Saturday, July 31, 2021

Logic of events

Well, maybe it is high time to start redressing the real harm being done to our country. Number one thing on that list is this business about January 6th. It has been labeled an Insurrection. So far, there has not been one charge filed for that. Now it seems that the narrative engineers are calling it an "attack" on the Capitol.

Maybe it was an attack. But who was the attacker, and who are the defenders? What is being defended?

If it cannot be an Insurrection, then the attackers are attacking a building. By the same token, the defenders are defending a building. So, who is attacking who and for what purpose?

Let's suppose a hypothetical. If a hostile entity had attacked our country and occupied the Capitol, would it be wrong to attack it? The point of the attack was to defend something greater, which would be the country. The Capitol building is a symbol of the country, but the country is much bigger than the Capitol building. It is also much bigger than the people in it. This doesn't mean it isn't worthy of defense, but let's keep things in perspective. A loss of the Capitol building to an aggressor isn't the end of the United States. It wouldn't by itself have overthrown the government.

An attack on Capitol, as it is being called, is presuming the identity of the hostile party involved. What's the crime? Interference in the duties of Congress? Duties were interrupted for just four hours or so. It doesn't seem like something that endangers the life of the nation.

So this was a disruptive event. Not much of one. Recollect that one of the targets of the 9-11 attacks in 2001 might have been the Capitol Building or White House. If that had not been stopped in Pennsylvania, then one of those buildings might well have been hit and maybe even destroyed.

Even if that happened, nobody ever argued that that would have been the end of the United States.

The British did some burning down of buildings in the War of 1812, but they didn't conquer the USA.

The significance of what happened is being hyped for political effect. Yes, it did happen. But keep in mind what conclusions are being drawn. There has not been any independent investigation of just exactly what happened. Those who have been imprisoned are already been judged guilty without any due process. Why would anybody have the need to do that?

Due process is guaranteed, or so everybody thought. Has that been overthrown? If so, then what is being attacked? The new government that usurped the previous government? That is how it appears from here. Those running this government seem to think that THEY and THEY ALONE are the state. But the state is the three words that the Constitution begins with...

WE THE PEOPLE... It isn't Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her crew. They are not the state, unless they have perpetrated a coup against the state. Do they want to assert that they, and they alone are the state? For do so would be a violation of their oaths, and would make them at best unworthy of trust, and at worst, would actually make them traitors.

To violate the Constitution by withholding the rights to the accused is not defending the Constitution. To do what Pelosi and Co. are doing might well be worse than anybody at the Capitol did on January 6th.

Their rights must be honored, or we could be faced with a coup, or at least, an imminent one.

That is the logic of events. Let's see if anyone actually defends what should be defended. It looks like something is being defended that wasn't being attacked, and someone was attacking what wasn't even a threat. It isn't a threat to the government if those who protest against something that doesn't seem to be in accordance with election law just want to be heard. These protesters wanted to see the law enforced, not to overturn the Constitution and install themselves in place of it.

Those protesting on January 6th were only asking to be heard. All the evidence supports that this was being suppressed, and is still being suppressed. But why? What exactly is being defended here? What has been really attacked? WE THE PEOPLE need to find out while we still can.

Mike Lindell's visitor

The Atlantic's Anne Applebaum says Mike Lindell could "destroy" America

Normally, I don't entertain their propaganda, but this is one of the exceptions. I read it sometimes to get an idea of what makes them tick.

Evidently this piece was written with the intention to deconstruct Mike Lindell. But Applebaum does it so sweetly-and-innocently-seeming. She starts off saying some nice things about Lindell, but then adds in some really dark stuff.

She doesn't offer much insight in why she thinks he's wrong, but it sure is bad. She takes what the government officialdom says as gospel, and by golly, the world will end if you start to doubt it. How "dangerous" it is, she gasps. She seems to deny that there even exists a "left" in the media. She assures the reader that she isn't one of "those" kind of people.

She goes on and on about Steve Bannon. I thought this was about Lindell? Oh, Bannon is helping Lindell get his message out because, because... Fox ignores him. She says that Bannon lives outside the Fox bubble too and inhabits an "alternate universe". Question: if Fox is in a bubble, and Lindell is in a bubble, does that mean that she and those like her aren't? Well, an assertion like that COULD be true, but she doesn't get into the whys and wherefores on how it could be, and why she is not in one herself.

She tries her best to discredit Lindell via the Covid-19 route. This isn't proof of anything being asserted with regards to the salvation of our country. If Covid is anything like the cold or flu, there is no cure. She might have a point is Lindell says that there are cures for the cold or flu, because if there are, I must have missed it somewhere. But I am pretty sure Covid has been the hype of the century. Yes, and I think the lack of cooperation with the authorities is a symptom of the distrust of those who continue to hype it.

She goes into "conspiracy theories" and their alleged purveyors. Once again, there is no proof of the whys and wherefores of how these theories are wrong. But she seems to know, because her betters tell her so, that they are wrong.

She seems to get into a darkly ominous conflation when she said Lindell started to advertise more heavily immediately after the January 6th panty raid. Why, she has the entire sentence underlined, as if that meant something super special suspicious. She doesn't call it a panty raid of course. It was an attack. It is now an "attack", not an "insurrection". But the leaders are never wrong even though they keep changing their stories.

She then goes into the latest thing from Lindell. She proclaims that it is yet another "conspiracy theory" bigger than all of the others combined. It's so super duper conspiratorial that it makes me super duper curious to look into it further.

She makes light of Lindell's symposium on the latest of Lindell's findings. Not all the hotels are booked. I suppose the media blackout and gaslighting had nothing to do with any of that.

The game is given away when she starts throwing in the names of those who supported the Bolsheviks and even Hitler's name made an appearance.

She blames the profound distrust out there to the likes of Lindell. No, I don't think Lindell is the cause. I think the profound distrust is caused by a lot of profoundly dishonest people out there. She's not shedding any light on the matter by refusing to delve into the reasons for this distrust. She is more consumed with pointing and wagging her finger in disapproval.

How does it harm America to ask questions? She claims that this will only lead to repeats in the future. No, the repeats will only end when the truth is revealed. But the truth is constantly being hidden, so yes, disputed elections can happen in the future, especially if the results go against her favorite candidates.

There's more, but this should give the picture. Rather than to deep dive in what really happened in our recent past, she already has a made-up mind that it is all a conspiracy theory, and to question our betters is something really dangerous. On that point, she may be right. But that is not a good enough argument against doing it.

Friday, July 30, 2021

For your own good

Cool Hand Luke--- "failure to communicate" scene (video)

Robert Ringer has a new article out entitled "Forced Love". His description of forced love sounds a little bit like that scene. "The Captain" keeps saying that his treatment, of the prisoners he's in charge of, is for their "own good". When Luke says he wishes the Captain would stop being "so good" to him, the Captain goes into a rage and beats him--the speech follows.

Communism is a lot like that. It is for the "good of the people" that some people end up as collateral damage. If you cross a commie, you get the Captain's treatment. All of it for your own good, of course. There's no freedom in prison, don't you know.

The current political class is acting just that way. Like the movie, it going to be like one gigantic prison camp. It is also just like the kind of societies that communism produces. They are hell bent to do "what's good for us" as opposed to doing what they were elected to do. It's all called "democracy", but if it was really democracy, would anybody choose to live the way a prisoner is forced to live?

The GOP is destroying itself


It seems that I've mentioned before on this here blog that the GOP wasn't worth a damn, and it is being proven right as rain this very day.

At CTH, there has been a "heads-up" of some real-live son-of-a-gun chicanery going on. They have opened debate on a bill that hasn't even been written. The purpose of the bill is to trick the public. They don't want anybody to see what they're doing.

But it is mainly for the GOP to claim that they couldn't stop it, and pretend once again that they aren't an opposition party. Finally, the entire idea of the thing is to screw over the people of this country because they can.

The GOP, even though it is a minority, can stop this if they wanted to. But they don't. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING coming out of DC is a crock of horse pucky.

Nothing is going to stop this but a full-scale revolt across the board. But this won't happen because there are just too many people who don't understand what is being done to them, and don't seem to care.

Hegelian Marxism


The Authoritarians is a book, which is discussed in the link provided.


What is striking, once again, is the connection between Hegel ( see: Dialectic ) and Marxism. But even more than that, was how the Ante-bellum South depended upon this very thing to support their model of SLAVERY.

Consequently, I was definitely on the right track with this. It isn't about left versus right. It is about Freedom versus Slavery. More to the point, it isn't about the dialectic either. The dialectic isn't very useful in a world gone insane. All rational thought has been thrown out the window. Even Hegelianism is based at least upon the concept of rationalism. This can no longer apply in a world gone mad.

Well, if you are a general fighting the last war, you are making a mistake. The mistake when fighting an irrational enemy is to engage that enemy on the battlefield of reason. These people are irrational, and to beat them may end up requiring brute force. The use of brute force must be employed when persuasion can no longer work. We are approaching that cliff at an alarming rate.

Those on the side of reason have to know what they are fighting. It is enough for the rational to argue with other in order to understand each other and the situation, but to leave out the irrationalism is to court defeat.

For instance, these people will call everyone fascists and racists, but the data show that this is what they are doing themselves. These people will use their magic words like "science" to fool people into believing that they believe in it themselves. But they are irrational, they believe in nothing, which especially includes science. They do not believe in equality, because they seek privilege. They do not believe in anything that's outside of their own skins.

They will impose slavery because that is a device which enables them to consider only their own needs to the exclusion of everyone else's. It is a fraud, and it must be indentified as such and repudiated before it has a chance to succeed in putting us all in chains.

On what authority

GOP lawmakers refused access to DC Dungeon

The President can order that the jails be off-limits to Congress. Or any member(s). The President also can rescind that order. Do you think anybody in the Pravda media will have the guts or integrity to ask why members of Congress are barred from visiting political prisoners at this medieval dungeon? We have regressed at least two centuries in less than a year.

I'll call it the "Dungeon", and it may seem like hyperbole, but what about this? My usage of the language may be far more apt than even I realized.

We cannot hear anything from the prisoners about how they are treated. We cannot see if they have been beaten up or tortured in any way. How can we then know for certain if they are being properly treated? No matter how great the crime they are accused of may be, they still have some fundamental rights. How else are the people going to know if these rights are being violated or not? Has the Bill of Rights been somehow repealed? By who? On what authority?

What is your take?

Last year, maybe about this time of the year, I was doing a few errands and something happened. I didn't discuss it on the blog, but I kept it in mind all this time. I think now is the time to make a post about it. ( I may have posted it before, but I don't recall. I know I have thought about it many a time. My apologies if this isn't new. )

Anyway, during this errand, an older man than I ( I would call him elderly, but so am I.) walked towards my direction as I was leaving a place. He was heading in, I was going out. While in passing, he asked me a question. He asked: "Is God mad at us?" I didn't quite get the question, so he elaborated a little more. He mentioned the hot weather that day, the riots, and the so-called pandemic.

My answer was this had nothing to do with God. It was all man-made. So that's the story. But this morning, as I peruse the news, I am left with the idea that things could be getting a whole lot worse. The older man's question of whether God being mad at us or not has now been transformed into this answer ( if I could answer now to the question being posed then.)

It's not God who is mad at us. It is the Democrats and their accomplices in the GOP. They are quite mad at us and want to punish us. That is what all this is about.

Their anger and hatred is all over their manner, speech, and actions. When I had this thought, I had to post it. I don't know how it will be taken, but consider how we are constantly being blamed for everything that they do themselves.

Not only are they mad at us, but they think they are God too. That is an even bigger revelation. A story about Fidel Castro's regime comes to mind. Some children were told to pray to God for some ice cream. When no ice cream showed up, the children were given some ice cream and were asked who brought them the ice cream. Get it? The Castro Regime was replacing God.

Now these people who think they are God are angry at us. They are punishing us for being bad little boys and girls. Ooops! There are more than two genders. /sarc

What do you think? Who's mad at us? The God of Abraham, or the modern-day secular Gods of Wall Street and Washington DC?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Lockdowns uber alles

Ill Duce and his commie pals are going all out. Incidentally, why call Biden the name of a "fascist"? The answer is that the commies will tell you that fascism is the last step towards communism. The idiotologies are highly related. Might as well be twin-brothers. Calling a commie a fascist doesn't mean a thing. Calling him "Ill Duce" doesn't mean what you think it means. It only means that he's a "Sawdust Caesar". He has no real gravitas.

So Ill Duce is going to start down that road of lockdowns again. Oh, and by the way, "his vaccine" is about to become Trump's vaccine. Before it is all over, nobody will want to go near this frickin' "vaccine". Why else would they be going down the lockdown lane? It doesn't work! Whether it works or not isn't the point. It's about power and money, peasants.

I kinda feel like Ian Malcolm character in the movie Jurassic Park, when the T-Rex is breaking through the electric fence. Malcolm's character said that he really hates being right all the time. The only thing you need to know about Covid is that it is bullshit and has always been bullshit. The commies need it for control of the population. This was needed in 2020 to steal an election, and it's needed now to stop anybody from doing anything about it. ( Not that the GOP was willing to do anything anyway.) That may be a little to hard on the GOP. Maybe they aren't the wusses that they appear to be. But that's the way to bet...

More fun than a human being should be allowed to have. Not.

Russian conspiracy theory

Papa Joe and son Hunter side-by-side. It is said to be devastating, but who knows these days? We were told it was all a lie, but pictures don't lie, so who was lying?

Lots more fire from where this smoke is coming from. But does anybody care? Clearly those upright folks who voted for Biden, ( or so said Chucky Schumer ) didn't seem to care. You know that this really doesn't mean anything to THOSE high-minded pillars of society.

But the deplorables do care about this, but that is why, at least according to the "good" folks out there, that's why we are deplorable. Shame! Shame! /sarc

A change of pace


There used to be a lot of posts about that on this blog. Maybe not much anymore. To take a break from all the politics, which is not the most pleasant of diversions, it may be time to do a little on that neglected subject.

It seems that for the last few months, little has been going on over at Boca Chica. But that would be a mistake to think so. Activity is still going on, and one thing about the place that has changed in a relative short period of time is that new launch tower.

The launch tower is over 400 feet tall, so it is no mean feat to get it built in such a short time. Somehow this thing is supposed to catch the booster when it returns from its mission. The booster is plenty big, hence a pretty big tower.

Not clear on what it will do in all its details, and how it was built in all its specifications. Nor am I familiar with how the thing is supposed to work. There's a website that I visit frequently to get the latest on that. It is called "Teslarati". It seems to have all things Elon there. So, to keep up with that story, that could be your "go-to" place.

There are other websites that I use, but since those sites are related to actual launches, and no launches of the Starship seem imminent, I am not going to those lately.

The goal to launch to orbit by July appears to have slipped. Understatement there... It seems to be a feature of Elon speak to set very ambitious timelines. The timelines slip, but he does get things done.

There's going to be a lot of copy-catting now that he has demonstrated reusability for boosters.

But Musk is not resting on his laurels. The launch tower is an innovation. I suspect that it is important for fast turnarounds. Fast turnarounds are going to be necessary in order to make space travel more affordable. Lower costs means greater accessibility to space. The achievement of that goal is probably more significant than a return to the Moon or even a manned trip to Mars.

I can envision great civilizations being built in space. It could all be starting right here.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Signs of life? Maybe

I interrupt my wasting of time for another waste of time--- another blog post. I am only mildly jesting here. But onward, through the fog...

I have criticized GOP people before. Lately, I have come into some information that might be enough to ease up on my criticism of them. Several days ago, I saw on video that there is a lawsuit being filed against some of the Wicked Witch's Unconstitutional antics. The same Speaker who solemnly swore to uphold the Constitution? The one that laughed about Constitutional objection to Obamacare? Yes,that very one. Not that much will come of it, but it is something.

Yesterday, or was it today? Anyway, there was another attempt at opposition, which deserves some recognition. A small gaggle of Representatives from the GOP held a news conference and actual dared, yes DARED, to voice some opposition to the Wicked Witch's Star Chamber, Chapter Three. They were promptly heckled by hooligans in DC so that they had to cut it short.

There are those who are trying to give some opposition, but that has always been understood. However, our problem is that the number is MUCH TOO SMALL. If the GOP would unite at least under one proposition, it should be that to oppose the communists is NOT TREASON. Those holding offices of trust are not the state itself, but merely officers of the state. They act as if they ARE the state. If they make that stick, we will have HELL to pay.

But the state is the Constitution, and the Constitution belongs to the People----not the Wicked Witch and her flying monkeys. Our loyalty is to the Constitution, not the officers of the government. The officers of the government are mere caretakers. If they are unfit, others should be able to replace them. Otherwise, how can it be a lawful Republic, or have any elements of Democracy AT ALL?

Worrying is no good

On second thought, maybe I am not as serene as I thought. My mind starts working, it won't quit sometimes. But is it thinking, or is it worrying?

I mentioned a self-help book the other day. There are others that I've read. As a matter of fact, a whole lot of others of this type. Back in the past, I ran into the kind of thing that might have indicated something of a vulnerability. I resolved to do something about that.

One of those books was to do something about worry. Even just reading a book is SOMETHING, which is better than nothing. It was the book that Dale Carnegie wrote on the subject. In that book, the chief cause of worry is CONFUSION. Actually, before I even picked up the book, I was attempting to do something about that. You see, you have to decide things. Deciding things is one way to banish worry. Have a made up mind gets rid of worry.

How to apply that to real life scenarios is another thing entirely. It's all a part of the learning curve. I think I can always be better prepared. Therefore, it is important to also be prepared for anything that you can think of.

But the world can always throw you a curve ball. This will test you preparations, and then you find vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities are blessings in disguise. You can allow those to worry you, or you can get to work and reduce those vulnerabilities.

A real-life scenario is this Tucker Carlson ambush. What if some pinko accosts you like the one that happened to Tucker Carlson? You see, these pinkos are all high-fiving each other about how they intimidated Tucker Carlson. As for Carlson, I don't think he was quite ready for what came his way. You can put yourself in his position and ask the same thing.

Of course, that was the entire point of the pinko's exercise. They want Carlson to know that they could follow him all the way to Montana and harass him at will. One cannot help but to notice that. Not only that, they harassed him while his child was there. The thug said-- "I don't care". Only thugs would say something like that. We are dealing with organized thuggery, and of course, that is what the Establishment wants to wield as a weapon against us.

Dan Bongino says that fear is what these pinkos rely upon. Without fear, they are helpless.

Somewhere I read that there are those who intimidate those who intimidate others. As a group, we are being intimidated. It's time to "repay the favor". Those who intimidate others need to live in fear of those who are fully prepared to deal with their intimidation tactics.

Everyone should ask--are you prepared for this? If not, then it is time to get to work, and intimidate the intimidators. Because if that is what we allow them to make us worry about, then we aren't ready for this crap. If you are worried, you don't know yourself nor do you know your enemy. Make no mistake, the enemy is out there and laying ambushes for us all. They want us to know. Now that we do, what do we do about this? Crawl into a fetal position and suck your thumb?

Prepare youself to know what to do, and hopefully you'll be ready. That is what I intend to do.

Steering wheel

Here's a little story that some folks might find useful. I thought I'd tell it, even though it is really only about me, but it may have an application on a general scale. Perhaps it could go "viral". Tee hee...

This morning I awoke feeling serene. Complete unworried, which is not the way I went to bed last night. I had a hard time falling asleep because of what appears to be going on in the world. But this morning, it was like the slate had been wiped clean. What happened?

I have been wondering about that for the last hour or so, and I recollected a story a fellow driver told a long time ago. He said he got into an argument with some guy who didn't like his driving. It might have been a road rage incident, except this guy I knew was too sensible for that. He rolled down his window and called out to the guy, and the guy must have rolled down his window to hear him. This guy who was telling this story said he asked the other guy how many steering wheels does that thing have? The other guy must have said "One"! Okay, was the reply. "Then you take care of yours, and I'll take care of mine!".

There's a moral to that story. The steering wheel can be a metaphor for your life. So many people out there want to get into "road rage" mode and tell you how to live your life. Maybe they should be more concerned about their own "steering wheel". How many steering wheels have YOU got? I got one, and that is enough.

You see, the thing I was worried about was these frickin' pinkos telling me what I should do and not do. I think these pinkos should just shut the eff up, and mind their own bees wax.

If you have taken this so-called "vaccine", and you have confidence, then why do you think you should been concerned about what I think of it? If you really feel safe with your "vaccine" and face diaper, why should you worry about little 'ol me? In the spirt of Smokey and the Bandit, I'll ask you people the same question that the Bandit asked the Smokey. "Does the letters "F O" have any meaning for you?

Maybe that's why I felt oddly serene this morning. Last night I was worried, but now I know what I'll say to these pinkos if any of them try to bother me about my "vaccination" status. Perhaps you people out there can use this message. Maybe not! But I thought it might be useful to read about it.

While I am at it, I can tell another thing along the same lines. The liberal dude who accosted Tucker Carlson said that Carlson was the worst person in world. I got to thinking about the sitcom All in the Family, where the meathead said to Archie, "day by day you eat my heart out". To which Archie replied "I don't care". That was the funniest thing.

Like Archie, I say to the commie meatheads out there-- "I don't care what you think of me." Tee hee...

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Busy day

Busy day at blogging today. It used to be a routine to put up a LOT of posts each day. The numbers have been dwindling, though. A few thoughts on that...

Sometimes I look at this and wonder what the hell am I doing here? It doesn't get anywhere. Look, I've been in knock-down drag out verbal fights before. All the argumentation in the world may make no difference at all. A well-worn quote here: " A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."

In the end, the other person on the other side of an argument has to be open to a different point of view. If not, you're just wasting your time.

These days, and it may have been the same thing for the longest time, there seems to be way, way more of the kind of people who cannot be convinced that water is wet, if they have some antipathy towards you.

For me, the person opposite me makes no difference. The difference is whether or not what I think is true or not true. The speaker or writer makes no difference. Yes, a speaker who has a track record of dishonesty may not be worth listening to, but there are some folks who I may have a disagreement with who could be worth listening to if for no other reason, to learn what their rationale is for what they are saying...

I'd like to think I am open to other viewpoints. But maybe not as much as I thought... At any rate, I think I should try to check my accuracy whenever I can think of it. But really, who does anything like that???

Someone on the webs asked why Minority Leader McCarthy doesn't throw Cheney and what's-his-face out of the GOP caucus. I'd second that one. Why not hold a conference and ask why the hell is it that these two are not loyal at least to their party? You can do that without being disloyal to the country.

Whatever you may think about Trump, or anybody else, everybody deserves to be defended against the all-powerful state operation. If you cannot do that, then you'd better have a very, very good reason. Otherwise, you really don't belong. McCarthy should require an explanation from the both, and if it isn't good enough, they should go. If O.J.Simpson can get quality representation, I don't see any reason why any GOP member should abandon one of their own members.

But that's me.

The Drumhead -- a review


Star Trek is called by some as a space opera. Whatever you think of it, it has often had some episodes that are worth considering.

For those who are really interested in the truth, how about taking a look at this? After doing so, could there be anything about the current flow of events that may have some applicability?

Maybe pulling out the old Trekkie card isn't the best thing, but this could be any setting. It doesn't have to be on some fictional "Starship" in the middle of the galaxy far, far from Earth. You don't have to look any further than your TV set to see something like this playing out this very day.

Cheney gives the game away

Today is indeed the first day of the flying-monkey circus. After a moment's reflection upon what Liz Cheney said, I've come to the conclusion that she gave the game away already.

The trouble with the GOP is that these RINO-types can make themselves seem so reasonable and upright. But this is a ruse. I'll tell you why. If you watch what Liz Cheney said, you can get an impression that they will hold an honest investigation. But how honest can it be when they won't look but in one direction---at Donald Trump? This is a very prejudiced view. If it was predetermined to only to cast guilt in one direction, this is the very way it would be presented. Not an impartial quest for truth, no matter how much it hurt.

In her opening speech, this is what she said. Nothing was said about Nancy Pelosi, or any of the other members of Congress. Nothing was said about the FBI or any of the rest of the bureaucracy. That bureaucracy is overwhelmingly Democrat, by the way. Can you expect anything fair from THEM? With a slap on the hands for falsely claiming that Carter Page was a Russian spy? Not a word from Cheney about that one.

Cheney pointed out that 35 GOP members voted for the 9-11 type commission. Yes, it would be very NICE if we can get the truth, but that's where the problem is. These people are dead set against that. If they were so interested in the truth, why not release videos that may support the case that this brouhaha wasn't the way they'd like for everyone to believe. It is definitely NOT honest, so we WON'T see anything like that at all.

This might as well be a third impeachment of Donald Trump. It is a highly partisan affair, despite the fact that many Republicans voted for it. Cheney claimed to be conservative for all her life, but what does that even mean? Is that somehow supposed to be some holy thing that cannot be questioned? Can you not question the failure after failure of the GOP? This nonsense is just one of many failures over the years? It is named "failure theater" by some. Or kabuki theater by others. A predetermined failure, in which the GOP allows itself to be cast as the bad guys in a theater in which the bad guys get their "just" punishment? How about a rigorous defense of yourselves for once?

Is Cheney interested in the truth, or only interested in bashing her own party? That's where the failure is. For these RINOS won't defend what they claim to believe, otherwise they wouldn't consistently fail the way they do.

Cheney wants to present it both ways. Decrying today's partisanship, yet claiming to be a stalwart conservative forever and ever, she betrays any principled opposition. Just like what everyone is dying to know, what REALLY happened on January 6th? With two-faced RINOS like Cheney, you never find it in THIS committee--especially with people like her being a part of it.

Here's John, er Gov. Cuomo!

The Angel of Death, Governor Coomo of New York, is going all Nazi jackbook thug on his fellow New Yorkers. He's coming for you, like the maniac in the 80's movie The Shining.

The Governor put sick people with the old people, which is the same as murder. They knew at the time that older and sicker folk were more succeptible to illness, but Coomo did it anyway.

He knew it was wrong, so he managed to give immunity to those who assisted him in his evil design.

His heinous act remains unpunished to this day. Democrats in New York originally put the hero label on him, but had something of a change of heart for some reason. It was all a farce, with pretended outrage. A fellow Democrat doesn't face any accountability in deep blue regions like New York. It all reminds me of that scene in the movie, where the little boy warns his mother that they are about to be murdered. Somehow the little boy knew, which was the whole theme of the movie. Somehow.

Here's Governor Cuomo!

Flying monkey circus

The first hearing of the Wicked Witch's brew of a Star Chamber will start today, if I am not mistaken.

Seems like Arch-Heretic Liz Cheney will lend her services to discredit anybody who interferes with "her holiness"-da witch. She claims to "get to the bottom" of the Jan. 6th affair, which people refer to with different descriptive names; such as Insurrection, Riot, or Attack.

I'll refer to it as an affair of tawdriness, most likely emanating from the rotten bunch on the commie side of the aisle. The entire charade is meant to cover up their guilt in causing the ruckus in the first place, or at least so I have long suspected.

There seems to be something of a threat to go after other GOP members. I smell another commie plot being unveiled. This is one of their best tools, to inspire fear amongst people. Too bad this latest stench is coming from someone who claims to support this country.

Cheney is helping Pelosi break the GOP, which probably does need some major repairs. But Cheney is one of the broken members that needs replacing. Those who are worth anything are likely to be subjected to the Wicked-Witch and her flying-monkey-recruits' attacks. It is all theater intended to help their sagging prospects in next year's mid-term elections.

The real drama here is if the GOP can repair itself and become a real opposition party. The other side of the drama is from the Wicked Witch' mad attempt at total and complete one party totalitarian rule. They are greedily licking their lips in anticipation of a kill.

Let's see if the GOP can decide what they will be when they grow up, or grow a spine.


A clarification may not be needed here, but here goes anyway. There may be a criticism that this is an incitement to violence. But it couldn't be said without taking parts of this out of context.

There is no advocacy for violence unless it is necessary to protect oneself against an attack. The Tucker Carlson video was a trap to provoke him into saying or doing something to discredit himself. He did the correct thing in refusing to be provoked.

Provocations are designed to elicit violent responses, which are in turn, designed to be used to discredit those who defend themselves against an attack. I believe this was an orchestrated attack against Tucker Carlson, which was intended to force him off the air.

He did the right thing, and he could do even better by letting them pay the price for this provocative act. All that is necessary is to go over every bit of it and ask why.

The aggressor made many charges which he didn't offer proof. He cannot offer proof because the attacks were lies. Therefore, all that is needed is to expose the truth. The greater truth is that this was a planned event, in my opinion. It is the same kind of thing that may have been done to the 1/6/21 protesters in Washington DC, who were objecting to the stolen election. They were invited into the Capitol Building, then they were attacked. They fought back, and now are accused of insurrection. I believe that this is a filthy lie.

The Wicked Witch of the West Coast, Nancy Pelousy, is orchestrating yet another Star Chamber to attack these patriots. She is doing so by starting out with their accusation, and refusing to look at ALL the evidence. Video tapes are being withheld that could prove that there was an attempt to provoke the protesters. Her Star Chamber is set up so that this cannot never come to light. She has found dupes and "useful idiots" in the GOP who will help her out.

It is necessary to study the tactics and show how they are using it NOW. The same is being used against Tucker Carlson, and will be used against anyone standing against their mad lust for absolute power.

It is not necessary to be violent unless it is in self-defense. These monsters would try to take that away too.

To fight commies you need to know them

Back to Sun Tzu, who said you need to know your enemy. If you don't know your enemy, you are at great risk of losing. If you don't know yourself, and you don't know your enemy, then you have no chance. Therefore, where do you go for guidance on fighting the enemy?

Ronald Reagan had success in defeating the communists during the Cold War. He knew what he was doing. Those who came before did not. When Reagan gave his speech in support of Goldwater, Goldwater's aides were in a panic. But Goldwater didn't panic, and watched the speech himself. He then responded with the question: what's wrong with it? There wasn't anything wrong with it, but there was a lot of steel and spunk in that speech. This is what is necessary to fight communists, and Reagan provided it--and more.

Another source is David Horowitz of FrontPageMag dot com. He was once a "red diaper baby" himself. He was raised on that ideology, and he knows the way they are. Horowitz once said that conservatives do not know how to fight the commies. He was right. Conservatives are not doing well enough. Those who want to keep their freedom must fight better and with more determination, intelligence, and zeal.

Communists try to wear you down with a relentless attack. If you aren't prepared, you may succumb to their onslaught. It is definitely a war, and it requires a lot of determination and preparation in order to fend off the attacks, and deliver some devastating blows of your own. The greatest blow of all is that Communism is a lie. Truth is their greatest enemy, especially in the hands of a determined fighter. Become one and defeat these fiendish monsters.

Communists will try to disarm you. You must not let that happen. First they disarm you mentally and emotionally. Then they will disarm you physically. If they succeed at that, you are in grave danger of being subjugated. But the attacks don't stop. All attempts to defend yourself with be subjected to a withering and debilitating attack. It will a psychological abuse that will be hard to withstand. But it can and must be done.

There was a movie I saw once, which told the story of Patty Hearst. Patty Hearst was captured by the so-called Symbionese Liberation Army. It was a commie front, and the movie showed how she was subjugated. Actually, the subjugation was a type of brain-washing, in which she was locked up in a closet, and had to endure privation to weaken her. She was then more receptive to their message. She began to identify with a captors, which is the hallmark of the Stockholm Syndrome. She took on a new identity and adopted a new name---Tanya. She became one of them.

This example in the movie relates to a real-world event. Patty Hearst went on a crime spree with her captors, but was eventually caught and put on trial. Her defense was brainwashing, but she was convicted anyway. Patty Hearst really was brainwashed, in my opinion, as she did not know how to fight back against that type of subjugation. Eventually she was pardoned for her crimes.

Tucker Carlson's experience is another example. He will now be subjected to a withering assault. Time will tell how he endures, but if he doesn't, they will have another scalp. Part of that withering assault has come from the government itself. The government is out of control, because they have been infiltrated by the commies. The tactics against Tucker Carlson are very much like the tactics of communists. It would be wise to heed this warning. They are telling us all who they are by what they are doing.

To unmask Carlson was a reckless and illegal act. This is in violation of the law. Those who are responsible are in government, and make no mistake, this is a government operation. The man who confronted Carlson worked for the government, it has been confirmed. He was with the CIA. This shows the government connection. The effort to confront and subject Carlson to an attack is a classic commie subjugation move. The effort is to silence him, for the commies cannot stand for the truth about them to be revealed.

Commies adopt the power of the mob to subjugate the individual. This is the same kind of tactic that was employed against Patty Hearst. If you don't think that this is effective, then why is it employed so often? It needs to be recognized early and called out for what it is. It's a commie plot to silence Carlson because he is a threat to them. Truth is not the commies' friend. The commies themselves are nobody's friend. Not even to each other. They'll call each other fascists. They will destroy each other, but not before they destroy you first.

The attacks will be relentless until they are either defeated or we are. Make no mistake, this is a war. If you don't know their tactics, you are at a clear disadvantage. The commies will make the most of these opportunities, and use that to subjugate as many as they can. This must be resisted at all costs. The alternative is unthinkable.

The commies will say that is evil, because to resist them is evil. If the commies are so good, then why do they have to lie? They have to lie, because to make war, lies are absolutely vital. Sun Tzu said that war is all about deception. Do not let them deceive you. They are not our friends. They are nobody's friend. They will destroy anybody and anything in their way. For their way is dominance and control. This is the war of perpetual warfare, which feeds their ideology. Fear is their primary weapon. Dominance and control is their objective.

So they will disarm you mentally, then physically. They will start by saying you have no moral right to self-defense. This is the first lie. They may use other tactics to try to get you to disarm so that you will be in their power. Do not fall for these tricks. You must be strong as this will test everyone to their limits.

Carlson may have been chosen because of his prominence. The same was true of Donald Trump. The same will be true of anybody who opposes them. You cannot rely upon others to defend you. You must learn the ways of defense yourself, and never let them tell you that you have no right to that.

Communism is a lie which always leads to misery and death. To resist is the highest form of patriotism and humanity. Communism is a lie, and their proponents are lying, filthy pigs. Remember that when they start their name-calling, and return the favor! Fight back. Don't let them turn you into one of them.

Communism needs the illusion of inevitability. They cannot stand the notion that they can be defeated because it destroys their delusions. Communism needs illusions and delusions to survive. But such evil does not deserve to live. It can and should be eradicated because of its evil. Otherwise, they will destroy everyone and everything. There is no other way for them to exist.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Enemies lists

A commenter on the webs said that to read what was on that website, one would get on a list. Since when does reading something make you a lawbreaker? It is as if the First Amendment has been repealed.

This kind of sentiment may be indicative of a fear out there. A fear of the government. This fear may not be a bug, but a feature. All the more reason to be stronger against the intimidation. Giving into the fear will only make the oppression worse.

Let's not be too innocent here, and pretend nothing is wrong. Something is definitely wrong. Pelosi has stated that some of the Republicans in the House are enemies. The use of that word is getting a bit troublesome and worrisome. Merely being in opposition makes you an "enemy"? Sure, there are idea enemies, but what the Wicked Witch of the West Coast is saying that the loyal opposition is an enemy of the state. That is crossing the Rubicon, don't you know.

These people are out of control. Giving into them because they seem too fearsome to oppose is a sure ticket to more of the same.

All the same, though, you have to be smart about your opposition. They would love nothing better than for the opposition to make themselves into a dangerous element that would give them the excuse they need for political violence. They really didn't have a problem with that last year, now did they?

If they cannot find any excuse, they can always make it up. They did that to Trump, and they may well have done it to the those people on January 6th. Yes, and they can do it again.

They are a treacherous and deceitful bunch. No mistake about that. You have to be smart, and you have to be strong.

Example of necessity in politics

By any means necessary----Wikipedia entry

Another way to put it is this: "the ends justifies the means". It is another way to rationalize political violence.

Would those who think such is necessary in this country today be willing to plainly say so, or would they denounce political violence? Political violence should have no place in our culture, but self-defense is warranted. If a government wishes to put us all in chains, should we fight back?

But those who wish to confiscate your weapons and deny you the right to self-defense are the ones who won't denounce this way of thinking. Why would you trust them?

How much longer can he last?

My hearing is not that good, so I have to listen really close several times. It does sound like he said that.

Now the thing here is that it is so inappropriate that words cannot describe it. He walks up to people and the first thing out of his pie hole is that. Keep in mind, this isn't just another dirty old man. This guy is in the White House, and he is in control of the football.

There's much more at the link. The guy is definitely in over his head.

His WHAT has been wiped?


What the idea behind this? Intimidation? It this "Corn Pop's" idea? It sure seems like this is a brazen attempt at personal intimidation. There are reports that the White House knew about this in advance.

These people are nuts.

First, they spy on him. Then this.

Ranchero project nears completion

This project is nearing completion. Consequently, this should be the next to last video of this series. There are a number of things still to do, but it is mostly of the mop up phase variety of tasks.

I'll see this to completion, and if not, I will explain why, if that turns out to be the case.

Where is this headed?

Things seem to be going from bad to worse. Seems like the Minority Leader in the Senate is caving into the mad-dash for injections. DeSantis seems to be caving in to the same. There is no serious opposition to the panic caused by fear-porn.

If nobody is standing up for their Bill of Rights, nor for the rule of law, then what? It cannot go anywhere but down to that anthill of totalitarianism that Reagan was talking about in 1964.

There is a surreal atmosphere about this. I remember reading that the same kind of observation was made in Europe just before the invasion of Poland. Nobody believed what was about to go down. But the die was already cast years before.

Is that the same thing that we see now? Things seem normal and calm. How long will that last?

There are those who say that the injection doesn't work. So, if there is this mad-dash for injections, but people get sick anyway, then what? Or if the powers-that-be decide to lock us all down again, then what? If this happens and a currency-collapse occurs, then what? A failure cascade could ensue. Then what? What recourse do we have when the government holds all the power? What chance do we have to hold them accountable if the powers-that-be have already insured that nothing nor nobody can nor will oppose them?

Nobody seems to be willing to even say something simple like "wait a minute". If that be the case, then what?

Sunday, July 25, 2021


It may be time to make something of a personal statement with regard to this blog.

Since 2010, I've been blogging regularly. Something has been posted nearly every day since then until now. During all that time, the blog has not managed to grow very much. Sure, there are occasional spikes in traffic, but it stays pretty modest almost all the time.

Not to make this sound like a complaint. During all that time, I was hoping that somebody out there would amplify anything that they may have seen here. It was that kind of hope, along with the thought that what I was doing what was right and good; that kept me going.

It is enough for me. I don't need fame nor glory. In fact, I don't think it would wear well on me. So the lack of same does not dismay me. It may have at one time, but not now.

However, if it gets to the point when I think that nothing is being accomplished here, I may decide that it's usefulness has not been demonstrated, and it may be time to do something else.

Such is not the case now, but it could happen. Given the nature of things, it could happen sooner rather than later. Frankly, I am beginning to wonder if that time may be near.

We live in a very deceitful age. If there is nothing else that can change that, it won't matter what ANYONE says. The powers-that-be will tell you what you can say, and what you can think. Such a blog as this wouldn't matter even if it had a million hits a day. If it did have that many hits, it wouldn't exist for long, because I wouldn't.

I wouldn't quit because of threats. Figure out the rest.

The currents of deceit may turn out to be too strong to fight. It may well drown us all.

Those were the days parody song

Lyrics of this parody song are cute and all, but the message is sad. That's okay, because the song upon which it is based is also a bit sad.

It's sad because too few seem to have the courage to resist something that is just plainly coercive and irrational, while claiming to be about science and the public health. It is not.

Most "scientists" work for the government, and if the government wants something, are they going to say no? Then they are just tools of oppression, which is what this government has become.