-Nazi to protest to taking down of a confederate statue.  Reasonable people can disagree on this subject.  Yet a reasonable protest was not allowed to take place.

But what we have here is a media that insists on reporting everything in their usual slant.

No matter who the GOP president is, the left would be acting like this.  They said it of Bush, they said it of Reagan.  Makes no difference to them.  If you are a Republican, you are a racist, bigot, homophobe, and all sorts of bad and nasty things.  The Democrats and the left do this all the time.

It is phony as hell.

I'm glad Trump is defying the phony and fake leftist media.  To not defy them is cowardice.  Trump is telling the truth.  Something rare these days.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Betsy's Page: Cruising the Web

Betsy's Page: Cruising the Web: Well, I guess a do-over for Trump to condemn the white supremacists whose march in Charlottesville led to the shocking events this weekend, ...


Betsy links to a guy named Nordlinger, who goes after Trump.  Not terribly familiar with this Nordlinger guy, but Betsy seems like a Never-Trumper, as does Nordlinger.  There is a "money-quote" that I would like to refer to, which allows me to segue into a pet peeve of mine.

I think that, if conservatism gets associated in the public mind with nationalism, populism, demagoguery, grievance, race-consciousness, and tribalism, we are cooked. And the country too.

The pet peeve is that some on the so-called right, which I refer to as so-called conservatives, like to call themselves "on the right".  Now, the terminology of right-left is a left wing invention, so when you use it, you are playing on their home field.  When Ronald Reagan said that there is no left or right, in his famous "speech", he was referring to that phenomenon.  Reagan was a stalwart conservative, nobody doubted him on that.  But guess what?  The left wanted to link him to Nazis.  Why?  Because that is what they always do.  So, when you refer to yourself as being on the "right", you are giving the left a cudgel to beat you over the head.  Reagan avoided this, and that may have been the key to his great success.

Furthermore, to admire Reagan while at the same time, referring yourself as being on the right, is playing right into the hands of the left.

How many times have I preached that on this blog?  I cannot count the times.  Yet, Limbaugh, and yes, even Bannon may be playing the leftists' game.  If Bannon really referred to himself as being on the "alt-right", then he did it too.

But it makes no difference if it is alt-right, or right, the leftists will call you a fascist anyway.  They do this with every president from the GOP.

So, this claim that they don't want to have the Nazis and the KKK linked up the conservatives rings hollow with me.  It is because they are already.  They will always be, especially if they do not make this distinction.

Another criticism of this quote is how the terms get linked all together in a soup of bad names.  If yu don't want to get linked up in that soup, stop calling yourselves rightists, for heaven's sake.

No, just because Trump doesn't get PC on us means that he is going Nazi on us.  That's what the commies want everybody to think.

Incidentally, caring about the country is PATRIOTISM, not nationalism.  Let's use our words right, people.

I hate Illinois Nazis

Well, in the MOVIE, they moved out of the way faster.  Gee, can't these people just get out of the way the way these Nazis in the movie did.

It is so obvious.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville follies

Who's right, and who's wrong?

Somebody's gotta be right, and somebody's gotta be wrong.

With that in mind, I am going to wade into this a bit, and the folly may be mine for doing so.  Or, if I am up to it, I may be able to show that the folly belongs to the left wingers.

Seems like I read on Limbaugh's site how many on the so-called right are really scared stuffless whenever the topic of race enters the picture.  They cannot run away from it fast enough.

Seems like that his listeners told him that they don't envy his position in times like these.  Yeah, and anybody taking a false step here could be ruined.

Yep.  Message loud and clear.  Anybody stepping into this is taking a chance.

But I have written against Nazis before.  I am sure that I never wrote anything in favor of the KKK.  That's because I never approved of them.  White supremacy?  Heh.  What white supremacy?  If anybody said anything in defense of any of those people, look out.  Frankly, I don't see how white supremacists can even exist in this culture the way it is today.  I know that I have written that before.

So, here's the Democrats trying to tie Trump to white supremacists.  Is that the folly?  Because I think it is:  for no other reason--- that I do not now, nor have I ever favored these groups.  Tying Trump to these is like tying ME to them.  Yes, I DO mind that, I DO mind that very much.

The left is really anti-white man these days.  Just to bring that to anyone's attention can get you a "racist" label.

Funny thing about those white supremacists.  They don't wrongly accuse white people of being bad people just because they are white.  But the left does it all the time.

Why, somebody like me might actually feel a little sympathy for these white supremacists for no other reason than they don't do anything to wrong me, but these other guys do all the time.

That's the folly of the left here.  They may be creating a monster that doesn't exist, and would not exist but for their folly.  Because of their folly, they may be creating one.

For this, I might catch hell.  Well, let 'er rip.  Somebody has to be wrong here.


Hmmm.  Check this out.  These guys sound like communists.  Do you trust communists to run this country?


Actually, I don't know what happened there.  That has taken second place to the reaction to it.

I hear that there was a death.  Some injuries.  There was some sort of protest and a counter protest that got out of hand.

My reaction to this is the reaction to this from the left.  They are going nuts over it.  Yep, it is like old Adolf himself has come back to life, and is running the country now.  My reaction to this is like my reaction to a lot of things these days--- downright disgust.

The hysteria seems to know no bounds.  Look, we've had terrorist incidents which the previous POTUS didn't want to classify as terrorism.  If they claim that Trump is doing something wrong, what about looking at themselves?

There is a lot of emotionalism getting ginned up by this hysteria.  It would be easy to get caught up into it.  But for what?  To satisfy a bunch of agitators?  Let's just ask what happened, and stop using it as a prop for all of the grievances that somebody seems to think that they have about whatever.

The country seems to be spinning out of control.  Something's gotta give.  Unfortunately, I think that with these things, the noisiest and most aggressive parties will prevail.   The outcome will have nothing to do with justice, or what's right and what's wrong.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Cuz whitey has to go

Ann Coulter has an article about the immigration proposals from the administration.

Media doesn't want to cover it.  Why?  It's all whitey's fault, that's why.

The media is a four letter word starting with "s" and ending with "t".

Forget the media.

By the way, the aforementioned entity is all over the Charlottesville incident.  Even if it is racially motivated, so what?  If Maxine Waters says "you have to understand their rage", then what is the big deal?