Thomas Jefferson once said this in reference to the then brewing sectional conflict between the slaveholding states and the rest of the free states. His premonition turned out to be exactly right, as the South left the Union some forty years after he said that. As per Jefferson, this thing that the Canadian Prime Minister has done is another firebell in the night. Something huge is brewing, and it could be just as bloody as the Civil War.
Like the Civil War, this is actually about freedom. It is the freedom that everyone seems to have taken for granted. That doesn't look very secure now with the kind of things being done supposedly in the name of public health. However, this most recent action has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with whether or not the freedoms we take for granted are still to be enjoyed, or to be swept away at the whims of a petty dictator who cannot brook any dissent whatsoever.
Trudeau cannot claim national security here. These truckers aren't violent. He cannot seize property without due process. But there he is doing it. All of this on the basis of peaceful dissent against his policies of mandated vaccinations. It doesn't seem to rise to that level of concern that the entire nation should be cast into chains just because Mr Trudeau cannot bring himself to negotiate a peaceful settlement of differences.
After all, isn't that what democracy and freedom is all about? How's what Trudeau's doing any different than what any dictator in history has done? Our freedoms, which took centuries to win over the dictators in the past, are being cast overboard just because of this one little man. Even though it is Canada, they are our neighbors. How can a legitimate President of the United States sit idly by while our neighbor to the North is descending into a North Korean type dicatorship? Evidently, it has Biden's approval. It has been reported that they are in discussions with each other.
They are worried about their "legitimacy" according to one blog I read. Trudeau ought to be more concerned about his legitimacy now that he has done this. Not only Trudeau, but any politician in the so-called free world cannot be secure in their own legitimacy while sitting idly by while this is going on. This should be drawing enormous outcries from our leadership. Where is it? Where's the outrage?
This is a peaceful protest. So protest is illegal now? Politicians should be called upon to respond to this so that their true feelings are on the record. If the public wants a dictatorship, they should at least have that on the ballot as a choice. After all, this is supposed to be a democracy.
Even then, it has been said that democracies commit suicide. That is what we could be observing now. Too bad that not many people are more concerned about that. This is truly a firebell in the night, as Jefferson warned. History may not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.