Saturday, July 7, 2018

An attempted, slow-motion coup d'etat

Originally posted on 3.7.11:  ( 7 years ago! )


The model for today's "resistance" is what happened in Wisconsin some 7 years ago.  An elected governor was attempting to lawfully execute the duties of his office, and some of these folks attempted to have him removed from said office  on the basis of political disagreement alone.  This was rightfully called a coup on this blog.

The business with Mueller and the so-called "resistance" is quite similar.  Trump was elected according to the laws set forth in the US Constitution.  The Constitution is the sovereign authority, to which all officers must swear an oath to defend.  To overthrow the legal authority by unlawful means is a coup attempt, and is ongoing.  At present, there is no civil war, nor likely to be one.

Mueller's "investigation" is unlawful.  This is a coup attempt.

Civil war?

Well, if there is one, you people will be on the outside, and will be depicted as insurrectionists.  Yes, and they will be correct, because YOU LET THAT HAPPEN.  You failed to defend to sovereign authority when you had the chance.

There is no will to defend the sovereign authority, then there can be no war on such grounds.  If there is to be a war at the time these people say, then it will be fought on unlawful grounds, which are going to be much harder to defend.

Dummies.  Let's see how many people will volunteer to fight your stupid war for you.

The original post follows:

Some have compared the Wisconsin situation to an insurrection.  Being something of an amateur semanticist, I am a bit dissatisfied with the term insurrection for this.  An insurrection by the foregoing linked definition, would not fit what's happening in Wisconsin.  But look at this definition of coup d'etat.
A coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder", thus, armed force (either military or paramilitary) is not a defining feature of a coup d'état.  (emphasis added)

The unions, backed by the Democrats who bolted the Senate in Wisconsin, plus National Democrats from outside the state, are attempting to thwart the duly elected government of that state.  By a successful means of thrwarting their intention in "the sudden, extrajudicial deposition of a government", they hope to regain control of that government.  Therefore, an attempted coup is the correct term for what's happening.

Appearances are everything.  Therefore, it is needful to have the appearance of legitimacy.  Thus, polls are being used to supercede the authority of the actual election returns held just a few months ago.  The use of polls and the Democrat walkout are extrajudicial means to depose the current, lawfully elected authority of that state.  Not to mention the lawful means of peaceful assembly under the first amendment of the constitution.  But to prevent the execution of their duties in any way could be considered unlawful interference in the performance of an official in his / her duties of that office.  This also has the appearance of legitimacy, but is not really, it is extrajudicial.  The only thing lacking here is violence, but that is being threatened, if reports are accurate.  Intimidation may not be illegal, but it starts to get close.

 If violence enters the picture, insurrection by this definition may be a little more apt.  But the Democrats need a fig leaf so as not to alarm the general public.  But it is a coup attempt, in my opinion.  What follows this is greatly important to the future of this country.  If the coup is successful, democracy and the rule of law would be made to appear ridiculous.  What's the point of having the elections if they are not honored?  What is the point of having rule of law, if it is not going to be respected?  There's a lot on the line here.  Do not be deceived by the Democrats and their propaganda machine in the media.


An urban definition for being "punked" is what is also apt here.  The Democrats are trying to punk the Republicans.  There is a much more loaded term, in case anyone's familiar with the concept.  It refers to what happens to certain men in prison.  So, far the outcome is far from certain.

FIB Agent Strzok failed polygraph

If it were a private company, he might well have been fired two years ago.

New York Times wants to "go to the mattresses over this"?????

Why would anybody find fault with this?

Perverts in high places

The usual mundane stuff is not the only thing being covered up, if this is any indication.

Remember Hillary's emails?  Those may be getting suppressed because they may contain some rather sickening revelations about the Clintons and their henchmen.

Even the debauched state of this culture may reel from this stuff, if it were honestly reported.

Friday, July 6, 2018


The latest "revolution".

It could mean something, besides hype.

There it is again

The same phenomenon with so-called conservatives.  They talk a good fight.

The idea that you are going to stop the radical left with words is almost masochistic.

The left is quite aggressive.  You don't stop aggression with words.  You stop it with force.  Force against force.

So, I'm reading the Limbaugh blog, and I see this passivity again.  That's how you got to this point, you guys.  If you think the left is going to "bowl you over", then what are you doing about it?

If there are those who are worried about getting into trouble, well, that is even worse.  It is your right to organize.  The left does it.  Why not conservatives?  I tell you that conservatives are mostly rugged individualists.  They'd rather be left alone.  But the liberals won't leave you alone, so you are going to have to get off your duff and stop them.

At the very least, G.E.T.  O.R.G.A.N.I.Z.E.D.

You won't get into trouble for that.  If you do, then it all the more reason to do it.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

It's alive

Wishbone called my climate control schemes a Frankenstein of sorts.

It works, or as Young "Fronkensteen" said, "It's alive".  Bwah, hah, hah!

The Democrats Are Going NUTS – Lunch Alert!

The Democrats Are Going NUTS – Lunch Alert!


Morris says that the left can't handle defeat.  Happens every time.  Certainly looks to be the case.


More along those same lines here...

The news is nuts

Best way to feel good is to ignore these wacko birds...

that is all...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Yankee Doodle Dandy

This appears to be a trailer.  All the better, because YouTube has a nasty tendency to delete videos.

Maybe this one will stick around.

Obligatory, 7.4.18

It has been somewhat busy around here lately.  The heat makes it necessary to work in the mornings, and so I have.  This morning, I made some room around this trailer.  It is rather crowded in here.

Lots of gadgets.  There's a dehumidifier, a washer, a freezer, two swamp coolers, a box fan, a big recliner, plus the usual stuff like a stove, fridge,  TeeVee.  Don't forget the desktop computer and the netbook computers.  Oh, and a kitchen sink.  That's the living room.  If I am lucky, I can walk sideways in order to get through all the gadgetry.

Got stuff piled on top of the freezer, so I haven't had access to it.  That's what I just did.  I moved some stuff around so that the freezer can be utilized again.  No big plans for it, just want to use it to make some ice.

The gizmo I made last year is not connected, so I won't be using that.  There is a big ice chest in the bedroom, with a bunch of hoses hooked up to a pump, which pushes ice water through a heater core.  That set up actually will work at night, but not in the daytime.  It is rather elaborate to set up and use, and I won't be using it that way.  Maybe to put some ice water in it and run it through the swamp cooler?  Maybe.

An idea to make another awning for the bedroom popped up in my head.  Yes, it is kind of lively around here.  My goal as always is to minimize the use of water and electricity.  Seems like I am making some progress, but not there yet.  Like Lone Watie, I will endeavor to persevere.

Monday, July 2, 2018

It's the leadership

If you want to blame someone for the downfall of Western Civilization, then it has to be the leadership.

It's up to the leaders to set direction.  If the leaders go bad, then so does the rest.

There's an opening on the Supreme Court.  Seems like no matter which way the so-called conservatives turn, they don't win.  At best, you end up with compromise.  But the left?  They never compromise.  This gives us justices like Roberts, who won't declare Obamacare unconstitutional.  Seems to happen a lot.  Or, a justice like Kennedy himself, who gives us same sex marriage.  These were 5-4 rulings.

The left is better organized and more determined.  They are winning the long game.  The culture keeps going downhill.

Shoot, I remember the Souter nomination.  They bitched and moaned about the guy, and he turned into a liberal vote.  How many times does that happen with their picks?  The last justice that was conservative and nominated by a Democrat was Byron White.  Kennedy nominated him.  You have to go back a long way to find a Democrat who would be capable of this kind of thing that the so-called conservatives do routinely.

Democrats can piss and moan all they want about this pick, but they'll probably get more than a conservative would feel comfortable about giving them.

People blame the voters, but the voters didn't outlaw prayer in schools.  They didn't establish abortion on demand, and they didn't demand same sex marriage.  All of this came from the top.  Liberals understand this better than so-called conservatives.  That's why they are going nuts right now.  It seems to work for them.

It's the leaders you should be blaming for this.  Don't blame the "sheep".

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Making a circle of bricks

Not sure of what he's attempting to accomplish other than a demonstration.

Even so, it is interesting.  Perhaps I can adapt it to my own purposes.

Are Democrats Rabbits and Republican Wolves?

I always understood it to be donkeys and elephants.  How did I go wrong?

Interesting read, all the same.  I think the liberals are wolves.  Not only that, they lie a lot.


I made light of this, but that may have been a mistake.  Actually, the use of the "wolf-rabbit" analogy is unfortunate.  Even though this article does not suggest that we become wolves, only that the wolves' mating practices and survival strategies are similar to how a conservative mates and raises a family.  Likewise, the Dems' practices produce a bunch of "rabbits", who mate indiscriminately, early, and often.

To me, a better analogy would be of competency v. incompetency.  It would be industry v. sloth.  Old fashioned work ethic v. welfare queens.

It says that liberals banned this study.  Maybe they don't want the rabbits to see what their leaders are doing to them. In my opinion, the leftist leaders take advantage of human weakness in order to further their own interests.  They are the real wolves.  Real wolves live off the flesh of their prey.  The Dem leader live off their own people.  They do not really help them at all.

A Fascist Right — or a Hysterical Left?

A Fascist Right — or a Hysterical Left?: By Patrick J. Buchanan

If Trump's supporters are truly "a basket of deplorables ... racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic" and "irredeemable," as Hillary Clinton described them to an LGBT crowd, is not shunning and shaming the proper way to deal with them?

So a growing slice of the American left has come to believe.

Friday, gay waiters at the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, appalled that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was being served, had the chef call the owner. All decided to ask Sanders' party to leave.   Read more on Buchanan.Org...


I'd say hysterical left.



Originally posted 6.27.18


A couple hours this morning, and I plugged the gap.  Even at this hour, I broke out in a sweat.

A little more finishing touches, and it will be done for sure.  If there are any gaps, the sun will shine through.  There's a couple left, but it isn't much.

Now to kick back and relax.  It is Sunday.


Nope!  More than 2 ft penetration of the doorway with sunlight.  Although the north wall did cut it down a bit.  That means I have to add more planks.

I didn't buy more, I took some off the side I built last year.  It looked tacky anyway.

More work to do, but that has to wait.  Maybe manana.  Had to go to town, but not to work.  Need my van.  The car is in Austin and the van is now here.

So much for math, eh?  Or high school math,which is about all I can remember.


Done, I hope.  Some folks in the area think I need more planks, but we'll see.  Hopefully, this is enough.

I did a little sketch with Paint and did a little math.  Let's see if my math holds up.

If the sun transits 180 degrees each day, then for a 14 hour day, it would transit about 13 degrees per hour.  Going backward from about 8 pm for approx nightfall, then at 3 pm, it would be approx 65 degrees from horizon.  If that calculation is correct, it would take after 6 pm for the sun to be lower than 30 degrees in the sky.

We'll see.  If I am right, the north wall will block after six pm.  No sun.  Maybe.


Continuation of the work today.  Got an early start in order to beat the heat.  Most of the thing is in place now, but there's some work that needs done yet.  By tomorrow morning, I should be finished.

I'm pretty tired, but happy.

The original post follows below:

Time to get away from keyboard warrior mode, and to do something real for a change.

I began to make a cover for the door.  I call it that, but that just seems to confuse people.  Let's say that it is an awning of sorts.  A shade for the door, so that the sun doesn't shine into the place, making it even hotter than it already is.

I had to dial back the use of the swamp cooler, because it uses so much water.  This may help the cooler do more with less.

Cross my fingers and hope to ... nah, don't want to finish that sentence.