Saturday, April 27, 2024

There is some hope for sanity.


4:22 PM

The Political Left has all the info sources locked up. Look around the web, and you'd think that it's all on their side. But, what if the public doesn't see it that way? How would we know, if the elections aren't honest and fair?

It brings me back to the thoughts I once had, and am having again. The world is not ruled by virtue, but by vice. That is, within this context, the truth could settle things, but there's no interest in that. It is dishonesty that's the vice, and it is the dishonesty that rules the world. This is not to excuse it, mind you. It is merely an acknowledgement of the reality of existence.

If there was a honest account of the election of 2020, it might well be the case that Donald Trump lost. However, nothing that has happened that convinces me that this is what actually happened. Instead, there is a strong motive to lie about what happened, and to use force and fraud to keep the truth of the matter from being discovered.

There was no need for what happened. Those people who showed up at the US Capitol on January 6th weren't there to overthrow the government. A government that was run in good faith would have been able to sort it all out without all this. Therefore, as long as one side continues to be dishonest in their dealings, as the Democrats have certainly been, the suspicion about the truth of what happened is certainly justified.

If the Democrats were so sure of their righteousness, why do they need to be dishonest?

end update

This has gotten me a bit worried. There's a lot of pitfalls here, even in a victory for Trump. A government that was run in good faith would have been able to sort it all out without all this.

9:00 AM

Note: Something happened to what I wrote. The next paragraph has been discombobulated somewhat. I tried correcting it. It's just not exactly what I wrote. I cannot explain what happened.

Far from it to be the case that I'd say that [starts here...]there should be a doctrine of the "King can do no wrong". But we already have a remedy for that doctrine, as mentioned below. No, the President shouldn't be allowed to do whatever comes to mind. But isn't that concern ironic when no such concern exists when Democrat Presidents act badly? Or do they really believe that they ( meaning the Democrats) can do no wrong?

There is accountability for Republicans, but not for Democrats. What protects the weaker party against the strong? The strong can do whatever it likes, even now. Democrats seek this kind of power, but do not wish the GOP to have it. That'd be the case if the GOP even wanted it, which they don't. The GOP seems to run away from power, but the Democrats seek it at all costs.

We may be slipping into a Kobayashi Maru scenario. No matter which way you turn, you can't win. If Trump wins this, it can become precedent in that the Democrats could take advantage even more so than they do now. If Trump loses this, there's no real check on Biden anyway, because the GOP will never seek the same remedies that the Democrats do. For example, there will no GOP equivalent of Lawfare against an opposition Party President. There's none now, nor will there be anything likely to emerge from any such decision from this court.

If there's to be an additional check on Presidential powers, then it should be done by Constitutional Amendment. This is how you know that the Democrat arguments against presidential abuses are phony. There already exists a remedy, which they ignore when it is to their disadvantage. But if more checks are needed, they won't resort to more legal checks, but in more powers for themselves. They don't object to exercise of power, just the opposition's use of it. Not to mention, more and more powers to themselves.

end daily update:


Maybe I was HASTY. It does indeed appear that the crazies are definitely getting butthurt that their insane views are not going to be upheld in the Supreme Court.

This isn't originalism, they shriek. While it is certainly true that there isn't any explicit immunity mentioned in the Constitution regarding the President, it can certainly be said that it is in a long tradition that the "King can do no wrong". An official act cannot be prosecuted, nor can a suit be filed against the President while in office. Do these wackos really want to change that? By the way, don't they LOVE STARE DECICIS? When has it ever been debated that official acts can be prosecuted?

Not to mention that all executive functions have immunity like this. You don't go around suing and/or prosecuting governors, cabinet officers, POLICE and the like for doing their JOBS. You would loose anarchy upon the nation. Somebody has to run the show. Sorry, you whackjobs. You cannot complain about it when sanity just might prevail.

The remedy for official misconduct is IMPEACHMENT. The whackjobs have no problem using that avenue against their opponents, but not when it comes their own. ( Mayorkas anyone????) So, it is NOT the principle of accountability to the law here. It is the accountability to the whackjobs that these whackjobs want. THEY are the law, and you'd better not ever forget it.

Lord save us from these madmen. They will be our undoing.

end update of 4/26/24 post:

Maybe it's real. Let's hope so.

"Trump doesn't need absolute immunity". Listen for that, as it comes up quickly.

There was an analysis of the arguments before the court, which gave me a quick sense of dread about some disastrous outcome that could occur. That outcome would be to allow the trial to go forward. Anyway, that analysis took Trump's defense team to task for its argument for absolute immunity. But this guy says absolute immunity isn't necessary for Trump to prevail.

Anyway, his take seems reassuring that this isn't likely. The Democrats should received a spanking, not more encouragement and support for really bad behavior. Ideally, the Democrats should have a lot of egg on their faces for all this. Anything less just won't do.

Friday, April 26, 2024

25% unrealized cap gains tax

Biden's proposal is nothing but theft of private property. You must sell your property in order to pay taxes. The taxes are on unsold property. That is what unrealized gains means.

This. is. nuts.

Only complete fools could propose this. Only complete fools would support it. Even a traitor should know better than to tip their hand this obviously. This doesn't do any good for anybody except those who want to cause pain and disruption. Maybe sadistic bastards would like it.

Trump is on trial for something similar, doncha think?

This is nuts

According to a ZeroHedge article, the West is losing the battle to keep sea lanes open in the Red Sea area. While keeping that in mind, what are we talking about today? We are talking about what is essentially a sex-based scandal involving Stormy Daniels.

If you turn back the clock to the Clinton Presidency, all you had with that guy was sex-based scandals. The Clintons and the media waved it all off due to its supposed triviality. The President must be allowed to do his job!, they said.

But we've got a President that is FAILING his job, and this trial means NOTHING except to keep the same failing President ( BIDEN ) , in office.

The country was prospering in that Clinton Era. Maybe the idea was to have a little leeway with regards to Clinton's escapades. Now it is struggling, and somehow the GOP is at risk of coming out on the losing end here as well! If this was a fight, the GOP is definitely getting outpunched.

How do you keep losing fights like this?! You lose at holding Clinton accountable for perjury, but you punish Trump for doing what exactly?

Indeed, if Clinton had paid off all his accusers, he wouldn't have had an impeachment trial. It has always seemed to me to be the smart thing to do was to make these stories go away. There's nothing illegal about doing that. Hell, the media runs interference for the Democrats ALL THE DAMNED TIME. But who prevented Bill Clinton from making the Paul Jones scandal go away? Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton. She could have been paid off since that what she wanted, apparently. But Hillary forbad it!

This trial is ridiculous. Not only that, it is hypocritical. The same people accusing Trump of impropriety also waved off Clinton's same impropriety. In the one case in which Clinton could have escaped without even a scratch, he erred badly. But it didn't matter. He wasn't going to held accountable no matter what. Yet, somehow Trump is different. The trial seems to be about who can win. Well, I won't argue that. The GOP can't win regardless of the merit or lack of same. The opposite if true of the Democrats. They win no matter what.

But ask yourself, what does that get US? Does anybody really give a shit about Stormy Daniels and a Playboy model?

Once again, it all doesn't add up. But the country is taking it on the chin, and we have the risk of a failing President being continued in office when a competent president is being punished over a trivial sexual allegation. What kind of crazy country is this now?

How far does immunity go for official acts?

Can prosecutors be held liable for their official acts? That's my question. The question arises as to the assertions of the Trump prosecutors here. It's "We can do no wrong". Ok, but if Trump can do wrong, why can't YOU? He's saying that they wouldn't. Or in other words "Trust us".

Pardon me as I say "bullshit". Also, the bar for indictments from Grand Juries is a lot less than what it is for Petit Juries. You don't need to prove the case to get an indictment. Or even an unanimous decision to indict. Therefore, you can get a rabidly partisan place with Washington DC, and get an indictment without much trouble. But just try to get indictments against one of THEIRS. People in Washington DC vote for Democrats by over 90%. A prosecutor who wants to use DC as a venue has a very friendly venue. Likewise, a defense counsel has a very friendly venue to defend his client if the client is a Democrat.

Democrats! Be careful what you wish for. If the script flips, you could be compelled to fall on your own swords.

JACK POSOBIEC: After they indict all the conservatives, the moderates are next

Human Events

Yep. It's a Marxist Paradigm. Anybody who isn't a Marxist is "extreme", or a "fascist".

One thing though. One has to wonder who is actually supporting Biden now. Many of the traditional Democrat client groups are leaving. That is, they are leaving if the reports are correct. At least some of them are leaving because there's definite people being shown. At the very least, Democrats are losing SOME people. Maybe a LOT of people.

Which is to say that Marxists are great at propaganda. They can sell snowballs to Eskimos. They can convince you that down is up and vice versa. Be wary of these people. They are committed and determined LIARS. That's why I am posting about LIARS lately.

How can this be?

The polls say it is even. But Trump is stuck in NEW YORK, getting cheered by union workers, and serenaded by kids. He is cheered in HARLEM, of all places. The previous post shows downright HOSTILITY, on the part of a union organizer, to Biden in NEW YORK. How is that possible in a DEEP BLUE STATE?

Something doesn't add up.

The man has a way with words

Thursday, April 25, 2024

AI is a higher order of intelligence?

Someone characterized AI somewhere in this video.

Something about that kind of thinking is worrisome. One would be in awe of a higher order of intelligence. Why then would people want it?

But people want things for reasons that are baffling. Humans cannot control their own behavior. Why turn it over to a machine, and still expect to control the machine?

These are my thoughts. Watching this video is not reassuring. Perhaps AI should be banned, but there's no way that's going to happen. Somebody somewhere is going to develop it, and then if anything bad results from it, it cannot be stopped. Humanity will be screwed.

A result like that could happen with people too ( completely outside of AI). The problem seems to be with people. AI may figure it that way too, and decide to wipe us all out. (Terminator scenario)

What You Never Realized About Dances With Wolves

Golden Rewind YouTube Channel

Hmm. You might not realize some of these things... that is, as opposed to "never realized".

I can be a fanatic about language usage. But highly qualified language can said to have its counterpart in making movies that become blockbusters. This video about that movie taken as a pair can be used an example of that so as to make a point. For if the movie was made too much in the way the critics wanted, the movie might not have sold to the public. The same point can be said to be true of another movie I can think of, which has some parallels with this movie. "The Alamo" was not historically accurate, but if it was, would it have been as successful at the box office? In completion of the pair of examples, with my criticism of the title to this video, the use of such imprecise language may actually help with getting more pageviews.

If movie critics could write great cinema, they'd be a lot richer. Perhaps if I wrote better, I could be a movie critic. Ha, ha.

Real America's Voice: "Darren Beattie: Our country has become STUPID"


Never underestimate the power of stupid.

Or as the sage said, stupid is what stupid does.

Tom Emmer agrees with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Me too. Jewish folks vote Democrat, so this isn't a partisan thing for me. I don't know why it should be for ANY American. This is pretty fundamental here in our history as Americans. According to the First Amendment to the US Constitution, you have the freedom to believe as you wish as long as it doesn't interfere with others' rights.

Besides, I don't think it was Jewish terrorists who hijacked planes and rammed them into buildings on 911. Islamic Jihadists did that.

It's a fair thing to say. In the Koran, it is permissible, or even encouraged, to kill those who don't believe as they do. This belief is utterly incompatible with the letter and spirit of our law. This pernicious belief cannot be allowed to establish roots in our own country. Not ever.

It is also fair to say that not all who believe in what is called Islam also believe in the ways of certain Jihadists like the ones who attacked the USA on 911. Therefore, it is possible to accomodate so called Muslims. But there's a bright red line that must never be crossed. Otherwise, we have lost the fundamental character of our nation. This isn't just a Jewish point of view. It should and must be an AMERICAN point of view.

Meanwhile, at Columbia U.: Faculty members form blockade to keep journalists out of the encampment

Looks like these university employees are hiding something. Cannot be said that they are protecting someone because these are journalists, not an angry mob. Indeed, they are protecting what appears to be an angry mob-- these faculty members aren't interested in protecting the public FROM this angry mob.

Don't these faculty members get paid with public funds? Does the public have the right to know who these people are, and what they want? It seems fair to allow journalists to ask some questions. Or has our government become like Theranos. Or shall I say, Nazi Germany. Or ANY totalitarian government that suppresses freedom of the press. These are Brownshirt tactics.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Liberals or Nazis? Is there a difference?--- Dan Bongino Show episode 2235

Cutesy time is over, he says. He could do better. But we all can and should.

How to Spot A Cult Sarah Edmonds, Ted Talk

Nobody is immune to a cult. I'd buy that. Not even for a dollar.

There are plenty of red flags, and she goes over them in this video.

Question: What if a society falls into cultish behavior? It's happened before.

They'll say maybe this: can't happen to me, and can't happen here in the USA. Maybe you'd be wise to look very carefully at what's going on and ask if you really signed up for the shit that's going down.

I'll bring it up even if people leave here in droves. Polls have said for years that the USA is on the wrong track. How come we cannot get it together?

Elizabeth Holmes: The psychology of a liar

One of the points to emphasize here is that this video isn't just picking on Elizabeth Holmes. In order to see why, you have to watch all of the video.

For example, lying is more commonplace than believed. It gets worse from there. By the time you slog your way through, maybe you'll feel the way I have come to feel. Which is to say, you really have to have a passion for truth, and zero tolerance for lies. Otherwise, you'll helpless to the power of the lie.

Here's a thing you might consider also to keep in mind. The video will show you why there may be times when you'll lie anyway, even if you don't want to, or intend to. Finally, nobody considers themselves to be dishonest. We'll lie to ourselves too! Oh, hell yeah.

6:29 PM, Update a little later:

A Ted Talk about a young whistleblower who may have been instrumental at ending the fraud at Theranos. She gets cheers from the audience at the talk. Well, I hope that that is a good sign, but what I see is a whole lot of people in society want to keep their heads in the sand. Maybe those in that Ted Talk are cheering only because she won her fight. What if she lost?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Illegal, and under the influence, kills a Democrat Senator's Staffer

From Nevada. Senator Cortez-Masto's staffer was killed by an illegal who shouldn't have been in the country. Wouldn't have happened under Trump. Voting for Democrats can get you killed. But let us not talk about it. Seth Rich anyone?

The Predatory Mind goes nationwide


Cui bono? Who benefits? Looks like somebody's getting something from these crooks, and keep sending them back. Maybe they're hoping for some crumbs to fall off their table, or something.

end update of 3/2/23 post:

The Predatory Mind

In the link above, a number of quotes from the movie "Goodfellas" will demonstrate how the Predatory Mind works. This is the mind of a wolf.

Basically, the wolf despises the sheep while he abuses the sheep. What could illustrate more clearly than anything else the predatory mindset now living within the minds of the ruling class in this country.

This isn't a country of laws, but of willful men. This isn't a democracy, but a clique of the criminal class that has taken over the country.

There is no easy way out of this. Elections are being overthrown so as to keep themselves in power while pretending to have free elections. You cannot get rid of them. They are guaranteeing their own continuance in power under this fig leaf that covers up their naked exploitation of the the people. The people get to pretend that they have a say in all of this. Fake news supports a fake society that kids itself perpetually until they can't do it anymore.

There is virtually no difference between right and left. Both are now a bunch of thugs, who rule over the people with a tightening grip of the iron fist. The pretense of democracy is making the horrible truth easier to tolerate. Once the people get used to it, it will have become normalized. The left versus right false choice is being used to deceive people into accepting the chains being forged upon themselves.

You can tell that there is no real will to oppose them. Brandon with these approval numbers? Are you kidding me?

The truth is in the Right track Wrong track poll. Only 35 percent think the country is on the right track. The other one is the phony one-- if we're on the wrong track, how do you approve of Brandon? You don't and you can't without the deception. The bad stuff has to be rationalized away somehow.

One thing that's true about it. In Goodfellas, it was mentioned that most people tangentally involved in the criminality, are there for the ride. They like their trappings of crime while kidding themselves that they aren't enabling it. It is also all over that movie how Karen, Henry Hill's wife, rationalized away the crime. She even kidded herself into thinking that they were just hard working blue collar types.

That's about as close an explanation as there is to how people can see what's wrong, but aren't willing to do anything about it. It explains a 35% poll for right-track wrong track, and a 48% approval poll for Brandon. These people sense that they will lose something if Brandon and his ilk are repudiated. They circle the wagons around their corrupt leader. If they are worried, it is only because they are worried about themselves first. They are co-opted into the wolfish lifestyle, just as Karen Hill was. The movie was based upon real life, by the way. It happened. It's playing out in the society overall. Nobody wants to end it. They know it's going to hurt.

The GOP only exists to make it possible for the criminal class to succeed in subverting the entire country. They are like Judas goats that lead the herd to its doom. Supporting them is like rationalizing the rationalization. Most of the GOP doesn't support the people. They are pretending. They are lying to us. They could do more, but you can bet that they won't. They'll do just enough to fail. Then they'll make a million excuses why they couldn't do what they said they would do.

It's not going to be easy turning this around. In fact, it may not even be possible. But if the effort is not attempted, there's no stopping them.

Experimental post ( might get taken down if it doesn't work)


Interesting video on this next one. He discusses the push for digital currency. He believes the powers-that-be want total control. My takes is that it is tantamount to making the whole world a prison.

The fact that our government is doing shit like that ought to have people alarmed, but nobody will believe it no matter how much evidence you bring to bear. ( I think the guy is more right than wrong.) No, I think the thing the people are alarmed about is the fictional climate change story. Otherwise, why would the powers-that-be push for all this crap? For our good? If you believe that, then you'll believe anything.

end update of 10:21 am post

10:21 am

It worked! How 'bout dat. I'm checking it out, like a new toy. Bongino's show is posted there. It's an alternative to Rumble.

end update of 8:57 am

An embed from a video platform called Odysee. I've seen the name, but today's the first time I checked it out.

For your amusement or whatever, the following is embedded for your perusal, with the caveat mentioned in the title.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Mark Levin: Here's why Biden has been awful for America

I'd say he made his point.

Used car dealer: "People are broke"

Cannot afford $4500 cars, the narrator says. It isn't entirely clear where he is, Canada or USA. I haven't been on a lot in a long, long time. I guess I've been getting poorer all that time.

Bank of America discriminates against

 Against Christians.    Chase doesn't do any better.  We've got a problem.

Even if you not a Christian, this is inconsistent with the law.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

$20 an hour minimum wage raises prices for fast food restaurants

I didn't see how the whammy burger did with their prices.