As stated earlier, I am boycotting all television and sports.
Everything I have heard about the conventions has come from the internet. For better or worse, that is the way it is this time.
I am pleased that the convention seemed to accentuate the positive. Not everything is a bed of roses, but things are not so bad. Not even now. It is mostly confined to places where the Democrats are not really opposed like they should be. A two-party system can check off the excesses of the other. Everywhere you see Democrats running unopposed, you see suffering. Why would anybody vote for that? Maybe they aren't. Maybe the only reason they stay in power is corruption. That could end this time. Let's hope so.
If a positive vision doesn't win, then what can you say? Frankly, the only way Trump loses is if the Democrats steal it. They have offered nothing constructive that I can see.
Sure the Democrats are scary, but I won't offer any further scary scenarios. Anybody should be able to tell what to do this time. It should be plain as the nose on your face.