As written here more than once, there is no accountability any more. Until enough people care, and are willing to do something about it, this situation will continue. So there was an article on Red State, which provided the quote in the title. This political cycle, it is expected that the House and Senate could both flip GOP. But there's this sticky problem with the President. A GOP Congress can do nothing but provide political cover for his corruption and incompetency. Historically recent GOP majorities could do nothing but limit the opposition's mis-steps, corruption and failures. A mere razor-thin majority will not keep this President honest. Something more significant has to happen. Otherwise, change will never happen, but fingers will point in both directions. It only adds to the lack of accountability.
The system was designed that way. The downside of that design is what we are witnessing today. The system doesn't need to be changed, but the public perception of the parties needs to change so that change can occur. The Democrats have reached the end of the road, and it is a dead end. Without accountability, why should they change their tune? They've got a pretty good deal. They can break every rule and law in the book, and nothing ever comes of it.
Generally speaking, it is probably recognized that the Democrats are corrupt. But this has been true for years, and the public should know better. Yet the public doesn't seem to care. In this Congressional session, it was very nearly the case that any change going forward would get even harder still. Those who already have no accountability, also wanted no POLITICAL accountability as well. The system is rigged in favor of Democrats. It has been true for all the years since the New Deal started. The swamp just gets swampier.
Prior to the New Deal, the GOP was the dominant party. Although it is true the GOP has controlled both Houses and the Presidency for short periods of time, there has not been the sufficiently large GOP majority to overcome the recalcitrant corruptocrats as well as the retrograde faction of their own party. In other words, the GOP majorities have been much slimmer than the Democrats' majorities. This made it difficult to make some real changes from the GOP side. The Democrats have not be so hindered, and have passed some significant legislation. It should have been clear with the voting act that the only interest that the Democrats care about is their own. It is a type of institutional inertia that the system creates. Only a force great enough to overcome that inertia can make the difference.
Until the pain is great enough, there will be no change. The Great Depression caused enough of a realignment that it ushered in the New Deal era we've been living in. A big sweep this coming cycle could be the broom that can clean up the political landscape. It became necessary during the Great Depression, and it could become necessary if this inflation continues without end. Big events can cause big changes. Something has to happen to make the politics change.
Democrats must sense this. That is why they tried to rig the elections even more in their favor.
This Ukrainian war's side-effects may cause some real pain. It might finally be enough to cause a big enough realignment that some real change can occur towards that more just society. The "UniParty" or "Establishment" has to go. They are in collusion with each other, and that collusion is the real source of the inertia. The Establishment needs this inertia.
"Business as usual" always favors corruption, meanwhile the people suffer under this misrule. Could it be that this time that enough will say that "enough is enough"?
After a long pause, a thought arose. Evidently, those on the other side really believe that the typical GOP'er is racist. If it is really true, then those folks are making a mistake. For it is a tactical blunder of the greatest proportion to give the other side a propaganda victory. That's what it is if your only reason to support the GOP is that it is racist, and you like it that way ( if that were true as a hypothetical, and not that I believe that it is). I don't believe that racism is the big issue today in any case. Even if the typical GOP'er WAS racist, they aren't gaining anything by it. In fact, those who ARE truly racist stand to lose a great deal in continuing to take the racial baiting coming from the left.
The future could be a lot better than the present, but things aren't on that path. Not just my opinion; the polls say so, and have said so for the longest time.
A day's pause from this post.. this is the break point to the next section...
On 3-19-22, I did something that I hadn't been doing for awhile. I went to the Mahablog to see what the lefties are saying... There was a post about the oil companies withholding oil from the markets, and the denial that the Biden Administration had done anything to stop oil production. She went on to say that the oil companies are gaslighting.
This lie is so big that I think it qualifies as The Big Lie. Biden was quoted as saying that he would stop fracking. The left wants this. If she was being honest, she would disclose that stopping oil production was a good thing. But she isn't.
These people are all-in on the lying. Biden couldn't run on the end of fossil fuel, and then expect to win an election. Nor can he govern on a record of ending fossil fuel, and expect to win. ( which he didn't win in the first place) So the only thing they have left is blatant lies and/or brute force. We saw brute force in Canada. Is there any doubt that Biden would do it here in America?
They claim to be for democracy, but they act like gangsters. I've seen some posts that the networks are claiming that they didn't say that the Hunter Laptop story was "Russian disinformation". But that doesn't stop them from keeping on with the Russian collusion accusation. They are just flat out lying now.
This can only continue as long as there are those who keep rewarding them for their lying. In a just society, they'd be punished. Time will tell if that situation gets reversed. It is certainly not the case now that there is justice in the land.