Thursday, July 29, 2021

Lockdowns uber alles

Ill Duce and his commie pals are going all out. Incidentally, why call Biden the name of a "fascist"? The answer is that the commies will tell you that fascism is the last step towards communism. The idiotologies are highly related. Might as well be twin-brothers. Calling a commie a fascist doesn't mean a thing. Calling him "Ill Duce" doesn't mean what you think it means. It only means that he's a "Sawdust Caesar". He has no real gravitas.

So Ill Duce is going to start down that road of lockdowns again. Oh, and by the way, "his vaccine" is about to become Trump's vaccine. Before it is all over, nobody will want to go near this frickin' "vaccine". Why else would they be going down the lockdown lane? It doesn't work! Whether it works or not isn't the point. It's about power and money, peasants.

I kinda feel like Ian Malcolm character in the movie Jurassic Park, when the T-Rex is breaking through the electric fence. Malcolm's character said that he really hates being right all the time. The only thing you need to know about Covid is that it is bullshit and has always been bullshit. The commies need it for control of the population. This was needed in 2020 to steal an election, and it's needed now to stop anybody from doing anything about it. ( Not that the GOP was willing to do anything anyway.) That may be a little to hard on the GOP. Maybe they aren't the wusses that they appear to be. But that's the way to bet...

More fun than a human being should be allowed to have. Not.

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