Seems like there is this quote out there that says something to the effect that a "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds." That correlates into the latest blurb I've seen on the web about the big miss on the employment report. The blurb said that the White House thinks that this is evidence of not enough spending.
That is enough to gobsmack Godzilla. Not enough spending?! Yeah, it qualifies as a real live hobgoblin. If these small minded people think that there's not enough spending, then who or what can say otherwise?
Fact, evidence, reason are all going out the window. Full blown insanity has taken over. The big question is this: how long are they going to be allowed to do this before somebody puts their foot down?
If the Liz Cheney types want to let go on this way, there may not be anything left before the sanity resumes.
Message to liberals: If you thought that a million jobs were going to be created in April, but it was only one quarter that, it may be time to rethink your plans. You'd think. Time to shake free of the Hobgoblins.