Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Experimental post ( might get taken down if it doesn't work)


Interesting video on this next one. He discusses the push for digital currency. He believes the powers-that-be want total control. My takes is that it is tantamount to making the whole world a prison.

The fact that our government is doing shit like that ought to have people alarmed, but nobody will believe it no matter how much evidence you bring to bear. ( I think the guy is more right than wrong.) No, I think the thing the people are alarmed about is the fictional climate change story. Otherwise, why would the powers-that-be push for all this crap? For our good? If you believe that, then you'll believe anything.

end update of 10:21 am post

10:21 am

It worked! How 'bout dat. I'm checking it out, like a new toy. Bongino's show is posted there. It's an alternative to Rumble.

end update of 8:57 am

An embed from a video platform called Odysee. I've seen the name, but today's the first time I checked it out.

For your amusement or whatever, the following is embedded for your perusal, with the caveat mentioned in the title.

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