This is a re-post of an idea that I've expounded upon many a time on this blog. It goes well with
corporatism is not capitalism post updated a bit earlier.
That is all to this update of the last update to this here post: (I hope that's clear)
Update, 10/17/23:
Jordan's first vote falls through. It looks like there will be more votes. I'm including the development on this post, as opposed to the McCarthy updates because the link is acquired from
Ground News. Ground News links to
Voice of America, which is state-owned. If it is state-owned, that means it is socialist. Yet Ground News calls VOA "factual".
I don't know how a state-owned enterprise can be considered "center". Once again, I have to take exception to the use of this terminology because it distorts the true situation.
The article uses a lot of "persuader words", which are intended to show some disapproval of Jordan. Sorry, I'm having none of that. It is not truly even-handed. As for it being center of the road, what the hell does that even mean? This government is middle of the road, centered, and factual? Nope, not a chance. Jordan is called "hard-charging", his supporters are "hard-right"; and McCarthy was removed by "angry hard-liners".
Asking for accurate and honest reportage is too "extreme", I suppose. We have to allow dishonesty in order to be reasonable? There's nothing honest about VOA's characterizations. There's nothing reasonable about people who are determined to hide the truth.
end update:
10/15/23, Update of post of 8/22/23:
There's a website called Ground News, which rates articles upon the Marxist model heretofore mentioned on this iddy biddy blog.
Even though I reject the usage of the model, the site is proving to be useful. For example, the DOJ has filed an anti-trust lawsuit against Google. I found it through Ground News. Most so-called "right-wing" websites don't bother covering it. The left (the term is used here because that's what they call themselves) is all over it, with it being standard fare on their sites.
A reading of those articles is pretty thin in terms of significance. Even if the DOJ wins the suit, it isn't likely to be impactful. The remedy to the alleged wrongdoing of Google is already being applied in Europe. People there use Google anyway. It is a whole lot of nothing. So if you ignore that, does it make you a right-wing site? Hence, the terminology doesn't really apply, at least in this case.
There are complaints that could be filed against Google, but not against their search engine. Google is a lot more than that. Hence, the significance isn't really there.
end update:
8/22/23, Update of post of 2/18/22:
Yep, saw it again. You can argue all day long about who is the "true conservative" and who isn't.
But in MY book, the dead giveaway is the use of the Marxist dialectic of the "right" v the left. The left loves it and so the label fits them. But using the word "right" in reference to yourself is a loser every time.That's why the left loves it so much.
Therefore, a true conservative would never use that paradigm in a description of himself...
the original post follows below:
Real life example of the Marxist dialectic, ie left-center-right
So Ace cuts Ed Morrisey a new one here and that's good. But I'd like to use that as an
opportunity to demonstrate why using this model of political analysis is a bad idea, unless
you are like Ed Morrisey, and aren't sincere about your conservatism.
The reason should be obvious. It makes it much easier to attack anybody who IS sincere
about their conservatism. Just call them "extremists". They can hide behind their
"moderation", and say that it is equally bad for "right-wing" extremists than for "left-wing"
extremists. In practice, the commies will just call anybody who disagrees with them a
"right-wing" extremist or fascist. Note that all of a sudden, nobody gets to disagree with
the commies. Commies are hysterical about any opposition. Of course you are. In the
commie world, everybody who isn't on their side is the next Adolf Hitler.
It is not wrong to call them commies because it is their paradigm, and they use it so well.
For conservatives to fall into this by calling themselves as being "on the right" is just
plain dumb. Or they are like Morrisey, and they aren't sincere.
It's the kind of maneuver that makes "failure theater" work. The "moderates" can pretend
to be on the side of conservatism, but when it comes time to prove that with something
meaningful, they are nowhere to be found.
Commies are liars, and so are those who practice this tactic. They are enabling the commies
even if they are sincere when they use it. All that is necessary is for guys like this to
use that label to smear conservatives as fascists, and what can you say if you play their
game? The answer is not to play their game. Don't use a Marxist model that only works
for Marxists. That is, unless you are a Marxist yourself.