Saturday, January 19, 2019

Change of pace

A little walk down memory lane.  On Instapundit, there was something about how kids today are overprotected.  Heck, I thought I was overprotected.  But this story here says it is really unusual for a kid to walk home from school.  I was walking home from school right from the beginning.  It actually took me across a busy street in those days--- Washington Avenue.   There was a crossing guard there, at least.

That thought got me thinking about those times, which led me to the question of what will be the Fate of the Astrodome?  I can remember the time when the Dome was under construction.  (That actually skipped a few steps down memory lane, but I am not going to write about all that.)

It looks like they will not tear it down.  At least not yet.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Beatles Hello, Goodbye Karoake lyrics

Oh no, Mr. Bill!

Karoake?  More like Karocroakey.  You might die laughing.

Xbox is out

Not a very good idea.

A better idea would be to take an RV course.  There are those that are offered to help people handle their RVs with some competence.

Anyway, the Xbox is out.  Any simulation software is out.

That is all.

Report: RBG has pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious matter for someone in her condition.  She might be in a lot more trouble than what is being reported.

Au Revoir, Macron?

So, they are shooting people now?

How does that fit in with their idea of so-called "soft power"?

Looks like the same old kind of power to me.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Liberals are the new Archie Bunker

Yep.  They still would probably react poorly if you were to eat a cookie.

Changing the dynamics of the game

After reading the following, I get a sense of helplessness from these people:

As I wrote before, the GOP, and/or so-called conservatives, are not helpless.  It looks like Kabuki theater once again.  Or otherwise known as "failure theater".  The point of which is to give us all a circus to cheer for each side, while we stand on the sideline nearly helpless in determining the outcome.

Let's look over the pond, so to speak, at the yellow vest protests.  They are in a much more difficult position than we, because their governments have disarmed them.  We are in a much more powerful position, yet nobody wants to lift a finger.

If we let this become a PR war, then we lose.  But a PR war is the least "bloody" of wars, which means no war at all.  Playing for the cameras is a loser.  That is what they are doing.  If it is placed in their hands, playing on their turf, how do you possibly think you can win.

Not advocating violence, but it ought to be an option.  Considering that AOC is using "rape talk", I would think that it is justified to respond appropriately.

Alternatives to Xbox

The whole idea is to feel confident about towing this RV travel trailer.   The Xbox was to train on driving an 18 wheeler, with the hope that the skills would transfer to a travel trailer in real life.

This idea is becoming a bit more involved than I wanted, so now I am looking at some alternatives.

Here's something that can help a little.  However, you don't learn this way.  You have to have the motor skills from doing it.

The following video is some common sense tips.  I'll be checking out what I can learn from these kinds of videos.  Probably not much, but better than nothing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

American Truck Simulator

Unfortunately, the narration is in a language other than English, so I don't understand a word of it.

There are other problems with the video.  That is to say, it doesn't show what I want to see.

There is plenty of detail though, and it looks good.  It may work on a system like this one.  It says it is a 32 bit system, but there are other things that I would have to check out.

The thing I was looking for was one that had the simulator "in the cloud", and all I would need is the data and the computing power in order to access it.

This video is what I came up with instead.  Perhaps a waste of time.  Not exactly what I was looking for.

Will continue to look.


This looks like a professional system.  Once again, it is not quite what I am looking for.  However, the detail is far greater.

Perhaps a simulation of a simulation would be ideal.  Sounds crazy, though.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Rep Steve King kerfuffle

Doesn't seem like a mere kerfuffle, but look closer.  The House only approved a "resolution" condemning white supremacy.

Even King voted for it.  Supposedly, it was directed at King, but it didn't name anybody.

An article written up referred to the "14 words" attributable to white surpremacy, and King was said to support it.  It doesn't look like white supremacy.  It looks like white survival.

We are all supposed to be impressed with this.  I am not.  Still don't see what he did that was so wrong.  But the House GOP removed him from all committees.  Some are suggesting that he resign.  However, they didn't even name him in their resolution, and they didn't censure, and they sure didn't remove him from office.

Seems like a kerfuffle to me, which is being used as an excuse.

The alleged white supremacist slogan:


This is a bit off the beaten path.  What started out a couple days ago as an idea has now germinated into something of full blown curiosity that may kill the cat.

Anyway, what I am getting at is the possibility of actually going all out on this idea of a gaming simulation of driving a big truck.

Consequently, I have been looking around and found some amazing stuff that is available for sale.  However, nothing is quite what I am looking for.  Maybe that doesn't exist.  This may be about as close as it comes.  ( So far )

There is a game company that makes these simulators, and their game is about to come out in May.  Of course there are some that exist already.  ( which I downloaded yesterday, and cannot use )

This looks pretty realistic.  There are some that are not, though.

As far as the actual driving of a rig, I don't know.

In order to play this game, I will need an Xbox, and maybe some other stuff too.

Yep.  Getting crazy.  I only want to simulate driving a rig in order to speed up my learning curve on driving this travel trailer.  It is not a rig, but I figure some of the skill might be transferable from the simulator to real life.

Crazy idea.

If you strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine

Is something going on in Europe?  Is the Evil Empire about to go down?

Inquiring minds want to know.

It's a trap!

Not really.  I can't back that up.  But the theory of a trap is written up below:

Too little, too late


There is a bit of wishful thinking going on there at Last Refuge, I fear.  The public isn't ready for anything like this, nor does it appear that they will be in time in order to assure long term success.

It is possible that I am wrong.   I would love to be wrong on this one.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Streaming conscious type post, 1.14.18

Most of the way through the day, and there isn't a post.  So, I need to do another one of these to unblock.

First of all, today was supposed to be a blood test.  However, I forgot to fast.  Therefore, it has to wait another day.

From there, it seems to have gone downhill fast.  Yesterday, I got the idea to try a simulator in order to learn something about driving a big rig.  Yep.  Great idea.  After all, I tried flight simulators before.  Only thing is, I never flew a plane.

These were relatively cheap, and ran on much less sophisticated machines back in the day.

The idea may have been okay, but the execution could have been better.  If it had been, then I wouldn't have bought the darned thing.   Reason being that the things are way too sophisticated these days for a simple computer like this one.  I needed a 64 bit machine, you see.  I only have a 32 bit one.  They did give a requirements notification before I bought it, but I took the chance on it being a 64 bit machine, when it isn't.

What got me to bite was the price for the software.  Only 5 bucks.  Sure, I can afford that.  However, what I didn't know is the HUGE amount of data this thing would download just to install.  Before I knew it, I had a data problem.  So, I bought an emergency data boost that cost 20 bucks more.

When the download was complete, I found that the 25 bucks was for nothing.  I can't use it.  So much for that idea.

Anyway, it is back to scanning the web.  Came across something about the Fall of the Roman Empire, and it reads just like what is happening in the country in the last few decades.  But that isn't anything new.   I have been writing this for the longest time.

This shutdown needs to go on all the way to election day if necessary.  Even if Trump declares an emergency and builds the wall anyway, the government should stay closed.  The reason is that DC needs a big dose of discipline.  Nobody has had the will to do it until Trump.  Don't know if he'll do it, but he should.

They are leaving trash on the mall in DC.  Now, you know why they are doing this right?  They want us to feel shame that they are trashing the mall.  However, it is THEIR city.  LET THEM CLEAN UP THE MESS OR LEAVE.

At this point, I don't give a rat's damn if the shutdown lasts forever.  These people need a good talking to.  If this can be the way, then let's keep it up until hell freezes over.

What a post.  Starting out with my mistakes and ending up with the mess in DC.  There's a kind of weird consistency in that, after all.

Don Surber: Who gave National Review the power to excommunicat... ( updated)

Don Surber: Who gave National Review the power to excommunicat...: The Ana Navarro conservatives at the National Review showed their Fake Conservative side again today in a silly, virtue-signaling editorial,...



Still waiting to hear why this was "racist".  Evidently, King apologized, which was a big mistake.  Never apologize for not doing anything wrong.  Show where it was wrong.  I still don't see it.

Cruz joining in on this is why I don't trust the guy.  There are way too many people who claim to be conservative and go belly up as soon as the lefties start using that overused and overhyped accusation.

There have been a number of stories about a "white nationalist" saying such and such, and so far, I haven't seen any direct quotes except in the comment section.

From what I saw of what was said, it is a big nothingburger.

Show me what was wrong.

Now, what Surber is saying here is that the Jeb Bush wing of the GOP is joining up with the liberals to jump all over the guy for saying what amounts to nothing at all.

What's with these people?  Don't they know that they aren't fooling anybody anymore?

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The problem in a nutshell

Lindsey Graham wants to reopen the government, and then negotiate.  Sorry, but that has never worked.

The government should not re-open until Trump gets his wall.  Period.

If they want to re-open without Trump, then they have to get enough Republicans to join them and override his veto.

Then Trump can declare the emergency, and build the wall anyway.

Unless they want to remove him from office.  Again, they would need a lot of Republicans to do this, and if they Republicans DID, they can put their heads between their legs and kiss their asses goodbye ( as a party).

In short, Trump doesn't have to negotiate.  They do.  He can do what he wants unless they find a way to stop him.  I say go ahead, Mr. President.  They have spent the last two years trying to remove Trump anyway, and also trying anything at all to stop him.  Unless they can prove that they can, Trump should go ahead "balls to the wall".

Trump is giving the opportunity to save face, but if they won't do that, they he can just drop the hammer on 'em anyway.

A little levity to lighten things up a bit

Yep.  Don't know if I have posted this before, but it's always a laugh.

The yellow vest protests are showing no signs of letting up.

Lucky France? Let's hope so...: They've smashed up 60% of France's ubiquitous and Orwellian speed cameras.


If they go after so called "green" taxes, and speed cameras, I could get to like these guys.

Where can I get a "yellow jacket"?  I like the term yellow jacket better than yellow vest.  Yellow vest seems too mild.  There needs to be a sting.

Here's a few words in French to offer a bit of moral support.  Seems like we are fighting the same kind of battle here in the USA.

"La victoire peut suivre les gilets jaunes"

Hopefully Google Translate didn't goof that up.

Dear GOP: " Please win. Pretty please?"


That's the argument here.  My argument is to read the riot act to them.  If they even think about caving now, then can "fuhgeddaboutit".  In other words, they will go the way of the Whigs.