Saturday, March 24, 2018

One listen to the liberal news will bring you back to reality

People are over-reacting to this omnibus bill signing.  Sure, it was a bad bill.

But, after hearing just one minute of the news on the radio, and I thought--- ain't no way, baby.  No way I just let them have the Congress back, nor anything else.  Not if I can help it.

If all we can do is to slow this down, then let us slow it down.  The liberals will only mean doom for us all, and in short order.  The RINOS may mean doom too, but at least not as fast!

Besides, the omnibus bill may not be a total disaster.  Just wait it out.

If only that were the case, though.  People seem ready to slit their wrists over this.

Might settle for this one

These prayers are hard to remember.  Besides, the one I keep revising is too lengthy.  Maybe something shorter will do the job.

Actually, I just want to go about my day in peace.  But realizing that this could be shattered at any time and at any place.  Nothing lasts forever.

It's a bad way to start the day if you are anxious, angry, or undecided.  If nothing else, a prayer like this can give you a goal.  If you cannot do anything else, then just do what you can.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Again, if Patton can do it, it ain't wussified.   Patton was no wuss.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Will the Deep State Break Trump?

Will the Deep State Break Trump?: By Patrick J. Buchanan

"It is becoming more obvious with each passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon Johnson's authority in 1968 are out to break Richard Nixon," wrote David Broder on Oct. 8, 1969.

"The likelihood is great that they will succeed again."

A columnist for The Washington Post, Broder was no fan of Nixon.

His prediction, however, proved wrong. Nixon, with his "Silent Majority" address rallied the nation and rocked the establishment. He went on to win a 49-state victory in 1972, after which his stumbles opened the door to the establishment's revenge.Read more on Buchanan.Org...


This lengthy quote does not quote the proper point.  The proper point, if Buchanan is right, is that Trump is acting like he recognizes that they are out to get him.

But if that is true, then why sign the omnibus bill?

My guess is that he really wanted to fund the military.  But why?  Are the external threats really greater than the internal threats?

Another guess is that politically, he is playing the game just like an Establishment Republican would.  The conservatives get to pretend to oppose the libs and the RINOS, while the Dems get to oppose any Republicans --- all of it business as usual.  This was a scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours deal.

On the other hand, if Trump had vetoed the bill, he needed only the conservatives to hold firm against it in order to prevent an override.  That should have been easy. 

So why not veto?  Only way to argue against veto is if he wanted to fund the military right now.  A veto means no more money for the military.  He got the money for the military because he deemed that to be the most important thing right now.   Trump would still be fighting, but the external enemy comes first.

Otherwise, it is a total cave in.  Trump is either a beaten man---- or he doesn't recognize that they are out to get him and he's still fighting.  Buchanan must think that he is still fighting.  Not sure if Buchanan thinks he is already beaten.

A lot of the commentary in other places is wrong, or something is missing here.

Back to praying.


4:54: pm:

The politics of this looks pretty bad.  But remember that Trump got the funding he wanted for the military ( unless I am mistaken ).

We don't know what it all means yet.  Lots of people seem ready to abandon ship.

I don't see that yet.  Maybe I'm dumb, who knows?

This doesn't mean I support Trump in everything.   If he continues this course, I am done with him.  We have till November to see how everything plays out.  These people act like the election is tomorrow.

Obligatory, 3.23.18

Lite posting as data use is still too high.

There's a lot going on right now in the national level that is bothersome to me.  Hence the prayer.  It is for my own peace of mind.

It seems that the reaction to the Omnibus bill is negative.

The hiring of Bolton seems to portend something as well.  That something is a bit scary to contemplate.  Not meaning to sound the alarm, but this guy seems neo-con to me.

A quick impression of these developments, along with the Kudlow hiring, is that Trump is casting about to shore up his political support.  Or, even worse, it may be a surrender to the Establishment.

Not sure about all that, but that is how it seems at the moment.

Bottom line is that we may be getting deeper into the poop.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Patton's Weather Prayer hacked ( for a good cause )

Here's a prayer, but perhaps not quite the one needed.  The problem today is not with a wicked enemy without, but the wicked enemy within.

Here's what the prayer actually said:

Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.

What would be a good prayer for today?  Instead of "immoderate rains", substitute "overbearing corruption".

Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain this overbearing corruption with which we have had to contend.  Grant us truth for the societal struggle ahead.  Graciously hearken to us as patriots who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice in this nation and amongst all nations..

What do you think?


9:42 pm :

The final prayer is almost the same as the one, with a few changes. "Truth" is replaced with "courage".  Otherwise, it is shortened. Here it is:
Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain this overbearing corruption with which we have had to contend.  Grant us courage for the societal struggle ahead.  Graciously hearken to us as patriots who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish thy justice in this nation..

We are going to need some guts here, and this is our problem, not the world's.

On the radio today, 3.21.18

Blast from the past.

The lyrics are a mind blower.  Or does it show a blown mind?  Either way it is bad.  I don't know music.

Austin bomber

Updated, 3.21.18:

From what I have been able to tell so far, this guy doesn't fit the profile.  It could be a case of mistaken identity, or something else is up.

You just don't get home-schooled kids doing stuff like this.  I say there's something wrong with this picture.

the original post of 3.19.18 follows:

Ace doesn't know the significance of the latest bombing location.  It was on the west side of I-35.

Yours truly will attempt it, and also try not to make a fool of himself.  That may be difficult, since it comes so naturally.

Anyway, the west side could well be the more well-to-do side of town.   It could be as simple as that, or it could be something more complicated.

Austin has its hilly areas and its best panoramic views on the west side.  People build homes on those hilly areas.  So, this is all a big guess, and it may be wrong.

Now everybody can resume their drinking.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Flynn Was Railroaded: Presiding Judge Was Close Friend Of FBI Accuser – Lunch Alert!

Flynn Was Railroaded: Presiding Judge Was Close Friend Of FBI Accuser – Lunch Alert!


Once again, let me repeat it again and again.   These people do not wish our country well.  Flynn is a patriot, and he was serving his country well.  He was unjustly accused and punished for having committed NO CRIME.  But he did oppose those who were trying their best to harm the best interest of this country.

Nothing inspires the hatred of the left more than anyone who tries to help this country.  That very much includes the President of the United States.

They are destroying your future.  You need to do something about this.

Thorium 2017

Gordon McDowell's recent compilation on the subject of LFTRs.

If you watch this video, you cannot help but notice Kirk Sorensen's enthusiasm for this technology.

If only you can transmit that into the skulls full of mush these days, who are being fed a steady stream of anti-American propaganda.  This is from our colleges and universities.  It is what our tax dollars support.  It is a crime against our nation.  It is a crime against these young people.  Their futures are being destroyed.


Kutsch touches upon what I have been pounding on time and time again.  There is this strong tendency in Western Culture to give up.  We stood on the edge of vast potentials for future advancement, but seem to have given it all up for something far inferior.

If trend isn't reversed, the future will not be kind to the human race.

But I repeat myself.  It is a sad story.  Hopefully, it can change.

If there was a way...


Originally posted 2.25.18, updated on:


This may be the best hope going forward.  That is to say, just rely upon a Greater Power to get us through the trials ahead.

There is probably little that can be done by human effort alone.  So, just between me and whoever is out there, I am leaving it to the hands of the almighty. 

In other words, I won't worry about it.  I care about it, but I cannot worry about it.  It is necessary for my own good, you see.

I am not a praying type, but I just might start saying a prayer for this nation.  We are in a lot of trouble.

the original post follows:

I could apply some supernatural power to silence all of this inane talk about Russian interference in our election, I'd say I would be sorely tempted.

Even selling my soul to the Devil?  Well, no.

I'm not sure that the earthly affairs of men is a big concern to God.  It is more the concern of slimy politicians.

But the Devil might be interested.

Still, this talk is ree-damned-diculous.  Even a mere mortal ought to be able to see that.

As I wrote before, it is always the premises that you should focus on.  The premise here is that the Russians helped make Trump president.  That is what is ridiculous about all this.

Unless you can find evidence that the Russians caused the votes to be counted incorrectly, or the results to be falsely certified, then you basically have nothing but a charge of influence the voters at best.

Now, if you were to compare the vast network of news organizations against the pitiful Russian effort, no matter how "aggressive", you would have to agree that the Russians cannot affect much.  It is like a sand grain on a vast beach, or a drop of water in the ocean.

Even if they could, so what?  What do you want to do, make America like the Soviet Union, where all news from the outside world is heavily censored?

But you see, we've already got that.  Trying to get the truth out is what would take the supernatural assistance.

Like Pontius Pilate, it may be time to wash one's hands on the matter.

Don Surber: Trump is America's red pill

Don Surber: Trump is America's red pill: I never watched "The Matrix" but I am familiar with this blockbuster because it impacted American culture, and still does 19 years...


Something familiar about this comparison.

As long as we are making comparisons with movies, I share the sentiments of the mathematician character in the movie "Jurassic Park".  He predicted the failure of the park due to the Chaos Theory.  Although I am not a mathematician, I can certainly feel as though being right all the time is not necessarily a good thing sometimes.

Obligatory, 3.20.18

The headlines offer nothing of interest, so the pickings are slim.  Actually, the headlines are not good, and writing about them is unpleasant.

What to write about now?

There's definitely a war within the culture.  It is not going well.  The reason for this is that the culture is in the hands of the corporations, who do not support this country.  If the corporations weren't in control, the news would reflect that.  Instead, there is the constant drumbeat of opposition, and this is what drives the culture ever further away from tradition.

The traditions are what made this country great.  Those traditions are being destroyed systematically.

Those who laud this do not seem to care about how this damages the nation.  Evidently, they believe in cultural marxism. 

The future does not look good.

Trump is taking them on, but his fight may be too big, and too late.

This may seem defeatist, but unless this "Army of Davids" arrives soon, the Swamp will win.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Could the Russians take advantage of the situation?

Yesterday, I spent some time re-reading a novel called "Alas, Babylon".  It was about a nuclear war and its aftermath.

The thing that struck me just now, was that the setting of that book was about 1960.  During that time, the country was united in itself.  This is in stark contrast to what appears to be the case now.  If I am right, the USA could be in a lot of trouble right now.

Consider Pearl Harbor.  The Japanese saw how divided the country was, and believed, incorrectly, that that was best time to attack the United States.

But the world is much more dangerous now.  Any miscalculation like that one could mean Armageddon.

The Russians didn't change the outcome of the election in 2016.  But they could do a lot worse than that.  They could finish us off in just a few minutes.

One of the novel's characters speculated that if we convinced the Soviets of the folly of such an attack, maybe they wouldn't have attempted it.  But this idiotic stuff going on now could convince the Russians that this could be the best time for an attack.  That is why this crap needs to end now.

Updated same day @ 4:30 pm:

It might well be worthwhile to mention two things:

     1.  That there is a controversy today regarding the election of Trump to the Presidency, and
     2.  There was also a controversy after the 2000 election.   The Democrats made a big deal out of that situation all the way up to the 2001 terrorist attacks.  The run up to the attacks occurred during the transition from the Clinton Administration to the incoming Bush Administration.  That period included the training of pilots who would ram the planes into the buildings.   The planning and execution of the attack occurred during that period of time--- do not forget this.

Therefore, it would not be out of the realm of possibility that the 2001 attacks were a dress rehearsal for a much larger preemptive first strike involving nuclear weapons.  Once again, that the aggressors ( Japanese and 2011 terrorists ) used a period of political turbulence to launch an attack.  It could happen again.

The controversy regarding Bush ended after the September 11 attacks.  But there won't be any reason to have a controversy if the nation is in ruins.

Just saying.

Madness has overtaken the nation's capital

After reading the Andrew McCarthy's NRO piece about the Mueller investigation, I cannot help but feel that this country really has crossed a line.

How can this country go forward after this?  The investigation is quite obviously a fraud, but this is not news to me.  Once that Mueller was hired, I went into a meltdown.  But that was just me.  Now that millions of people could have read this article, or had a chance to read this article, what now?

You have a fraudulent investigation here people.  ( I am referring to people who still support this miscalled "investigation".  People like Trey Gowdy and Lindsey Graham. )  Do you really expect that millions of people in this country are going to accept what you are trying to pull?  What comes after your brilliant coup?  Do you really think you can rule over millions of people by an iron fist?

That can only happen if a lot of people end up dead.

Or, if a lot of people just sheepishly cave in and let themselves be ruled by a criminal gang.  For that is what we have here.

Something has gotta give.

Self driving cars the next new thing?

Female pedestrian killed by self-driving car--- well, that's not an auspicious beginning.

This is not likely the best idea in the world.  It tends to follow a pattern, however, of relying too much on technology in order to solve problems.

The only problem that is solved with using this kind of tech, however, is to save money on hiring drivers.

I noticed in the comment section that a lot of those commenting seem to have more faith in machines than in people.

As a driver who uses their tech in order to find locations and such, these machines are going to be a real hazard.  People and machines don't mix this way.  One or the other will have to go.

The woman may have been jaywalking, but a human driver would have hit the brakes.  The machine wouldn't care, and would continue anyway even if it meant killing someone.  A human driver who acted this way could get into a lot of trouble.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Data leaks? Maybe not.

This new browser has revealed something that surprises me.   Most, if not all websites, are huge data hogs.  They consume typically up to ten megs of data.

All along, I figured something was using up vast quantities of data, but this discovery indicates that web browsing has become rather data intensive.  Such a finding is quite the surprise to me.

If you are a heavy web browser, you could easily use a gigabyte of data with these websites today.  That would only take about 100 webpages.   Such is not that difficult to imagine, as a webpage may seem interesting at first, but then you could click on something else if it turns out not to be.  Each click would take up another huge gulp of data.

What makes these webpages such data hogs?  Not sure yet, but I suspect that there may be little incentive to economize on data demands, and a big incentive to add such things that may bump up data requirements.

Well, I guess I have solved that mystery.  But it won't make my job any easier.   Even the interface that allows me to use this platform for blogging-- is a data hog.  Perhaps not as big of one, but a data hog nevertheless.

It's a challenge, I tell you.

Obligatory, 3.18.17

Alrighty, now.

Our physical education instructor would open class with that statement.  I'm recalling something over fifty years ago.  Alrighty, now!

To start off this Sunday morn, I am announcing the discovery of a web browser, which I think may be helpful in at least one aspect--- avoid data gulping websites.

One site that I visit from time to time is Instapundit.  It turns out that it is one of the offenders.  It seems that there are few sites that don't grab up too much data.

A site that doesn't is Free Republic.  If I stick with that one, I shouldn't use too much data.  This new web browser allows me to see how much data it gobbles up.  Free Republic doesn't use much.  It doesn't have a lot of frills.  But Instapundit didn't look like it had a lot of frills, but apparently I misjudged that.  This tool will help me to avoid those that use too much data.  A big offender appears to be Red State.  Yay for Vivendi, the new browser.

I'm just getting started with Vivendi, so there's a lot of screening to do.

As for one site that I may be able to use, which is Memeorandum.  While I browsing the same, I noted a stark dichotomy emerging.

What does it mean, this dichotomy?

It does appear to me that a war is underway within our government.  Actually, it is the Civil War, which many are talking about.  A real Civil War is one in which one faction attempts to take control of the government over the other faction.  In this case, it is an insurrection from the losing party, who have been losing a lot of elections lately.  The Democrats are attempting to overthrow our system of government.  Yep, sure looks that way to me.

But the GOP isn't trying to stop them.  What we have here is a coup, in which the central government is attempting to change the government from a Federal Republic into something resembling a unitary state based in Washington DC.  It is a power grab of historical proportions.

Quite important that the battle is joined.  At present, a good many people don't seem to be paying much attention.

I leave it at that for the moment.  I want to evaluate how much data I just used.

Update later this day:

It didn't look too bad, so I am going to use it a bit more.  It is very useful for identifying data hogs, as I have gone through several sites now.  Ace's blog is a big, big, big data hog.  I'm sorry about that one, because I like to visit that site from time-to-time.  Same for Limbaugh and Surber.

Looks like only two data misers so far, and those I have mentioned.