Saturday, June 19, 2021


It is probably hard for me to say, because I have no children, or grandchildren; but you hear things, and maybe accurate history isn't being taught anywhere anymore.

Based upon my observations at the time, here's my rundown on American history since Bush's were in office.

As you recall, 911 was on Bush's watch. At the time, the Democrats were trying to say that he "let it happen". This isn't about whether or not that is true, it is simply reporting on what was said at the time.

The public rallied around Bush. His approval rating may have topped 90%, which is a pretty unheard of type number. Everyone was totally on board. But there were a few critics on the sidelines. They had to be quiet, but at first, they were not. I recall a certain amount of what appeared to me as being "satisfaction" at what the terrorists managed to do to us.

When I observed that, it was quickly and vehemently denied. You see, the left had the reputation of being less than 100% patriotic. This was a fact.

Anyway, Bush's adventures ended up with the US military sucked into a war in Iraq. Thanks to this, he let the Democrats off their leash. Bush's position was that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. The Democrats said that they were tricked into believing it to be true, but it later turned out to be doubtful ( according to Bush's defenders).

Now get this: Bush's actions were also the GOP's actions. Republicans had to defend Bush now, even if it appeared that he could have been wrong. As the war dragged on, Bush's numbers began to fall steadily. By the time of the election of 2004, it was a crapshoot as to whether or not he would be re-elected.

A disclosure here repeated once again because I've said it before on this blog: I had reservations about going into Iraq. Not any reservations about Saddam being a bad guy, but reservations about the Democrat support. I grew up during the Vietnam Era. I KNEW how treacherous the left can be, and to take a risk in empowering them was one that should not have been taken.

So when the war began I had this uneasy feeling. Nevertheless, you cannot unscramble the egg. Bush was GOP and I supported the war. But I turned out to be correct about the Democrats, and by the time Bush left in 2008, he had thoroughly wrecked his own polls as well as the GOP's. In the end, he was just like his Dad. His Dad inherited a united Party, and a united country. The country had turned mostly conservative. By the time Bush left, all that was smashed to hell.

So we get Clinton in 92 and Obama in 2008. Same pattern, same results.

Then Trump runs in 2016. He wins, but there is a very loud, vocal minority within the party that doesn't support him. Among these are the ones who pushed so hard for intervention in Iraq. Trump said that he opposed Iraq, amongst other things that upset this noisy wing of the GOP.

There was a big stink about Russia. Even though the GOP controlled both houses of Congress, and the Presidency, it didn't seem to matter. They allowed the Democrats to push this "conspiracy theory" of Russian interference in the election.

The subsequent investigations didn't support the conspiracy theory, but that didn't unite the faction of the party that still opposed Trump.

Personally, I never gave any credence to this theory. Besides, all the rules were being broken during the "investigation", which evidence shows that those who pushed it knew there was no "there" there.

It looked like a politically motivated misuse of the government to suppress political opposition. The Never-Trump faction allowed this. But they grudgingly supported Trump like they were being force to against their will. I believe that to be true. They really didn't want to support Trump.

Anyway, to fast forward a bit, we had the election year last year, and Trump is no longer POTUS.

Now I want to go back over something I wrote early in this piece. In 1992, the GOP was still considered to be the party the people trusted with foreign policy. But note now that the Democrats are trying to seize that issue and make it theirs.

My point is this: How were they able to get into position to do this? It is because of the decisions that George W. Bush made as POTUS. Furthermore, it was because of the decisions that George HW Bush, Bush's father, made that allowed Clinton to take over the law and order issue. Prior to that, the GOP owned that issue too.

Therefore, the Bushes lost two issues to the Democrats. Another issue that the GOP had was that they were considered to be the more patriotic of the two major parties. Note that the faction that supported the Russian collusion thing allowed the Democrats to seize that issue as well. The GOP party is now smeared with disloyalty to the country even though the Democrats are trying to overthrow the entire culture.

Look where the GOP is now. It no longer has the law and order issue, even though the Democrats would do nothing about the riots last year. It no longer has the foreign policy issue, even though the Democrats have historically supported regimes that were unfriendly to this country. The GOP is now being called "Quislings" by figures such as Krugman of the New York Times. We are now what the public USED to think about the Democrats ---- even though the Democrats have not become super patriots and lovers of freedom like "Il Duce, the Sawdust Caesar" pretends to be.

How the hell did all this happen? It all has one constant. The faction of the GOP which does not support this country, but only pretends to. I would call them the Bush wing of the party, but it includes a lot more than that.

Meanwhile, the conservative wing of the party gets all the blame.

Why does the conservative wing of the party have anything to do with these people, who I have labelled as Quislings? Haven't the conservatives being stabbed in the back enough times to call it quits with these losers? They ARE losers. Look at what they have lost. They seem to do this on purpose.

The GOP cannot win anything worth winning with this faction within its ranks. Either they go, or we SHOULD. There is no common ground with them. They share more with the Democrats than with the vast majority of the party's grass roots. All they are good for is to destroy the very things that we care about.

Friday, June 18, 2021


The word gives me some trouble. Why it does is a mystery to me. If I don't refer to notes, the word gets away from me, and I have to look it up again.

Evidently this word has been splattered all across the Pravda-media-swine-complex which so many seem to be addicted to. Krugman used it in the New York Slimes, so the use of this word seems to be "theirs" for some reason.

For me to use it doesn't give it the impact that I'd imagined it might. It has been around since before World War deuce, and I suppose the leftist swines have been using it and it is really their word after all. A Quisling is a RIGHT-WING collaborationalist with the NAZIS. It is their word.

Here I am complaining about using their words. Well, that word was so ingrained in our common lexicon that it didn't mean in those days what it means today. Or supposedly what it means today.

It is best to think of a Quisling as a traitor. Someone who sells out his country to an enemy.

So, for Krugman to call the GOP "Quislings" for supporting Trump, he is calling them an enemy for selling out to Trump. First of all, for Krugman and his ilk, Trump would have to be an enemy, and two, they'd have to sell out to him instead of the country.

To refute that, they did not sell out to him. Their "support" for him was in the most superficial way possible without being openly opposed. Many Never-Trumpers were opposed to him in open. However, they didn't represent much of the party. Those who "sold-out" only sold out to their real friends, the leftist swine. This tells you that they didn't sell out to the left, but they did sell out their voters, who did not for them, but for Trump.

Interesting that they consider Trump an enemy. Evidently, they don't want America to be great again. But we all knew that. They hate the flag and founding fathers.

Too bad the "Quislings" in the GOP don't get that. Or they do, and are waiting for the best offer they can get from their real friends on the swinish left. Even the Quislings are Quislings for their lefty buddies. Well, we can agree on something after all.

Today's whatever theater

What to write about today? If you were wondering about the FBI surveillance, it didn't show up today. It is supposed to be a "van", but I have my doubts. They can implant devices somewhere, and turn it on remotely--I theorize. Maybe today they decided to give it a rest. Whatever.

There's good news out there, and maybe I'm too much on a downer to get all happy about it. The reason being that Manchin and Co. could flip any time, and all this good stuff that's happening could be flushed right on down the drain.

It is good news that parents are taking charge of their children's education and development. They are challenging this leftist garbage, and I think that is great.

Bongino was talking about the Chinese virus thing and how it is being confirmed. That's great, but you know what? We should have known that all along. Yes, it is great news, but it is really not going to slay this dragon if we don't get stuff like this when we need it.

Also on Bongino, there was this thing he thought was hilarious that he shared as he closed down the show for the day. Some dude in a video meeting didn't seem to think to get dressed appropriately, so when he stood up for some reason, managed to reveal that he was in his undies. A woman at that meeting was shown with her mouth opening up wide in shock at what this guy did. That was mildly amusing, but sad at the same time. People like this are running the show now. Sad.

It's Friday, so it may be appropriate to say something light hearted, but it is kinda hard these days. Civilizational rot is catching up to us, I do believe.

Anyway, that's the way it is, in my best Cronkite imitation. That was a different time and a different country. Keep up the good fight, and get back at it tomorrow. Hopefully, we'll all still be here.

It's getting a bit tiresome to hear people using their premises

The previous post had an embedded video, and it got pasted up here without a review. Yeah, I was so happy to do it. But the language is too soft. Way too soft.

We are getting some pretty harsh language thrown at us, but that is not right. We on the other hand are told to shut up, or if we are allowed to speak, we must tone it all down.

In the midst of telling how these guys are being treated, the narrative fails to realize that he is using THEIR language and probably THEIR premises. Somehow, this has to stop.

I stopped the video as soon as I heard "mainstream media". They aren't "mainstream". If people had a choice, they'd choose something else to watch besides these Pravda-impersonators that we give the euphemism of "mainstream", which is entirely unjustified by the facts.

The narrator did use better language to describe it as a dungeon in DC. I would use language that was a lot tougher like-- DUNGEON in the EVIL EMPIRE GONE WEST TO DC instead.

If they call you racist, call them "communist traitorous lying sobs" for that is what they are. If they object, then let them know in no uncertain terms will the namecalling go by any longer.

It's small things like this that cause the conditions to grow into what they have become. If the other side wanted unity and calm, they wouldn't use that sort of hateful language on the rest of us for merely disagreeing with them. If they really wanted order, they wouldn't have labelled riots as mostly peaceful protests.

If they want trouble, then there is going to have to be trouble. Talking of peace while they are trying to stomp on you only gets them to laugh at you.

Another video option

If cannot stand Youtube, then stop using it. There are options, providing this works.

Looks like embedding video in web pages isn't that hard.

If you use YouTube now, it is only because you are lazy.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

If anybody doubts that the GOP is a bunch of Quislings

Seems that there's evidence from a leak that Manchin is trying to organize a Quisling faction to approve all of the Democrats' radical legislation, while pretending to preserve the filibuster.

Quite a neat trick. They can get 60 votes, that's how. If that don't tell you what is really going on, then nothing can.

We are going to be betrayed. There is one thing you can count on besides death and taxes--- the GOP Quislings will betray.

It appears that the rest is just a smokescreen.

Another Ranchero video

Taking a break here from Insurrection planning to bring you another video. I was in a bit too much of a hurry with my deep-laid plans to overthrow the government that I forgot where I put these pics. I made a new one.

Honestly, I don't know where I find the time to do all these things that the FBI seems so interested in. Wow. I must be Superman or something. You thought Superman was that guy who looked like a superhero, but I don't. Psst! It's my super-secret surprise. Don't tell anyone.

I'm baaaaaaaaack, but for what?

The "van" is back this morning.

For those of you who are in denial, let me explicate a bit further. Since they aren't going to arrest me now, the idea is to do that later. Now is not the time, evidently.

Yes, I think you people are in denial. I say that because I was in denial. But being determined to be in reality, as opposed to this "Matrix" of lies, I am seeing this again this morning, I am convinced that it is the utter truth.

Being that, what is to be done about it? Right now, nothing but protest. But it is like the lamb protesting being consumed by the wolf. It is weak, but it may be better than nothing. Maybe it MIGHT alert the rest of the sheep that the wolf is on the prowl. Yes, and the wolf is real, and very, very dangerous.

But being sheep, you are going to stay "safe" in your denial. You hope to be eaten last, like the saying about appeasement used to go. It used to be a lesson that was learned, but a lot of lessons are being "unlearned" and "deprogrammed" Katie-Couric-style so as to disarm you from defending yourselves.

So this isn't for the sheep. The sheep gotta sheep. They are hopelessly out of it. As for me, I must have decided to jump into the shit a long time ago. I think this "van" has been around for a long time, and I have been under surveillance for a long time. The only purpose of this to make me aware of the surveillance. They are that arrogant now. They are not worried about being exposed. It only makes the sheep even more scared. They prefer scared sheep.

They can watch me anytime they want. That's the message being given. Now the point of this is that this tells them that the message is received. Actually it has been received for a lot longer than just yesterday, and they must know that too.

We used to have a thing called the Fourth Amendment that was to limit this kind of thing from Uncle Sam, who has turned into Mr. Hyde of Dr. Jekyll's persuasion. The government was lot more benign, but now it is intensely malignant. Because there is no reasonable cause for doing this surveillance, other than to intimidate me into silence or complicity of some kind.

The sheep get disturbed with guys like me. This is bothersome and "crazy talk" to them. They don't want to hear it. They don't want to think it. For do so would obligate to do something about what's going on and they aren't about to obligated to do a damned thing. So they won't.

As for me, well they must have plans or they wouldn't be here, right? What the hell do they think they are watching over? That's my first reaction. I figured "Keystone Cop time". What kind of threat am I anyway? Only a threat to them in that people could read this, and it may wake their stupid asses up to this kind of shit.

I've been at this for over 10 years now, and these people are hardly any more awake than they were then. It is somewhat different, but the pace is so slow that it is going to be way, way too damned late before people figure out that they are on the menu for the BIG BAD WOLF.

I have been quite harsh on the GOP. For good reason, I think. Their only reason for existence is to convince the sheep that they are really on the job protecting them against these ravenous wolves. But they aren't. That makes them collaborators of the Quislings infamy. Yes, what they are doing is even worse than the Democrats. They are the "muscle" to keep you quiet why they ram the plane into the World Trade Center on 911.

You should know that the Democrats are enemies because that's the way they talk. It gets meaner and meaner by the day. But being sheep, you listen to Il Duce tell you that you are free, but look at what they are doing. Don't listen to the lies.

Well, I can do this all day, but what good would it do? You people will never learn because you will never listen. Look at Fox. Fox's ratings are higher than CNN's, but so what? Fox lies to you too.

Face up to it. We are in the middle of the infamous creek without the paddle. The only possible hope is to rouse the sheep from their slumber, but is that even possible now?

Ten to one, you think this is paranoid ranting. But that is your sheep inside you talking. If you aren't totally gone, something of this may ring true for you. Let us hope so, because we don't have much time.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Biden's speech

There are folks poring over the speech with a critical eye, and why not? As long as you can criticize Il Duce, better do it while you still can. That's before the Wicked Witch of the West Coast can send her flying monkeys after you. Or their partners-in-crime, the Quisling faction of the GOP, aka Stupid Party stops whining about all the complaints.

After a few minutes of his speech, I think the Quislings will be gratified to learn that "freedom is in our DNA." Nevermind that patriots who supported your previous Commander-in-Chief, who was also in your Stupid Party, are now rotting in the dungeon in the new Evil Empire Central--- DC. Although this might well be true in these Subjected States of America, the rest of the world might not be so easily fooled. Perhaps they might hear that "America is back", but they'll really know that America is back in the dumpster, and its on fire.

Evidently the lapdogs in the Evil Party might be gratified also to learn, and expect the world to take them seriously, when there are political prisoners in our own country. If they aren't political prisioners, then what are they? Perhaps Il Duce will tell you what you should think, and then you'll know. As of now, you are like Sargent Shultz of the old sitcom Hogan's Heroes-- "I know no-sink, no-sink!"

It's good to know that we are still free because Il Duce told us so. But a few patriots rotting in the dungeon may have a disagreement on that. But you'll never hear it from our lap dog Pravda like press.

I might have heard more, but time is pressing. I'm still planning our big old insurrection, but an appointment in the dungeon may be on the schedule and time is a bit tight!

Worried about something

Yep, I don't mind saying so at this point. It may be best to discuss here, because it could be the last time I get the chance.

I think there's an attempt to intimidate me into silence. I think the FBI is behind it. A disclosure here: I had contact with the FBI before. I wasn't satisfied with the way they handled my complaint, and yeah, I got a beef with them. It's a festering sore and no satisfaction is ever likely. At least not for me.

Given what I've read about the FBI, they could very well have a beef with me. If they are as political as what I am reading, they could have a BIG BEEF with me. So, yeah, there may be something to worry about.

Something connected with the FBI shows up here on a regular basis and it pops up on my computer screen. They could be after somebody else, but really.. who's out here? Maybe I could be surprised.

After the business I looked at and blogged today about them recruiting them for their spy rings, I thought maybe that is what they are after. Maybe. Maybe they'll come to me and tell me that if I don't cooperate they'll charge me with some crime of some kind. It doesn't have to be a legit crime. They can ruin you if they want to. They can ruin anybody anytime they want.

So, that's a very intimidating thing. They know that, and so does everybody. Everybody is scared to death of the government, including the FBI. It gets worse all the time. It won't be too long now that they'll have the entire country intimidated. That's the reason for this fight.

Ten to one that they don't like the political commentary even if it is a small time blog and they're the only ones reading it! They can come after you even then, if that satisfies their overweening egos.

So, yeah, I'm worried. Maybe it is over nothing. Maybe not. The fact is that it is happening, and something may go down at any time now.

I could moderate the tone, but if I did, you'd know they got to me. The tone has to get tougher, because if they know they can intimidate you, then they have you.

I don't like this, but I'd say the likelihood is that the bad guys are going to get my ass because they'd like to make an example of me. The example is that even a small time blog like this can be crushed, so can YOU.

If that is what we have running the country, everybody should be worried. Not just me. They are holding patriots in the dungeon, in Evil Empire Cental- aka DC- for a trumped up charge.

Il Duce and the Wicked Witch of the West Coast will keep up with their flying monkeys in the Federal government raising hell with patriots and freedom-loving Americans everywhere. They won't stop until we are all under the heels. When they achieve that, nobody will be safe. I'm sure that would be very satisfying for these monsters.

They can walk this back now, but I not so sure that they will. In fact, I doubt it. So if I am not in the dungeon in 24 hours, maybe they are having second thoughts. Let's hope that sanity prevails.

But these times are very strange.

Ranchero Update

Here's the latest on the Ranchero Project. What's that? Not much time to explain. I have an insurrection to plan.

Going after Proud Boys and Oath Keepers

Special forces guy getting recruited


This rings true because you are hearing it from THEM. ( meaning the traitors, and their fellow travelers) Not only that, they are going to recruit people within your own circles out there to spy on each other.

Ah, but they are the GOOD guys. My ass. Good guys don't do shit like that.

You hear it from them because they are proud of themselves. They aren't sorry. But they are scared shitless of the truth coming out. Another clue that they aren't GOOD GUYS. Good guys don't do that shit.

There's a whole lot of rationalizations for things like this. It "doesn't seem like crime" is one line I recall from a movie. Yes, those involved really think they're the good guys. But why would good guys turn families and friends against each other, and make people suspicious of each other? Why would they do that if they were so good?

War of Nerves

It is a war of nerves now. Up until the time that it isn't anymore, at least. If it becomes anything else, it is because the traitors want it to be so. It would be simple for them otherwise. Stop being commies, just as I said.

If they would all just act like Americans again, everything would be all right. But no. We can't have that. The reason? The people aren't with them and they know it. They are well schooled in the art of seduction. It is very seductive to go on as before. It works so well, and they'll use that to their advantage because it just works and works.

It will be provocations galore until something breaks somewhere and then that'll be their excuse for a complete wipeout of civil liberties. Every day that people take the easy way, and to wimp out is another victory for them. This is going to be hard and it is going to be mean.

All the while you have to keep the high ground. They need to drag people down to their level, and if they succeed at that, they can succeed at it all.

If you think doing what they say will save you, just remember that they are using you. It is about them, and about them always. You are kept around because you are still needed. Once you aren't needed anymore, you'll be snuffed just like the rest.

This is the truth. The truth can be your friend, or your enemy. The truth is their enemy and that is why they hate it!

Traffic is up

My pageviews are up quite a bit. Why? Because I called out people and told them what I think of 'em?

That's not new. That's not different. What's the reason for this?

I don't read minds. I don't know who comes here. It could be bots. It could be people who hate my guts and want to see me get hurt. Few comments here. So, I'm not looking for the attention. Or am I?

Well, the reason I'm doing all this is because something is wrong. Somebody needs to say something, and if it only yours truly to do it, well there you are.

America is going commie. If you don't like that, then stop acting like freakin' commies!

There. Let's see what happens now.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

America gone commie

The language needs to get tougher. It may do no good, but it's going to happen here anyway. No more "MSM", but "Pravda-media" instead. The GOP stooges won't be called opposition, but Quislings instead.

The Jan 6th protesters in jail are going to be called political prisoners held in the DC-Gulag-dungeon.

The "Congress" is now the Supreme Star Chamber. The Supreme Court is now the "Yellow Belly Court".

Trump is POTUS-in-exile. The Fraud in Chief in now "Il-Duce".

Hard language to counter hard language being used against Patriots. We have no other choice.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Do they really give a hoop what you think?

Here's one for the Democrat voters out there. I don't know who you are even though you may be coming to this blog. Maybe you think I'm deluded and such, and this blog is just a big joke to you. Or maybe you think I'm EEEEEVILLLLLL.

Whatever you may think, know this: The only reason your vote matters is because of US. Yep. Once they run roughshod over us, and we don't matter anymore--- then NEITHER WILL YOU. Why should you matter? You would have given them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. They'll be no more of this election nonsense. Your vote won't matter anymore.

Remember: your vote only matters to them because of US. Now tell me if I am deluded on that one. Or ask yourself if you're the one who is deluded. Bernie Sanders was your real choice, but you got Biden. Do they really give a hoop what you think?

Is something about to happen?

There's little doubt that "something" is about to happen, but what---exactly? This post is in response to something I saw over at the CTH website. Something is about to go down with these audits, it says.

If it turns out to be a big dud, or if they are successful in portraying it as an insignificant dud, then what?

Consequently to this, and the motivation may be subconcious on my part, I have been reading war stories. Real war stories about real war battles. The Battle of Midway comes to mind, as mentioned before.

There is "fog of war" to deal with. There are the "fortunes of war" to deal with. Those who start any war are the ones taking the huge gamble. Both sides are taking huge gambles because fighting back won't be taken lightly by the other side if they win.

As a further consequence, you have to know what your hill to die on is. An audit is the correct hill for me because it is about determining truth. Those who fight an audit are at war with truth. I'd fight and die on that hill any day of the week. To me, if there is no truth, there can be no God. If there is no God, humankind has no hope.

How many are willing to fight for that? Maybe we are going to find out. An optimist will say the vast majority. I'm not sure we even have a majority who willing to fight for anything at all, except their own miserable selves.

That may be way too harsh, but this crap has gone on so long, what else can I think? If the other side KNEW they were in a hopeless situation, would they continue to fight? The weaknesses of our side gives them hope for victory. If they had no hope at all, they'd give up. A deal would be preferable to a savage defeat.

I'd like to be optimistic, but this one could be like Midway. A real crapshoot. But they all are.

Zelenko Protocol

Of course I've heard of the malarial drug re-purposed for COVID, but it seemed that it involved the approval of doctors. Since that was so easy for the manipulators to do their thing to, I just used the zinc and vitamin d part. I figured it would be okay.

But that isn't the point here. I learned recently that Ivermectin got publicity a lot sooner than I knew about and wow. How could this thing be allowed to drone on and on and on so long, but for things like this?

Now we know that the Zelenko Protocol works, but we knew that a long time ago. There you have it in a nutshell. We knew early on of a way to stop covid, but the manipulators were successful in stopping a commonsense way of stopping it from the beginning. They needed covid for political reasons, and they stopped us in order to do it. Now they are pushing an "emergency" use injection that wouldn't be possible if there were an effective treatment, but there is, and there has been.

The manipulators do their job well. On the other hand, we don't seem to be doing a good enough job. Since I write this blog, I could have done at least a mention, but the first time I read about it was on Barnhardt.

How the hell does that happen????

It just happens that's all. Yeah, and Rome burns while the Nero's fiddle around with our lives.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

More scary sheets

Boy, it just keeps coming does it not? On Barnhardt, I just saw something I hadn't heard about. A soccer star nearly drops dead on the field during a game. It appears that he got a COVID vaccine not long before. So, is this "vaccine" in reality a "death jab"?

Boy do I hate to see stuff like that. If the worst comes true, we are faced with the most evil thing imaginable. All the powers-that-be are trying to kill us all off.

Yeah, that is so extreme that nobody will believe it. But you see something like this, and you wonder...

The significant thing about this story seems to me that they are trying to hide something. Of course! Isn't that what they've been doing all this time? It is always and forever an info-op against the public. Here we have the powers-that-be in a WAR against their own people.

Read it and weep.

The subconcious mind

The subconcious mind

Some may wonder about that last post. But there's no explanation other than subconcious at work. Something triggered this bit about the Houston Mass Murders, and just wasn't any way to explain why this popped into my head. It was pure subconscious.

Other things are grabbing my attention, and I don't know why. Lately I have been watching some videos about battles. For some reason, the Battle of Midway seems to fascinate me. I've moved on to the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

With respect to Leyte Gulf, did you know that the battle could have been a strategic setback of great magnitude? The current thinking is that American productive capabilities made the outcome of the war a certain American victory. But in war, nothing is really certain. Therefore, in spite of the American increasing material advantage over the Japanese, it was still possible to have an enormous defeat.

But that is what the Americans inflicted upon the Japanese at Midway. The Japanese at that point had the advantage. In one moment, which cannot be explained, the entire tide of the war had changed. Up to that point, things were going Japan's way. By the time Leyte Gulf had come around, the roles were reversed. Victory for America just seemed a matter of time. Yet it was possible to have had a major defeat pinned on the US Navy. What would have been the result of that one?

I have studied the Battle of San Jacinto, in which Texas defeated the Mexican Army. Santa Anna was captured. It is a lot like these other examples. One power seemed to be in control, but in a short period of time, everything changed.

The moral of this story? Maybe it is just this: never underestimate your opponent. I got that one from reading about playing chess. In chess, just one bad move can lose the game. War may be the same way. Also, you could lose your life over something that doesn't seem like much of a threat. Like some guy offering you a ride to where you're going. That was one of Dean Corll's tricks to get young men into his vehicles. It seems that we are always on the knife's edge of disaster.