Saturday, July 11, 2020

The times that try men's souls

I made a mistake recently in using a phrase I didn't quite understand. This one came from George Washington when the American Revolution was at its lowest point. At least I think it came from Washington. It may have been said by somebody else... But no matter. These words can be applied today.

Our souls are on trial. Evil is on the march, and we are called to do something about it. What will that "something" be? Will you join the mob? Or will you resist the mob? You see, the mob is going to force you to take sides. One way or another, you will have to make a choice. That is what the trial for your soul is all about.

The trial will be by fire. You are being subjected to intimidation of various forms. The purpose of the intimidation is to force you to submit to them. It could seem reasonable, like wearing a mask during a "pandemic". But what if the "pandemic" is no pandemic? What if the whole thing was cooked up just to force you into behavior that suited their needs?

This is political. What does it do for them? For one, it stopped Trump's rallies. Secondly, it ended a great economy. It bankrupted many many. To recover from this will be difficult. In fact they have already done so much damage, it may never be the same again. Think about that. You may be told that it was an act of nature. But notice who died first. The elderly. Those were forced deaths even if the elderly were living their last moments anyway, these people were MURDERED for a reason.

That brings me to the next thing it did for them. It erased some of our living memory. The elderly can remember better times when the people would not allowed themselves to be so easily intimidated. The came after the statues so that the memory of the historical figures could be wiped out. They intend for all heroism to be blotted out. You will no longer have that inspiration to help you through this rough time.

They also kept people from churches. The churches is where you learn of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. That is the greatest inspiration of them all. But you must not be allowed that because Christ commanded us to not be afraid. He told us that we must endure what he did. If we do, great will be our reward in heaven.

These people will hate you for that. But of course! They hate all virtue for being virtuous.

This is a trial for our souls. As long as we still have our rights, we need to be very vocal about them. This "silent majority" stuff is for the birds. Your rights are being taken away-- one-by-one. Those who would fight for their rights are being silenced one-by-one.

They went after Winston Churchill's statue. Why? He was against fascism. Why would "anti- fascists" types go after the one guy who stood up to Hitler?

Because they are liars. They aren't against fascism. They aren't against communism. Hitler himself said the best Nazis were former communists. Don't get the idea that fascists and communists are bitter enemies. The collaborated to take down the Weimar Republic in Germany.

They could easily do it again--here. Unless somebody stops them. This is a battle for your soul. Perhaps your mind will be the first thing to go. That will go when their intimidation works on you. You cannot allow it to work. Any act of defiance, no matter how small, would be better than complete surrender. Fear kills. Fear can make you stupid. Don't be stupid, please.

Perhaps it was Churchill who said this about appeasement. Appeasement is feeding your neighbor to the crocodile in hopes he will eat you last. Don't be the kind to betray. Like Judas Iscariot.

Just thought I would add this bit to the discussion. It ain't nearly enough, but maybe if everybody would just do a little, it could add up to a lot.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Untouchables---What are you prepared to do?

I've probably used this scene before to illustrate a point.  The point is that one of the parties in this conversation here doesn't quite "get it" and the other does.

Now carry this over to our current situation.  Who do you think "gets it", and who do you think doesn't really get it?

I'd say the Dems are prepared to go all the way, but the GOP only wants to pretend to do something about it.  Give the Dems this: they are dedicated to their goals.  What exactly is the GOP dedicated to doing?   Anything at all?

In any kind of conflict, there has got to be two parties.  If only one shows up, he wins by default.

Know what I mean, Vern?

Thursday, July 9, 2020

I goofed

A recent post titled "The King is Dead, Long live the King." had a mistake in it.

Normally, I am more careful with the use of the language. When I have a doubt about a meaning of a word or phrase, I look it up before making the post. This time I must have rushed ahead with this and maybe left an impression that I did not intend.

Historical usage of the term does not agree with my meaning. Whenever a monarch dies, the incoming monarch is hailed with the "Long live the King" part of the phrase. The passing of one monarch and transition of power to another insures stability.

Our current situation is not like this at all. The only way for me to have written it without changing a word of it, and still be 100% consistent with my meaning --- would have been in supreme irony. I do not consider what may be the new order arising from all of this garbage that been going as legit, nor desirable. Hence, there is NO long live the king to these monsters.

Anyone who follows this blog would know that without an explanation needed. I have bitched long and loud about the politicians in DC. The thing happening today is not at all in spirit with the Constitution nor the rule of law. Indeed, it is the rule of corrupt men and women. If they are to rule, I don't wish them a long reign nor a happy one.

If such a misfortune befalls us, their reign should be as short as possible.

Unfortunately, with these kinds of people, a lot of bloodshed will occur first, if they are to ever be dispensed with.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

This could be a lot better

It's kind of a tough thing to hold a donkey bar-b-que for those who for the most part are in agreement with you. ( what's the donkey reference? think about it )

After all, those who are generally on your side aren't the enemy. Why go after them? It does seem counter-productive. Nevertheless, it is hard to watch people screw up who don't need to be, and probably wouldn't be if they weren't being somehow pulled in the wrong direction.

This Governor of ours (Tx) is a Republican. Generally speaking, he's probably more good than bad. But this mask order, even though it doesn't go that far, was just the kind of thing that drives me up the wall. Even though it may only be symbolic, it still means something, and it was too much to give those who are causing all this trouble.

It really is sad to watch. I don't have kids, but it must be like that with a kid that you raised in a good home, and the kid takes a really bad turn. Very disappointing. It makes you wonder if you are at fault somehow.

You can lead the horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. Nothing can prevent people from doing the wrong thing.

In the end, what if they are right? Well, if they are right, it is for the wrong reasons.

But they are wrong as can be. In the final accounting for all the ages to come, somebody may draw a line under this generation and say this is where it could have gone better, but didn't. I hope that won't be the case here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Wanna replace "Karen" with another word?

How about rat fink?  Oh, that's two words.  Either word would work.

Besides, they have now linked the "pandemic" scamdemic with the riots.  I suspected the two were related.

Charlie Daniels, RIP

There was another song that he had that I was more interested in than this. It would be a great counterpoint to the modern era. The song was about foreign threats. The counterpoint to that is the modern domestic threat. But I couldn't find it. This will have to do.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Mt. Rushmore Speech

There are those praising it, and there are those who aren't.

There was nothing wrong with the speech. From what I can see from the usual critics, they don't like the speech.

When did it become controversial to make a patriotic speech? It is a threat only to those who aren't patriotic.

Some have called it a declaration of war. This POTUS isn't a lion. He's a pussy cat. He goes "meow", and they are hysterical. You can call him "Fluffy", but to his critics, he sounds like a ferocious lion. He sounds like Fluffy to me. Fluffy is okay, mind you. But this wasn't a declaration of war. If it was, they wouldn't be announcing it from their cushy platforms in front of the boob tubes. Boob tubes for boobs. Your IQ drops like a boulder into Marianas Trench when you listen to them.

Let's put it another way

In case you thought that the "King is Dead" post was a bit much, look at it this way.

We were told that Trump was trying to be "above the law". But he was elected in a fair election, and if anything, the opposition was cheating---not him. The Russian collusion hoax has been thoroughly debunked as exactly that, and could have been debunked right out of the starting gate. The only reason not to accept the debunking is that those who are --- aren't being honest about it. The rule of law was not been broken solely by Trump being inaugurated as POTUS. Those who impeached him simply could not accept his victory. They've broken every rule in the book to get him out. His "crime" was being elected.

It has been this way since Trump was the apparent victor during the primaries. The GOP Estabishment tried to dump him, but failed. The collusion hoax was invented as a pretext for impeachment. Once that failed, the Ukrainian hoax began IMMEDIATELY. Once that led to a failed impeachment, the COVID-19 hoax began. Then the racial unrest was instigated once that scam failed. Now that the racial unrest appears to not be working as planned, here comes another go at the COVID-19. The Establishment may well shut it all down again. We cannot be allowed to enjoy a growing economy. We are being made to suffer. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

All these events have been orchestrated towards the same end---the removal of Trump as POTUS. Trump is a threat to the Establishment. He is not one of them. Neither are we, who he represents.

We won't get an honest admission of such from the instigators. They're honest about being opposed to Trump, which is fine, but the lengths to which they have gone is not.

This is not a legitimate protest. This is not a legitmate airing of grievances. It is a challenge to the rule of law, which these people once claimed to be so devoted to. Those opposed to Trump have sympathized with the rioters. They might as well be giving them a license to steal or to kill.

The Establishment does not recognize the right of the people, if it does not agree with what they want. The election of Trump was an example of that. No matter what they claim about loving Democracy and the Rule of Law, it is really about their own rule. Once those go against them, they want their revolution. John Kerry was predicting one of those if Trump won. But there already has been one and it continues to this very day. Anything else that happens is just a part of that. They cannot be honest about what they're up to.

Therefore, the people have no real say about their government nor who is to lead it. Those who preach about Democracy do not really respect it at all.

The Bill of Rights is being shredded. All men are created equal, but some are more equal than others. There is much preferential treatment. The riots are a bid for even more of the same. The Establishment is geared towards that end. They will not countenance any of this assertion of the "great unwashed" or "deplorables" that they have any rights that the Establishment is bound to respect. Does that sound familiar? It is from the Dred Scott decision. Guess who are the new slaves? You'd never guess, but the late Robert Byrd gave us a clue.

Basically, the Establishment is circling the wagons. The people wanted to assert their rights, but that is being nullified. The Establishment is driving this sedition. They are doing even though they have sworn to uphold the Constitution. Trump was on his way to re-election with a strong economy, but they threw a monkey wrench into that.

Their claims don't mean a lot. Why should anybody believe a bunch of liars? They are wolves in sheep's clothing.

But sometimes people prefer their chains. The King is really dead. It's no hype.