What will it take to convince people that this is and always was a hoax?
Not the virus itself. I got accused of that when I tried to argue this point. Why is it so hard to grasp? It is not the same as saying that the virus itself was a hoax. It is the scare-mongering that has gone with it that is the hoax. It never was the crisis that it was hyped into being. The virus itself is not "novel", there have been many "coronaviruses". So what if there is no vaccine. There isn't one for the common cold either. We don't shut down the country because somebody might get a cold.
So here is something else that goes into the list for those who care anything at about the truth.
What does this mean exactly? It means that anyone with abnormally high cholestorol is more vulnerable to the virus. Statins are used to lower cholestorol numbers in such folks. Now we hear that statins can help treat the virus. The virus uses cholestorol to infect.
Add this to the list of things that help that you should be doing anyway. Such as getting enough Vitamin D, and getting enough Zinc. Yep, if you just follow good hygiene and take care of your health in general, you should be alright. Those who don't may get sick. You know, those people that were already on the ropes anyway. More than likely, it is those kinds of people that abuse their health that will be vulnerable to this virus.
Masks don't work. But something like this and the malaria treatment that is so cheap WILL work. That is why the politicians push these things that don't work and push AGAINST the things that DO work. It is because they DON'T CARE about your health. They just want to use this as a campaign issue.
It is and always was a political gambit and a hoax. It has worked for them so far. Too many people have fallen for this hoax.