A few thoughts now that the Democrats have finished their harangue:
1) From what I've seen, they played up to the fence-sitters on the GOP side. We heard a great deal of bravo sierra about their regard for the writings of the Framers, and some of the statesmen of the past. Trouble is, they don't mean it. How do I know this?
The answer to that question is the rhetoric that is their custom. They are only using
these honeyed words because they know that some folks on the GOP side will like hearing them. There are suckers on the GOP side, make no mistake. They don't mean it, and the Pierre Delecto types should know better.
2) To expand on that point, besides Delecto being mistreated by the same people who are now playing up to him, just recall how they treated both Bushes---Papa and Shrub. They got no respect then, but they get it now. You have to know how insincere all of this truly is, or you are a sucker for it.
3) The academics are the worst when it comes to disrespecting our heritage. These people vote Democrat, as you must know if you are inclined to agree with what these phonies are saying.
4) Chris Matthews once claimed that he would consider voting for John McCain. I recall he got huffy on television when someone doubted it. Does anyone have any doubt that when John McCain ran in 2008, he didn't get Matthews' vote?
5) Democrats will cry foul if they get no GOP votes, but why should they expect any? None of these Democrats like or respect even the moderates, but they can certainly play this double game with the best of them. You can be assured that once they get what they want, the harsh rhetoric for all of their opponents will resume in force.
6) All of this should be known amongst the GOP caucus. They know better. Yet they have allowed this. At what point do conservatives give up on them? Or are there any of those?
7) I wonder if there are because if any of the Democrats' honeyed words meant anything at all, this impeachment would not have happened. It shouldn't be happening, and the only reason for it happening is these weak-kneed, squishy GOP types. To criticize them is to risk conviction, but I'd rather tell the truth about them than to play up to them the way the Democrats are doing. A regard for truth requires no less.
8) I'd rather that there be defeat to retreat one inch. Victory at any price? Not if by
"victory" that we empower unreliable types like these. This is a deadly fight. The loss
of this war might have grave consequences for the GOP and everybody else for that matter.
9) There is not one iota of merit in anything the Democrats are saying. The things that
sound good are being said insincerely. Therefore, it is only a trick. Don't fall for it.