Saturday, January 29, 2022

Hoisted by their own petard

Israel's failed covid policy Greetings, comrades!

This is a link to the Behind the Black blog, in which the author says that this is evidence that the Covid policy there must be abandoned. Chances are that they won't, though.

Zimmerman suggests that they know it too, but can never admit it. They want to impose it upon everyone else so that there's no escape. Kinda like a Berlin Wall. This is why Communism fails. But they'll insist that it does, and it can only succeed if it is worldwide. Trouble is, they'll end up killing off everybody and call it a glorious victory. Victory over what??? Victory over who????

No more Covid could mean no more people.

As long as there was a West to escape to, the Communistic East had to have their wall to keep people in. If everybody had their chance, nobody would've choosen to stay in such a nightmare of a society. So many did flee so that the only way to continue was to erect a wall, and another wall of propaganda was necessary in order to keep the people in chains.

Does it all sound familiar now? The commies are making their move, but in doing so, have demonstrated yet again the failure of their ways. The jab is like their Berlin Wall, which is to keep everybody inside. The censorship is like the censorship that the commies used to keep control over their restive populations. No choice is possible. No criticism is allowed. You must obey, and when you do, you suffer anyway. Rather than suffer, people flee ( if they can).

No sane person would choose this. That is why an iron fist is necessary. Such is the case now in formerly free countries of the West. If this succeeds, there will no other free place to flee to.

Texas is relatively free, though. I got out and enjoyed it today. Too bad the failed blue states ( and similarly afflicted countries in the rest of the world) cannot give up on a failed dream.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Ace of Spades HQ --- Cruiservatism

Cruiservatism Forever Edition

Ace has been letting this wing of the GOP have it for the longest time. He likes to call them "cucks", because... well, you know. One other thing that he does is to place a little icon describing that broken-wing part of the GOP. They're kind of, you know, broken. He uses a little "Love Boat" that goes on cruises. Gee, I wonder what goes on in those boats...

That part is not what caught my attention. It's a long-running thing with Ace, but there was something new that I'd forgotten. It was about that Veep debate between Biden and Ryan. Ace says that Biden ran all over Ryan, which is shown here in this example on the ScrewTube. Now the thing to remember is that the left LOVES this stuff. So when Biden calls Doocy at Fox News, a "dumb SOB", it draws cheers from the left. Politico was talking this up yesterday. They love it that bully-boy crap that the commies love so much.

But there's a problem. You see, the trouble with Trump was supposedly about norms. The "cucks" were out there scolding Trump all the time because he didn't let the Bidens of the left run over him properly, like THEY would. The cucks didn't like the obvious comparisons that would not be good for them.

The "cucks" make a virtue out of being weak, which is what the post was all about. Well done. It butthurts them when Trump stood up and talked back to the pinkos. Of course the pinkos cannot have that, and neither can the cucks, so that's why they go after Trump.

Update: Oh, I almost forgot... Do you remember the left making a big deal out of Trump's alleged interruptions of Biden during the first of their two debates? Do you remember that? It's just another example of how little the left actually cares about that stuff. Here's Biden stomping on Ryan, and they weren't the least bit upset by it. Quite the contrary. They ate it up. You even had Biden alluding to Dan Quayle. So, Ryan got the Quayle treatment. The left ate it up.

Some thoughts to chew on or spit out


The overlords in Freedonia don't really want to resolve the issues about the election of 2020. Nope. They want to establish that- for anybody to question them about anything they do, is tantamount to sedition and insurrection.

If Biden really did win, there's one way to settle that conclusively. That would be to have a no-holds barred audit of the results of all 50 states. The audit would have to be honest, or there would be no point. After all, you're trying to find the TRUE winner of the election. Not some case of where you could claim victory because that is all you want anyway.

If they really cared about the rule of law and "our democracy", they'd be interested in proving it. If they were afraid, they would try to crack down on anybody who suggested a way to peaceably handle this. After all, Trump endured a phonied up accusation of Russian interference in 2016. Why can't Biden endure a few questions? Maybe he's afraid of the answers.

Maybe Biden would just call you a stupid SOB, and the pinkos would cheer. Kinda looks that way.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

here I go again

That last post I said that I hated doing this stuff. But when I started doing this blog full time way back in 2010, I had some optimism. I figured it all might do some good. Silly me. Whatever was I thinking???!!!

If someone asked "then why do it?" That would be a "good question". "For those in Rio Linda", a good question is when all you can say is "I don't freakin' know". Having said all that, here it all goes again... ( surely I have something better to do than THIS)

There was a story where a woman had to sneak in some Ivermectin to save her husband's life. Well, I'm glad she did. I think the guy was lucky. She could have been one of those kind of women who watched "The View". The article went on to show a tweet from last year from the FDA, which is below:

The thing that grabbed me is that government employees are typically Democrats. It is these same Democrats who insist that girls can be guys and vice versa. There was even a story ( don't have the link) in which they said if someone thought he/she/it was a cat, then you had to put out kitty litter for he/she/it. ( which I thought wtf!) Well, then there is this tweet. Try telling me that these government employees are honest human beings. Try. I dares ya. There's no way that this was an honest expression. Just pure dishonesty.

The insanity has invaded all corners of public life. Can it ever be turned around? I could write something here, but maybe not... If I were an eagle, I could fly away. If I said I was an eagle, would they put a sloth in front of me and expect me to eat it? Yummy!

Is there a moral to this? Maybe one. Stop believing the lies, and maybe they'll quit.

So much trouble

Things are getting a bit hairy. For the record, I really hate spending so much time on politics, but if the nation goes, so does everything else. I don't want to have to be doing this, but the situation is such that it becomes necessary to comment upon things that are getting way, way out of control.

So I just did something that I wanted to avoid because of all this. I let something that one of these people said get me angry. Getting angry is bad, because at the heart of it is fear. But fear is what they want, and it is fear that I do not wish to give them the satisfaction of having happen to me. To get to the point directly, Bongino has some dude on, maybe he's FBI, I don't know; and he says Trump kept the flags at half-staff (then) until August 8th on some year. As if that has some super secret meaning or something. In fact, this dude went on to say that August 8th corresponds to 8-8, and the letter 8 is coincidental to the 8th letter of the alphabet. Therefore, Trump was saying "H-H", which is interpreted to mean "Heil, Hitler". This FBI dude is NUTS. This same dude is in charge of something important now and gave an interview about the current situation to Nicole Wallace. Bongino doesn't have a high opinion of Nicole Wallace, and I would have to agree. Perfect airhead crap for perfect MSNBC airheads. Not only airhead, but dangerous agitation from a person who should be responsible in what he says.

That is how I wish to interpret it. My first reaction is to call this FBI dude a flat out liar. He has to be a liar or friggin' insane, because he cannot possible believe that and be in his right mind. At this point, I don't know if the dude is actually competent enough to be in a responsible position, or if he is just a plain liar. Either way, he should not have that position, and he should not be giving interviews to an individual who cannot ask responsible questions. What he is saying is completely out of bounds. He claims to have evidence. Yeah, and we heard that kind of crap from people in the government during Trump's years, but the evidence never appeared. So they were lying then. But this dude... He may be just plain nuts with that "Heil Hitler" stuff.

To give a little perspective on this, Louis Farrakhan is said to have admired Hitler. So, does that make Farrakhan a "white supremacist"? The late President John F. Kennedy was said to have admired Hitler, when Kennedy was young, and before Hitler went on to become a war criminal. Are we supposed to condemn Kennedy for white supremacy? You won't find the FBI investigating Farrakhan for THAT, I would bet. But what basis does this FBI guy have for saying what he said? Where is his evidence that Trump EVER did anything that would make that accusation remotely plausible? If there is anything, I have not heard it. If I did, though; I would question it. I think these people have no evidence and they know it. When they need to make accusations, they just make stuff up.

So they must believe that there is a white supremacist terrorist behind every tree. This is delusional if they believe it. Such people can be very dangerous. We have these kinds of people in government, and that is worrisome. That's putting it mildly. We have such people in charge of foreign policy, and we have such people in charge of the military. We are in a lot of trouble.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Commies will not admit arrogance nor mistakes

Commies will not admit arrogance nor mistakes


Actually, the link is about Globalists, but to me, they are acting like Communists. The Commies want worldwide control, and this is how they are trying to get it. The pretense is that they are capitalists.

Obviously, I think they are most definitely NOT capitalists. There is a worldwide component to Marxism, and it is being played out along side the presumption of a capitalist basis. Yet they are acting like commies. That is what I see, the way they act, not the way they talk.

When they treat patriots like traitors, then you know that they are power-mad commies. It makes no sense to me to call them fascists, as some do. Fascism is considered amongst communists to be the last stage of failed capitalism. To call them fascists only confirms their ideology to them, and it also means those who use it are duped into the having no argument when the the economic system fails.

A true opposition party would have none of this. But there doesn't really exist one in the USA at present. The GOP is a faux opposition party and quite willing to play the junior party in this arrangement. This has been true for decades. The party divide is just a big show. It is meant to deceive the public.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Why Commies blame everybody but themselves

There was this video that I watched today that purportedly explained why the "left" hates the "right". One thing that might be valid is that the left never can admit error. The reason is to admit a failing, and the left believes that people are perfectable. That means the most eminent amongst them must be perfect, and can never be wrong.

Ever notice that about the commies? They are never wrong. They always blame others for their own failings. If something goes wrong, it has to be somebody else. It is never themselves. In fact, since it went wrong, it has to be "somebody's fault", but that somebody is always somebody who is against them.

We cannot get out of Covidocracy because these people can never admit their stupid behavior. They can never admit that masks don't work. They can never admit that lockdowns don't work. They can never admit that mandates don't work. In short, they can never admit that they are wrong.

It is hard to admit failure. Nobody wants to admit their shortcomings. But it is good human relations and good for everybody to readily admit when you screw up. This would seem to be elementary, but evidently, some people never learn to do this. My guess is that these people are on the political left.

As I've been writing time and again, the left v right thing is a political construct. It bears little with reality, except when the communists practice it. It is their religion, so for them, it is valid. For those on the so-called right to also practice it smacks of an obtuseness that can explain their continued failure.

Hence, the very premise of the video is flawed anyway. But that part about refusal to admit errors and failings is probably right, as far as it goes.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Principles and Concepts

Some of this, ( or in Hank Kimble speak, all of this) may seem like a sermon of sorts, but it isn't. It would actually make a good sermon, and the sermon might actually do some good if people took it to heart, but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it. All the same, here goes nothing...

The inspiration for this post should be given credit, as it isn't all my idea. There was a post in Instapundit, in which was described a certain scam involving the government there. Read about some of the background in that post, if you wish. It might help in seeing where I am coming from.

A further inspiration cannot be credited as I am depending entirely on memory of what I once read in a book regarding entrepreneurship. In that book it said to think in terms of concepts. Also, you can find something similar in self-help books, which say to think in terms of principles. This is thinking as opposed to merely reciting by rote information that you may have picked up hither or yon.

Basically, we should seek to think on a higher plane than just rote memory. You can also say it involves a bit of critical thinking. You shouldn't be a robot. Robots just do exactly what they told---nothing more, nothing less. Don't listen to Fauci just because he is said to be an expert and he actually is believe by many to have something worth listening to...

The government in the Alabama town near Birmingham decided to enhance its revenues. It did that by becoming DISHONEST. They gave out fake tickets and expected the fines to be paid. A little light clicked in my head, and voila! A post is born.

But what is a principle and or concept? Are they the same? I had to do a little thinking on that one, and it might not be the dictionary definition. Let's call it a working definition for the purposes of this post. A "scam" is dishonest, so there's another working definition. The police and court system of that town was scamming people in order to increase their revenues. They were growing their government with the enhanced revenues, and becoming BIGGER all the time. Does any of this sound like a familiar concept?

Monkey-see-monkey-do might be called a principle as opposed to a mere scam. If the monkey sees that it can get a reward by doing something, the monkey does it; by golly-by-gosh. The trouble is that the monkey might be smart enough to assess the concept, by not smart enough to think ahead about the principles involved. The principles are the hard, cold facts of reality. If the monkey sees he can eat some delicious viper eggs, and messes around with the wrong snake nest, the monkey becomes a meal for a viper, you see. The monkey might want to bone up on its principles, and don't mess with vipers.

I may not be making my point here very well. So let's try this: if you go around pissing off motorists who haven't done anything wrong, and you start ROBBING them by accusing them of things that they didn't do; then you might have a profitable scam that could last for awhile. But in doing so, you will arouse a great many people who may want to take action against these scoundrels masquerading as public servants, you see. The "monkey" may be messing around the wrong viper nest here...

There are very broad applications of this, which may be called a principle in itself. The principle is called ETHICS. Or it can be called INTEGRITY. In order to have these qualities, one doesn't go around doing DISHONEST things. The police and courts were acting like CRIMINALS, not public servants. They have learned that there is no accountability for acting like CRIMINALS because all accountability has been done away with. Does any of this seem like a familiar concept or principle?

Let me go a little further with this: For the last five or six years, the political left has been making endless charges against Donald Trump. These have been proven to have been false time and time again. More than likely, their latest project on the January 6th riot at the Capitol in DC may be EXACTLY the same thing. This is why I branded it a false flag the moment I heard about it. It all has a FAMILIAR ring to it, wouldn't you say? Sort of like claiming that the common cold or flu was going to wipe us all out if we don't shut down everything and inject some experimental "vaccine" into our bodies.

The political left does not observe ETHICS because its only ethics are power. Lots of people fall for this like the unthinking monkeys mentioned above. Eventually it will all collapse, because the principles involved does not allow for people to become abject slaves. Freedom is born within us, and eventually slavery must fail as it goes against the laws of human nature. There are those who claim otherwise, but I pretty much guarantee that all societies that fall upon this method of organization are DOOMED to failure.

We are headed that way. That's why I decided to post this little ditty about the crooked government near Birhimgham, Alabama. The government has gotten out of control and is on its way to extinction unless there is something to stop it from taking that course, and that something must happen soon.

Know what I mean, Vern?

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Catch that Wasn't and The 2020 Election Controversy

Former ABC anchorman in Houston interviewed then QB Dan Pastorini about the 1979 controversy involving a disputed non-catch in the end zone during a championship game. The controversy is credited for being the reason behind doing instant replays of controversial calls in critical parts of games, as that situation was. Pastorini said of the call, that he liked his chances going into the final quarter with the scored tied. The call deprived the Oilers of that, and left them still behind as the fourth quarter started. The play is a bit of football lore that may be recognized more than it otherwise would have been if it hadn't been so important at the time. You might wonder about how the game might have gone if the call had been different. They might be wondering about that one for as long as football is played.

As I watched that interview on YouTube, I wondered if the Election of 2020 is about the same in a respect. No matter how much a partisan might make a claim of one thing or another depending on who you preferred to win, the fact of the matter is that there wasn't any way to determine it as well as it could be determined at the time. There wasn't any replay in 1979 when that game took place. The link between that and the election is that the Congress is like the referees who couldn't go against the crowd, and decided the outcome of the play under circumstances that were less than ideal.

There may be recounts of votes-- but in today's world, with electronics being the way they are, it should be easier to determine for a fact who won an election. The aftermath of the election, and the claim of an insurrection is testimony to the fact that there needn't be as much controversy as there was. Certainly there exists a way to determine quickly if the votes were accurate. Same as in football in 1979. There was a way to do an instant replay then. Excuses were made for not doing and those continued for years until they finally approved it for the first time in the mid to late eighties.

Those who protested in the Capitol that day are not insurrectionists just because they don't believe Joe Biden really won. Those who claim otherwise are doing us all a disservice by making such a claim. If the call had gone the other way, the shoe would have been on the other foot. How would YOU have acted if the decision had gone the other way? It is doubtful that they would have taken it so calmly. To make these claims now is just aggravating a bad situation. The facts that politicians are doing it making it even worse still.

There's is no way to create perfection on this earth. Even in the case of the NFL game, there were going to be a whole lot of unhappy people no matter how that call went. The insistence that it is somehow unpatriotic and out of bounds for there to be a protest over a controversy is itself out of bounds. Why not attempt to improve upon the way these things are settled as opposed to trying to tar and feather somebody who has a legitimate reason to dispute the result as obtained? There were plenty of reasons to dispute how the 2020 election went. To claim otherwise is just pouring salt into the wound.

No matter how the election went ( in some dream world in which everything goes perfectly), there should be no controversy in looking honestly at what actually happened. But that is not what is happening with the January 6th committee. All the more reason to doubt that the result of that election was the true or correct one, and those who are trying to punish the rest who say otherwise, appear to know it. That is why they are behaving so unreasonably with this one-sided committee.

Radian SSTO spaceplane concept

Ars Technica post by Eric Berger


This looks like another stab at the VentureStar concept that NASA was working on in the late nineties, and was cancelled by the new, at the time, Bush Administration in 2001. Actually, it was called X-33, which was a suborbital test bed version of a Single Stage to Orbit spacecraft. (SSTO)

This article doesn't go into great detail about the technical specs of the thing. The project does appear to have some of the conceptual pedigree of it. The thing that grabs me the most about it is the SMALLNESS of the craft. I should add that it may not be all that small, but from what information that the article DID supply would suggest a small spacecraft indeed. For instance, it has 3 engines, and the engines may only have 200k of thrust. That would imply a mass less than 600k, or it cannot get to orbit. It will launch similar to a plane and land like a plane, which is slightly different from X-33 (VentureStar).

For comparisons, a Falcon 9 Full thrust version that has been operational for a while, masses out at liftoff at about 1.2 million pounds. It is my estimation that this vehicle could be about 1/3 of the liftoff mass of the Falcon 9. It won't have the same payload capacity. It won't carry all that many passengers. But it would be a serviceable vehicle for some types of missions. One thing that it has going for it is that it could land on a airport, and also take off of a runway. It may also resemble the Skylon concept over in Europe. However, it may need launch assist from a sled device. That may help with mass, and why it may be a smaller craft. A 747 masses out similar to this thing. The X-33 launched like the Shuttle and landed on a runway.

The article doesn't say that the engines will use aerospikes or not. Aerospikes could help with efficiency, but it is a cutting edge tech even these days. It might have been a bridge too far back in 2001. The thing that really cooked the VentureStar in 2001 were the issues with the leaking fuel tanks. That problem was solved, but they cancelled anyway.

The latest attempt at an SSTO will be privately funded, if it happens at all. Here's the link to Radian Aerospace .

Off grid post, 1-23-22

This is still a go, but the pace is very slow, I know. Hey, all that rhymes. Woo-hoo.

Anyway, the latest thing is Sketch Up. It looks like it might take a 4 year degree to learn how to use the darned thing. But I've got time. I've got nothing but time. ( but maybe not. More Hank Kimble speak, there.)

Sketch up is frustrating. I tried it once before, because a dude whose handle is "SolarCabin" suggested it, way back when. I didn't get far with it, undoubtedly because it is way too complex for a simpleton or lazy ass to mess with. How I fit into that you can assess for yourselves.

All of this is just a simulation at this point, anyhow. Let's be serious. I'm not going out there unless I have to, so there's no need to earn a PhD in off-grid stuff. It's okay to do other stuff, but I'm not setting myself up for the latest Fortune 500 enterprise. Maybe the word is KISS, as in Keep it Simple, Stupid.

There are other ways to build things that don't require a whole lot. The Indians built tee-pees, and lived in them. Talking about off-grid. Yet it didn't seem to help the Indians much when civlization came knocking.

Off-grid should be simple, after all. I'll try to remember that. There is always some shiny new thing out there to complicate things. Civilization is good at giving you those shiny new things, but a few other things that you may not want.

I'll keep on keeping on, even if it is slow, thank you very much.