Friday, May 18, 2018

Egg cooker review

After practicing with this thing using nothing but water, I tried cooking some
eggs yesterday.  Rather than take a chance on the eggs not getting cooked enough,
I put the maximum amount of water on the hot plate device.

There's a lid that goes over it all, giving a small dome like appearance.  This
traps the heat, yet allows a small amount of steam to escape the small hole on

Thus the top part gets steam cooked, while the bottom part gets boiled.  It worked
well yesterday.  As an experiment, I will use the measuring cup for hard boiled
and see if it actually cooks all the way to hard boiled.  As of this writing,
the cooking has completed, and the thing is cooling down.  The eggs are still
sitting in the cooker.  Still don't trust this thing completely yet.

I will stop writing here, and attend to my eggs.  Be back with the results...

Back again.  Shelled the eggs and ate 'em up good.

Yummy.  Well, I must give a thumbs up for this little gizmo.  Although these were
not solar cooked eggs, as I used grid electricity for them on this go round, the
previous testing convinces me that the solar equipment that I have is up to the
job.  Clearly, this little egg cooker is also up to the job.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Obligatory, 5.17.18

There was a huge data spike yesterday.  I'm already maxxed out on data even before the day started.  It just spiked again.  Now, it says I only have half a gig left for this cycle.  Methinks these people are trying to force into buying more data.

Remember the film called Falling Down?  I'm having that kind of day.  Don't know if I shoot up a joint or not.  (  that was a joke )  The guy was running into a lot of problems all at once, and he snaps.

Anyway, just wrote several sentences, and this thing wiped it all out.  Now, I have to start over.  Never did like this laptop, but it was pretty cheap.  The "wipe out" of my writing, and the data spike are some of the things that are bugging me.  Just getting started, if that was my inclination.

So, let's not make it that way.  Let's not blow things up, even though some people might deserve it.

I pretty much had my fill of the bravo sierra, and maybe I'll move along for awhile.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

How soon we forget

It has been quite some time now since the Clinton presidency.  It was a scandal a day around the White House back in those days.

It is really very, very hard to believe that the former President of the United States, George Herbert Walker Bush, could vote for Hillary.

The Bushes are in cahoots with the Clintons , or they are very weak and foolish.

Just for a refresher course, here are the links that show what the Clintons really are like.  Imagine another four to eight years of this crap.  Then look at what they are doing to Trump.

If the Clintons and their enablers are taken out, the country might have a chance.  I think they are like the Mob, and Clinton is their Godfather.

There are those of you who will laugh, but this stuff is serious.

We are very lucky she is not president right now. 

Mr. Integrity-- Phillip Green in Casino

That's what he was called in this movie.  He was a front man for an illegal operation in Las Vegas.  They needed a "clean" guy to give the operation a legitimate look.

This reminds me a lot of James Comey, who is also playing the "Mr. Integrity" role to the hilt.

Comey was left out of the loop on the Anthony Weiner provided emails.  Comey then re-opened the sham investigation of Hillary, and subsequently cleared her of that scandal.  After losing the election, Hillary blames Comey.  Not to mention, the Dems cook up the phony Russian collusion scandal in order to get rid of Trump.

If they get rid of Trump, then they could cover up the scandals for good.  That's why they need to take Congress back.

Too bad the RINOS have to help the Dems by throwing the election.  Maybe we can thank the "hero" John McCain for that.

Gun-grabbing may be hazardous to your health

Here's an article that may chill the bones of your average gun-grabbing liberal.

All the same, it is better to stop the gun-grabbing before it gets started.  You can bet your bippy that if the liberals got what they wanted, the presidency would be determined largely by majority vote.  The president appoints judges, and judges could grab your guns.

Never mind that the Constitution says that the presidency is decided by the legislature of the various states.  If you are truly conservative, then you do away with popular election of the president.  If the liberals are going to twist the Constitution to the point of non-recognition, then the presidency is key.  Right now, they intend to swamp the country with millions of illegals, and get them to vote Democrat. 

Once they keep the presidency in liberal hands long enough, then they will outlaw guns and just about every other right we have.

The article linked above shows what must occur before the gun-grabbers can succeed.  They must have a totalitarian state, and that state must be ruthless in grabbing all guns.  If such were to happen, blood would have to run in the streets.

Holding hands and singing kumbaya won't get rid of the guns, liberals.  Getting rid of the guns would get people killed.  Better to deal with the failed liberal social experimentation than to start grabbing guns.

The real argument about gun violence is not the guns, but the culture.  The Dems and their RINO enablers support the culture of death, which is the problem.

Debbie Wasserman-Shultz called the NRA a terrorist organization.  But who stood down the investigation of the murder of Seth Rich?   Who set OJ Simpson free?  It wasn't the NRA.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What is Romney up to?



There is a discharge petition gathering strength in the House.  It is intended to pass an amnesty law before the election.   Before or after, it matters little.  It is a lot like John McCain, in a way.

John McCain has spent his entire political life screwing somebody.  He screws liberals who he ran against by pretending to be conservative.  Then he screws conservatives, by siding with liberals once he is safely in office.  Now, at the point of death, McCain wants to give his supporters the finger.

The same principle applies to the so-called RINOS, who are joining with Democrats, with the intention to pass a bill that gives the finger to conservatives.  The conservatives have been winning, and so these RINOS want to give a parting shot, just as McCain thinks he is doing.

Nobody should honor McCain.  We shouldn't honor people who dishonor themselves with their own disloyalty.

These RINOS want to divide the GOP so that they may lose the House.  It is as I said before, they are taking a dive.  If it works, then they will have caused a lot of problems that may have been avoided.

RINOS are typified not only by their disloyalty, but their intense dishonesty.  Somehow, they must be defeated.

Originally posted 5.14.18, original post follows below:

He seems to be linking Islam with Mormonism.  Of course, there may be a valid point here, folks.

For those amongst us, who call themselves Christians, it may not be wise to be too critical of the Mormons.  If they make alliances with Islam, we have a problem.  I know the zealots are going to be up in arms with this.  But you cannot make an enemy of everybody.

Still, Romney is somebody you cannot fully trust.  He joins up with McCain, it seems.  Why?  Why is this demand that McCain be treated as some kind of untouchable when he is in politics himself?  Why is anybody an untouchable in politics?  Only Christians are touchable.

Think about that, if you dare.

Ah, and to change the subject ever so slightly...

Have you heard about being "on the wrong side of history"?  Because that is a Marxist turn of phrase.  Communism is supposed to be inevitable, because capitalism will collapse, commies like to say.  This is part of Marxist ideology.

Hillary likes to use the phrase.  Now Joe Scarborough is using it.  Wasn't this guy a GOP pol before?

Politics make strange bedfellows, it has been said.  But are these people really that different from one another?

Laws of Money

Once upon a time, when I was still a youngster, I wanted to be rich.  I found a book about money, and decided to read it.

Obviously, the book didn't make me rich.  But there was something in it that has remained with me all these years.  The book said that if you do the right kinds of things, the money will take care of itself.

Maybe you cannot get rich off that advice, but it is worth remembering. 

Doing the right thing avoids a lot of bad things, and one of those bad things might well be money problems.

Another side of that is to worship money as a end, as opposed to a means to an end.  Money is the means to good ends, but it can also be a means to bad ends.  If you worship money in its own right, then that is a bad end in itself.

So, maybe you don't get rich off that thought.  But who cares?  Money is not going to be an end to itself for me.  Maybe I thought I wanted to be rich, and the truth of the matter is, that I didn't really.

About Peter Thiel's video on American Decline

This link is via Instapundit, and I watched several minutes of it.  Of course, this guy is a billionaire, and people are interested in what he has to say.

He takes too long to get to the point.  He does seem to hit the nail on the head, so to speak.  But he is not a forceful enough speaker, in my opinion.

I have written on the subject myself, a little bit.

In my opinion, this society no longer values truth.  Hence, we end up with fake everything.  It is easier to fake things than to make real things, so people seem to take the easy way out.  There is no hard science anymore--- like curing cancer, or landing on the moon.  Nope, we end up with fake science like global warming.

Now we have a fake scandal that supports the continuance of the fake society.  I'm not much interested in following the fake.  I'm more interested in following the truth.  That puts me out of step with the crowd.  Screw the crowd.

If you base your society upon post modernism, you end up with fake everything.  Where there is no truth, there is nothing but fakery.  American society is going down the tubes because of post modernism.  More to the point, it like a worship of the fake.

You don't need a lot of words, you just need to get to the point.  But that is kinda hard.  I haven't gone very far with it myself.

Our society seems to worship money, too.  So, this billionaire gets a lot of credibility.  He must be smart, because he is rich.  Or so goes the thinking.

Unfortunately, that is the truth.  Not much you can do about the way in which people think.  You can complain about it, you can criticize it, but you cannot change it.  People have to do that for themselves.

You can't eat a billion bucks.  You can only trade for food.  But what happens to Thiel if he cannot feed himself?

Truth cannot be bought, borrowed, or stolen.  It can only be sought after.

I wish Thiel luck.  I wish Trump luck.  But they may not be able to get to the point.  But I am sure that they will make plenty of money.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Egg cooker

Saw this gizmo on Instapundit, and decided to try it.

It uses but little water, and 350 watts of power.  Let's do the math.  There are two ounces of water being used.  That's 1/8 of a pound, as a pint weighs about a pound.  Thus, to raise the temperature to boiling requires  140 degree F delta t.  If you divide 140 by 8, you get 17.5 joules in order to raise 2 ounces to boiling point.  Convert to watts, and you get 17.5 watts times 1/4 hour and you obtain  4 1/8 watt hours.  Does not sound like much energy expenditure.  Too little....

The device claims it uses 350 watts, so let's try another angle.  One quarter hour yields just shy of 90 watt hours.  Hmm.  I think this version is more accurate.

Anyway, I ran the device on my off-grid equipment.  There was a voltage drop to just under 12 volts, but the system ran okay for about seven minutes or so.  The thing has an automatic shutoff, which is set by a temperature sensor.

The water was boiling, as you might have expected.  It doesn't take that much energy to get the water to boiling, as we see above.  To make it boil maybe takes more energy, thus the discrepancy.  Maybe, the discrepancy was rather large.

The battery returned to normal voltage rather quickly.  The upshot here is that this device will work with the equipment I have, and therefore, I should be able to cook a solar cooked egg. 

Whoop-de-doo doo.

Big joke



Did A British Spy Start The Whole Russia Investigation? Part I – Lunch Alert!

Did he have bad teeth?  Or did it matter?

Hey, they're looking in the wrong place.  Instead of Russia, it's the UK, baby.  Either way, it's bad.  I don't know the spy business.

Original post on 5.11.18 directly below ( baby ):

Have to laugh here.  So, this is the big scary guy who is about to bring down the good 'ol USA.

I don't want to make too much light of this, but this guy looks goofy.  On the other hand, maybe he is perfect for the part.  Mr. Big, indeed.

On the positive side, he lambasts neo-Conservatives.  It seems like he would not be high on the list of never Trumpers to me.  But, who knows?  I could be wrong.  Maybe I don't really understand Trump.  Possible.

I think that the neo-Cons would be the first and foremost one of his clients, if you ax me.  If Halper were to be the guy who is trying to derail the Trump train for good, he seems like an unlikely one to be doing it, based upon his book.  In other words, he should be supporting Trump.

A perfect mole?  Again, who knows?  Upon further examination of his background, this guy has definitely been around, and has his fingers in some pies.  For example, he may well have been the one to get George H.W. Bush as Reagan's Veep.  Bad medicine, kemosabe.  Halper may have been involved in some very shady stuff, like the S&L Crisis.

Anyway, thought I'd bring up a video that expresses something of what I am thinking here.


There are people who actually HATE John McCain



Not everybody loves John McCainUnderstatement of the year, if the below was ever investigated.  Sauce for the goose, as the saying goes.  John McCain wants to investigate others, let others investigate him.

But you cannot question his heroic status you see.  Seems to follow a pattern.  Cannot question Hillary, cannot question Obama.  It is a kind of shut-uppery discussed before here and elsewhere.

The original post of 5.11.18 follows directly below:

Click on this link to find out about them, if you dare.

If it is true, any of this stuff, John McCain should go down as one of the most villainous scumbags in hees strah.

If they hate McCain this much, it could be for a very, very good reason.

It would be an honor not to be invited to his funeral.  It would be a disgrace to attend it.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Upgraded Falcon 9 block 5 launch and recovery

This new version of the Falcon 9 rocket has some upgrades that will allow at least ten re-uses of the first stage.  As can be seen here, the launch and recovery of the first stage has been successful.

It is getting to the point that these are expected to be successful.  It will now be news when it is not.

Think about that for a moment.  When it was first successful, it was news.  Now, it isn't because it is no longer a novelty.  Novelties makes the news.  Success isn't news until it isn't successful anymore.

What that says about the news, I leave for some other discussion.

The commie cadet...

Updated, 5.13.18:

Originally posted 10.2.17:

The left wing is a syndrome of behaviors that is incompatible with traditional American life.  You know, Limbaugh likes to say he knows liberals, but does he really?  If you read about Sun Tsu, then you know about the Art of War.  The Art of War says to know your enemy.  The left wing is an enemy alright, but does Limbaugh and the like really know these people?  If he did, victory would be assured, but I suspect that he does not.  Or, another possibility.  Sun Tsu also said to know yourself.  Then, if Limbaugh really does know the Left, then perhaps he really doesn't know what his own side is about.

I'm not talking about the so-called Right.  It is a lot easier to visualize opposites, so I think the so-called "Right" is often confused with being different from the Left.  I use "Right" in quotes, because it is the premises that I question.  Those who disagree with the Left do not have to be a member of the so-called "Right".

Adolf Hitler is a good example.  Hitler is always associated with the so-called "Right".  Hitler was a more militant form of fascism, which is not associated with freedom.  Hitler's ideas were based upon race.

Freedom knows no racial lines.  It knows no class lines.  You have it or you don't.  Fascists, Nazis, and Communists have not been known to be associated with freedom.

Reagan understood this distinction.  It expressed it in his Great Speech that launched his career.  If the so-called "Right" does not understand Reagan, then they cannot be successful against the Left, for they do not understand the reason for fighting them.

The so-called conservatives are often mixed in with the so-called Right.  I would also remind people that the use of words is critical.  If you allow the meanings of words to be confused, then you are on the way to defeat.

Limbaugh seems to understand this, and has talked about it; but then he doesn't eschew the Left's misuse of language.  The premises of the Left can never be accepted, for it is always intended to overthrow freedom, and to enslave the population in their ceaseless grip.

Therefore, who is Limbaugh?  Just a guy on the radio, as he says, or an important leader?  I think the former.  He may be on the side of freedom, but whose freedom?  He can take it or leave it, which means when the wolf comes, he will high tail it out of town.

One thing you can put in the bank, so to speak, the "sheep" will know when they are not free.

the original post follows:

...who said that the communists will win is probably right.  If this was still a serious country, he would have never been at West Point.  They would have weeded him out for sure, and bounced his ass in the brig, or out on the street.

BTW, the National Review has ceased to be a serious conservative publication.  If they were serious, they would not confuse conservatism with rightism.  I keep pointing this out, but nobody seems to care, nor pay attention.

Limbaugh does it too, by the way.  They all do.  Why?  I suspect that the conflict between the left v the right is what drives pageviews, and thus advertising.  You see, that is all they care about--- money.  If money is all they care about, then why defend freedom?

Hold your hats, I am going to get religious on you.  Jesus Christ said it--- a man who is just a hired hand cares nothing for the sheep.  When the wolf comes, he will run away.  The Good Shepard will stay, and take care of the sheep.  That is so that the sheep will be free.  Instead, these hired hands will flee when the Big Bad Wolf of Communism shows up.  They will do NOTHING, which is exactly how they are behaving now.  Open your eyes, and see the truth.