Saturday, May 29, 2021

The doctors that cracked Covid

 How Ivermectin was found to be the silver bullet.

The doctors don't want the credit but they deserve it.

This is like spitting into the wind


Joe Biden caused a fuss again. But you wouldn't know it if you looked at his Rasmussen numbers. He is polling at 55%. That's higher than Trump ever did, based upon my recollection.

True that Trump had a lot of headwinds against him, and with Biden, it is the reverse. This is what the term in the title comes from.

For some reason, even when people know that the media is biased, they still listen to them and believe them.

It is a rather chilling thought that they could have so much influence. Two other things to comment upon: 1) the idea that Trump was somehow wrong to defend himself is at the center of a cultural push to disarm the public, and 2) that this push to disarming America has succeeded in England and in Australia. The people behind all this are cultural Marxists.

Marxism is purportedly about the people, but the historical record shows massive suffering in Marxist governed countries. Why the attraction?

If I am not mistaken, the right to defend yourself came from common law. Common law came from England, and was passed to its colonies. America was once an English colony. If the English have given up their rights, the future doesn't look promising for us.

Yet, people believe their propaganda. Given their rampant dishonesty, the fact that people still believe them is enough to knock me over with a feather. I just don't get it.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Life insurance "business as usual" in age of Covid

Should it not be the case?

Didn't all those people die?

Wouldn't life insurance companies have to send premiums through the roof?

Money talks.

You know the rest.


Off-grid post, 5-28-21

It took about a week, but at least it's done now. The packages for the custom-made soil are now opened. A bit disappointing because there is so little of it. Well, if you got to start small, then start small dad-blast it.

There may be enough to attempt to germinate a couple plants. One will be a tomato plant. The other will be a strawberry plant. Yours truly is a real newbie at this. Try not to laugh. Not that I mind all that much, but it wouldn't be nice. We are all so nice these days.

I really don't like to spend a crap load of money, so I may get creative. An idea to place the seeds on the dashboard of the van came to mind. You see, they need sun. I don't drive all that much, and when I do, I don't go far. The plants can be moved for that amount of time, and brought back when I am finished driving.

But first to review the entire process once again. I'm sure I screwed up somewhere.

Later when I'm straighter.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Ranchero Video


The Ranchero seems to be close to a road test. This video updates the progress made since the last video a few weeks ago.

New York Post: Twitter urges Indian government to respect freedom of expression

I thought I'd share this story from the New York Post.

Twitter urges Indian government to respect freedom of expression

Comment:  Recently, one of their states passed out Ivermectin.  This was a response to the Covid thing.

The story mentions COVID response as an issue.  Twitter has been accused in this country of suppressing content regarding COVID response, not to mention other content.

Now Twitter is trying to seize the mantle of free expression.  I'm not impressed with Twitter's "concerns".

Ivermectin is supposed to be bad for some reason ?  Leftist governments like Peru don't like it, but their people are suffering more without it than when they had it.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

What can I do, some of you people ask

Bongino led off his show today with the question that he hears from time-to-time when he's get out and around.

The question is "what can I do"? Somehow, it does not seem to be a hard question to answer to me. I live in supposedly the most conservative Congressional District in America, but people out here went goofy over the Kung Flu, just like most other places. That gave me a bad feeling last year, I tell you.

So a better answer would be " stop being dupes for the left." People fall for their nonsense, and it appears a lot of them are supposedly conservative. If you cannot resist their fraud, then there's no real hope for you, now is there?

It amazes me how people who should know better didn't. The story going around now is that it originated in China. Of course the left is suppressing it. Or they are lying about it as they usually do. But what do OUR people do? They fall for the Bravo Sierra. OUR people seem way too trusting, and way too passive. Some of them like George Will, seem downright treacherous.

Then afterwards, they all like to wring their hands, and complain how terrible it all is. A little more effort at the right times might have made a difference, but nope. Can't have that now can we?

It seems to me that the so-called conservatives are doing what they always do. The results should be no different in the future. Until you get out in front of their frauds, and make them pay for their frauds, instead of profiting, nothing is ever going to change for the better. But it will change for the worse.

Conservatism might as well not exist for all it manages to accomplish is to make themselves appear weak and stupid.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Kung Flu story will not go away


This Wuhan Virus origination story seems to have legs. I've read through a bit of what's being said about it and it is some scary sheet. It can't have come from nature, it says, and some other stuff that may cause your hair to stand on end. I hope it all isn't true, but given the nature of things today it wouldn't surprise me if it was true.

Maricopa County Az audit

 CTH mentions something about how the media is covering the audit.  The only thing you need to understand about the media is that they lie.

The lie is repeated elsewhere that there were no deleted files, but as CTH reports, they DID delete an entire drive.  That's deletion of the files, ALL OF THE FILES.

The media people have to know this, so they're lying their asses off.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Off-grid series and search strings


Recently I stated working on the off-grid part of the project relating to growing food. I was amazed at how much research that I already did on this subject. I realized that I had forgotten about this part of my previous work.

With that in mind, I looked back in the blog, and found these links, which are links to other blog posts on the various topics relating to the off-grid project.

Many of the posts are obsolete, so there needs to be some pruning, you might say.

An order was placed for some sawdust and some sand. These can be used to make custom-made soil, which is according to the Mittleider gardening system's directions. I've had that course in a pdf file stored on computers since 2014. It got filed away like everything else.

Separating the wheat from the chaff, you might say.

All right, time to quit fooling around. There's work to do.

Links to the off-grid series

Review of off-the-grid series so far 

It looks like the link above is on the sidebar, and the links below can be accessed through the
above link as well.  Nevertheless, they are posted below:

Table of Contents Food Subseries

Table of Contents: Power and Electricity
Construction subseries Table of Contents

Update:  My packages have arrived.  Now what?!

Update:  Going to use one of those videos I filed away in order to germinate from tomato seeds, from a tomato, a tomato plant itself.

After that is accomplished, maybe grow the plant until it produces tomatoes.