I made a mistake recently in using a phrase I didn't quite understand. This one came from George Washington when the American Revolution was at its lowest point. At least I think it came from Washington. It may have been said by somebody else... But no matter. These words can be applied today.
Our souls are on trial. Evil is on the march, and we are called to do something about it. What will that "something" be? Will you join the mob? Or will you resist the mob? You see, the mob is going to force you to take sides. One way or another, you will have to make a choice. That is what the trial for your soul is all about.
The trial will be by fire. You are being subjected to intimidation of various forms. The purpose of the intimidation is to force you to submit to them. It could seem reasonable, like wearing a mask during a "pandemic". But what if the "pandemic" is no pandemic? What if the whole thing was cooked up just to force you into behavior that suited their needs?
This is political. What does it do for them? For one, it stopped Trump's rallies. Secondly, it ended a great economy. It bankrupted many many. To recover from this will be difficult. In fact they have already done so much damage, it may never be the same again. Think about that. You may be told that it was an act of nature. But notice who died first. The elderly. Those were forced deaths even if the elderly were living their last moments anyway, these people were MURDERED for a reason.
That brings me to the next thing it did for them. It erased some of our living memory. The elderly can remember better times when the people would not allowed themselves to be so easily intimidated. The came after the statues so that the memory of the historical figures could be wiped out. They intend for all heroism to be blotted out. You will no longer have that inspiration to help you through this rough time.
They also kept people from churches. The churches is where you learn of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice. That is the greatest inspiration of them all. But you must not be allowed that because Christ commanded us to not be afraid. He told us that we must endure what he did. If we do, great will be our reward in heaven.
These people will hate you for that. But of course! They hate all virtue for being virtuous.
This is a trial for our souls. As long as we still have our rights, we need to be very vocal about them. This "silent majority" stuff is for the birds. Your rights are being taken away-- one-by-one. Those who would fight for their rights are being silenced one-by-one.
They went after Winston Churchill's statue. Why? He was against fascism. Why would "anti- fascists" types go after the one guy who stood up to Hitler?
Because they are liars. They aren't against fascism. They aren't against communism. Hitler himself said the best Nazis were former communists. Don't get the idea that fascists and communists are bitter enemies. The collaborated to take down the Weimar Republic in Germany.
They could easily do it again--here. Unless somebody stops them. This is a battle for your soul. Perhaps your mind will be the first thing to go. That will go when their intimidation works on you. You cannot allow it to work. Any act of defiance, no matter how small, would be better than complete surrender. Fear kills. Fear can make you stupid. Don't be stupid, please.
Perhaps it was Churchill who said this about appeasement. Appeasement is feeding your neighbor to the crocodile in hopes he will eat you last. Don't be the kind to betray. Like Judas Iscariot.
Just thought I would add this bit to the discussion. It ain't nearly enough, but maybe if everybody would just do a little, it could add up to a lot.