There's one more thing that I'd like to write about with respect to Bugliosi's "Reclaming History" book about the JFK Assassination. It is the one thing that rankled me the most. Bugliosi devotes an entire chapter about Jim Garrison's prosecution and Stone's movie about Garrison's work with respect to the assassination. The thing I want to note is that the movie was released in late December of 1991. This was on the very eve of an election year in which Bill Clinton won.
I believe there's a connection between the presidential election and that movie. That is what bothered me about it. The movie was propaganda intended to bring the Democrats back into power in 1992. At that time, they had lost 3 straight presidential elections. This is my belief, but I don't think the books mentioned anything about the election in that year. It so happens that Clinton used the imagery of his shaking the then president Kennedy's hand in his own campaign. I don't believe that this was any accident nor mere coincidence.
Perhaps I should leave it at that. The movie was made for no other purpose than to help Democrats regain the White House, and perhaps to provide some boost to one candidate in particular. The movie's release could have been in 1993, on the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination, but that wouldn't have had the impact. It wasn't a Presidential election year.
Bugliosi destroys the film's credibility. He also points out that Garrison himself had no credibility at all. Somehow, Stone restores some credibility to Garrison. However, none of this lasted. Unfortunately, the damage was already done. The credibility of the film lasted long enough to affect the election, in my opinion. It has had effects that can be felt to this day.
There are still people who believe in the conspiracy theories. That is unfortunate. Stone may have had a right to make the film, and a right to express his views. But this film was anti-American in tone. There was no purpose at all in it but political. It added no new information nor any insights. But it deceived many. It probably still has some influence. This is not a good thing for America.
Given the Democrat's desperate plight in that election year, it is my theory that they sold their souls to the devil in order to win an election. Since that time, things are getting worse. The behavior is getting ingranined psychically. Garrison's behavior was outrageous. At least the people at that time recognized it. I'm not sure people would be so sensible today. Stone's behavior was even worse for bringing that discredited proesecutor back into some sort of respectability. The success of that may have been the reward that encouraged the bad behavior that continues to this day. The movie isn't truthful. Today's politics and culture reflects that descent into massive deceitfulness, and self-destructiveness that has plagued the country in recent years.