Saturday, July 20, 2024

Peter Gabriel --- In Your Eyes

It's been five months now, and there's still stuff to unpack from the recent move. This song was on an album that I did have back in the day, but I haven't found in my boxes of unorganized and confused stuff. That's why I'm still going through it all. I should have marked all the containers. It's a mess that needs a lot of searching and sorting into some kind of organization. Not exactly a strength of mine at times.

I came across this song in a Youtube search. That album it was on was excellent. For someone with some questionable tastes, I can pick some winners. ( ha ha ) Anyway, it brought back some memories. You better bereave it kiddo.

When you gotta go...

Sheet happens, main!

Whole bunch of sheet, main!

There they go again...

There's a solution for this

That would apply to all attempts of this kind. Which is to say, if the Democrats attempt to steal the election through the use of illegal immigrants votes, then the states can choose electors now...

Friday, July 19, 2024

Taking it all with a grain of salt

The media is definitely not trustworthy. If this many people really trust these sources, then no wonder the country is in such trouble. Skepticism as a general rule is the most trustworthy.

On the other hand, if lying is a cooperative act, this makes a lot of sense. Nobody can lie to you without your permission. Therefore, people seem to prefer being lied to.

Reusable Rockets vs. Expendable Rockets: A Performance Comparison


Interesting that this drawing came out. Those draco engines mated with an extended "trunk" on the Dragon? That looks kinda like what I had envisioned as a lander for the moon, and/or a 3rd Stage for an expendable version of Starship.

Interesting, eh? Could SpaceX apply this tech to the Artemis mission instead of landing that big ass rocket on the moon? I guess we'll see.


Reusable rockets, like SpaceX's Starship, have revolutionized the space industry by
significantly reducing the cost of access to space. In contrast, expendable rockets are used once and then discarded. Let's explore the performance differences between these two types of rockets, assuming the same rocket design, and discuss how reuse affects payload capacity.

Advantages of Reusable Rockets:
Reusable rockets can significantly lower the cost of launches, as the same rocket can be used multiple times with minimal refurbishment.

Faster turnaround times:
Reusable rockets can be relaunched in a shorter time frame, increasing the frequency of launches and reducing the time between missions.

Improved reliability:
Reusable rockets are designed to be more robust and fault-tolerant, reducing the risk of launch failures. Performance Comparison:
Reusable Rocket (e.g., Starship) Expendable Rocket (same design)

Payload Capacity

100 tons (reused) , 150 tons(Expendable)

Mass Ratio

25:1 (reused) 30:1(Expendable)

Specific Impulse

330 s (reused) 350 s(Expendable)

Launch Cost

$50 million (reused) $150 million(Expendable)

Effects of Reuse on Performance:

Payload capacity reduction: Reusable rockets typically have a lower payload capacity due to the added mass of the reusable components, such as the thermal protection system and landing gear.

Mass ratio reduction: The mass ratio, which affects the rocket's overall performance, decreases with each reuse due to the added mass of the reusable components.

Specific impulse reduction: The specific impulse, a measure of the rocket's efficiency, may decrease with reuse due to the degradation of the engines and other components.


Reusable rockets like SpaceX's Starship offer significant cost and time advantages over expendable rockets. However, reuse comes at the cost of reduced payload capacity and performance. The extent of this degradation depends on various factors, including the rocket's design, the number of reuses, and the refurbishment process. Despite these limitations, reusable rockets are revolutionizing space exploration and development, enabling more frequent and affordable access to space.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, the amount of fuel that Starship will need for a return to launch site maneuver is very much a factor in performance loss. But that wasn't made clear here in this AI authored post. Another quibble is that there hasn't been any baselines established for Starship yet, so I am wondering if the author is using the Falcon 9 numbers, and extrapolating the expected figures to Starship.

Molten-salt reactor "news"

Thorcon news ( not exactly news, but what the heck). I've sorta followed Thorcon for years now. I first heard of it on the Thorium Energy Alliance. I have the link on my private blog, but I made no note of it. Besides, it is out of date. Too bad about that if they aren't active anymore. But this Thorcon news is fairly recent. Maybe six months old.

Thorcon News page link

Brave AI summary of news page!

- Bureau Veritas and ThorCon have partnered for the Technology Qualification and development of a 500MW molten salt nuclear power barge in Indonesia.

- The Indonesian government has approved ThorCon's demonstration plant, and site feasibility and grid integration studies are in progress.

- ThorCon has signed MOUs with various Indonesian entities for the development and operation of the power plant.

- A 50 MW thorium molten salt reactor (TMSR) for power generation or marine vehicle propulsion is being studied in collaboration with Indonesia’s Defence Ministry.

- The TMSR-500 liquid fission power plant, presented at the International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, can supply Indonesia's electricity needs in 2026-2027.

- ThorCon's safety features do not rely on skilled operators or faultless software, making it a reliable energy source.

Biden is said to be leaving this weekend

If so, then why? He isn't legally obligated to leave. Are these people threatening him? Makes you wonder about the assassination attempt, does it not? 

 Not only is it a message to Trump, it could also be a message to Biden.

The Swamp is alive and well.

If Biden refused, his very life could be in danger. But I repeat myself.

A brief discussion with Gab AI about Venus' atmosphere

Number 6 in the series. The previous post is here.

7.19.24: (One more question is posed, and then I'll move on from this post. That is to say, no more updates to this post...)

At what elevation above the surface level of Venus is the atmospheric pressure about as equal to the Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level?

At an altitude of approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles) above Venus' surface, the atmospheric pressure is roughly equivalent to Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level, which is about 1 atmosphere (atm) or 1013 hPa. This altitude marks the transition between the upper and middle atmosphere of Venus, where the atmospheric pressure and temperature are more similar to Earth's conditions.

Ok, that's all folks for this post. I'll update further if I have anything more to write on the subject...


Continuation of the last post: I submitted more questions to the AI.

Aluminum and lithium alloys have found use in aerospace, have they not?

Yes, aluminum and lithium alloys have indeed found significant use in aerospace applications. These alloys are highly valued for their low density, high strength, and excellent corrosion resistance, which make them ideal for use in aircraft and spacecraft components. The addition of lithium to aluminum can result in a significant reduction in weight, which is a crucial factor in the design of lightweight, fuel-efficient, and high-performance aerospace vehicles.

What is the density of aluminum-lithium alloys used in space applications, and what specifically are these applications?

The density of aluminum-lithium alloys used in space applications typically ranges between 2.45 to 2.70 grams per cubic centimeter, depending on the specific alloy composition. These lightweight alloys are commonly used in a variety of space applications, including spacecraft structures, launch vehicle components, satellite components, and even space shuttle fuel tanks. The primary reason for their widespread use in aerospace is their ability to provide a significant reduction in weight while maintaining high strength and excellent corrosion resistance, which are critical requirements for space-bound materials.

Compare the density of aluminum-lithium alloys used in aerospace with Spacex's use of stainless steel in their Starship rockets.

The density of SpaceX's stainless steel used in their Starship rockets is approximately 8 grams per cubic centimeter, which is significantly higher than the density of aluminum-lithium alloys used in aerospace, which typically ranges between 2.45 to 2.70 grams per cubic centimeter. The choice of material for a particular aerospace application depends on several factors, including the desired strength-to-weight ratio, thermal properties, and resistance to various environmental conditions. While aluminum-lithium alloys offer a lower density and potentially lighter structures, stainless steel provides better thermal properties and resistance to cryogenic temperatures, making it suitable for the specific requirements of the Starship design.

Are aluminum-lithium alloys reactive to sulfuric acid?

Aluminum-lithium alloys exhibit varying degrees of reactivity to sulfuric acid, depending on the specific alloy composition and concentration of the acid. In general, aluminum-lithium alloys are more prone to corrosion in acidic environments compared to pure aluminum. However, the corrosion resistance can be significantly improved by incorporating alloying elements such as magnesium, zinc, or silicon, which form protective oxide layers on the surface of the alloy. In applications where sulfuric acid exposure is a concern, it is essential to select an appropriate aluminum-lithium alloy and, if necessary, apply protective coatings or surface treatments to enhance corrosion resistance.

Could an alloy like aluminum-lithium be used in an airship?

Yes, an alloy like aluminum-lithium could potentially be used in the construction of an airship. Aluminum-lithium alloys are known for their high strength-to-weight ratio, making them attractive materials for aerospace applications. The reduced weight of these alloys could help to improve the overall performance and efficiency of an airship. However, the specific design and construction of an airship using aluminum-lithium alloys would need to take into account factors such as the material's properties, manufacturing processes, and overall structural integrity.

There are airships in existence that can carry large amounts of cargo. What is the most cargo ever carried onboard an airship?

The most cargo ever carried onboard an airship was accomplished by the Hindenburg-class airships, which were operated by the German airship company, Luftschiffbau Zeppelin, during the 1930s. The Hindenburg and its sister ship, the Graf Zeppelin, were capable of carrying up to 72 metric tons of cargo, in addition to passengers and crew. These airships were used for both passenger transportation and cargo transport, and their impressive payload capabilities contributed to their status as some of the largest and most advanced airships of their time.

What were the dimensions of the Hindenburg-class airships of the 1930's?

The Hindenburg-class airships were among the largest airships ever built, with dimensions that reflected their impressive capabilities. The Hindenburg and the Graf Zeppelin both had a length of approximately 245 meters (804 feet), a width of 41 meters (135 feet), and a height of 46 meters (150 feet). These dimensions allowed the airships to carry large amounts of cargo and passengers, as well as provide spacious and luxurious accommodations for their passengers during long-distance flights.

How much did these Hindenburg-class airships weigh?

The Hindenburg-class airships were massive structures, weighing approximately 130 metric tons (286,600 pounds) empty. When fully loaded with cargo, passengers, and crew, their total weight could exceed 200 metric tons (440,900 pounds). This impressive weight was made possible by the use of lightweight materials, such as aluminum and duralumin, in the airship's construction. The Hindenburg and the Graf Zeppelin were among the heaviest airships ever built, reflecting their advanced design and capabilities.

Comment: I have an idea to have the Starship land on a floating platform well above the surface, and in the sulfuric acid clouds. The idea is to mine the planet for its water ( hydrogen in sulfuric acid, and oxygen in its sulfates). Rocket fuel could be manufactured there on the cloud, and then launched back into space to fuel spacecraft traveling back and forth between Earth, Venus, and Mars.


Please describe the constituents of Venus' atmosphere.

Venus' atmosphere is primarily composed of carbon dioxide, with small amounts of nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases. Carbon dioxide makes up approximately 96.5% of the atmosphere, with nitrogen accounting for about 3.5%. The remaining 0.1% is composed of trace gases, including sulfur dioxide, argon, water vapor, carbon monoxide, helium, and neon. The high concentration of carbon dioxide contributes to the planet's extreme greenhouse effect, resulting in surface temperatures of around 900 degrees Fahrenheit, making it the hottest planet in the solar system.

How many parts per million of water is in Venus' atmosphere?

Water vapor is present in very low concentrations in Venus' atmosphere, with approximately 20 parts per million (ppm) in the lower atmosphere and up to 100 ppm in the upper atmosphere. This is significantly less than the water vapor concentration in Earth's atmosphere, which averages around 10,000 ppm. Despite the low concentration, recent research suggests that Venus' atmosphere may have contained significantly more water in the past, possibly supporting the existence of oceans.

How far above the surface of Venus' does this water vapor exist in amount of 100 ppm?

The 100 ppm water vapor concentration in Venus' atmosphere is found in the upper atmosphere, specifically in the mesosphere, which extends from approximately 50 to 90 kilometers above the surface. The high concentration of water vapor in this region is likely due to the dissociation of sulfuric acid, which forms clouds in Venus' upper atmosphere. The presence of water vapor at this altitude has important implications for the planet's climate and potential for habitability.

Does nitric acid form in Venus' atmosphere? Venus has nitrogen and sulfuric acid. Could the nitric acid form there, and what amounts in ppm?

Nitric acid (HNO3) can potentially form in Venus' atmosphere, primarily through the reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) with water vapor. However, due to the low concentration of nitrogen oxides and water vapor in the atmosphere, the formation of nitric acid is expected to be minimal. Currently, there is no direct evidence of nitric acid in Venus' atmosphere, and its concentration, if present, is likely to be significantly less than 1 part per million (ppm).

At what altitude does sulfuric acid exist in the atmosphere of Venus?

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a major component of Venus' atmosphere, forming dense clouds that span the planet. These clouds are primarily located in the upper atmosphere, between altitudes of approximately 45 to 70 kilometers above the surface. The sulfuric acid clouds are formed through a series of complex chemical reactions involving sulfur dioxide (SO2) and water vapor, which are both present in Venus' atmosphere. The presence of sulfuric acid clouds has important implications for the planet's climate and potential for habitability.

How far above the surface of Venus does its atmosphere reach that would be comparable to the Karman line on Earth?

The Karman line, defined as the altitude where the atmosphere becomes too thin for aeronautical purposes, is located at approximately 100 kilometers above Earth's surface. On Venus, the atmosphere is denser and extends to much greater altitudes. The altitude at which the atmospheric pressure is similar to that at the Karman line on Earth is estimated to be around 250 kilometers above Venus' surface. This altitude marks the transition between the upper atmosphere and the exosphere, where the atmospheric molecules are no longer well-mixed and can escape into space.


Comment: Still don't know enough about the atmosphere on Venus. But it would appear that to generate methane with such a small amount of hydrogen easily available, would be a problem. Maybe this is the end of this series ( for now ).

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dem priorities are themselves, not us

Only now do they care about Biden's senility. They care only about losing a lot of power because of this. If there's accountability, it shouldn't make any difference who's on top of this ticket. They were all in on it.

Yesterday's Bongino Show, 7/17/24

Left wing blindspot

Yup. That's how it works. Anybody who follows the left has their heads up their wahoos by definition. It is designed that way.

Incompetence? Corruption? Malice? Will we ever know?

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A pit on the Moon reveals some really bad journalism

Behind the Black blog

You might say that some journalists are the pits. Bwah, hah, hah! Maybe even a bit loonie. lol

The View is Blinkered.

Everybody knew this except for Haley and her fellow bird brains. Updated quickly.. Maybe I ought to take this one down. It was supposed to point to the video on the View, but the link only goes to their website. But no. The usual dishonesty from the left is what one should expect.  My bad for putting this one up.

Who changed the curricula, and why?

Inquiring minds ought to know. That is, if there are any inquiring minds left. The point is that you should be curious as to why this was changed from what it was to what it is now. The results are on display. The country has been destabilized. Somebody wanted this to happen. Again I ask: WHO AND WHY?

Seems that I recall that the Reagan Administration had a "white paper" titled "Nation at Risk". It was about this very thing. What was done about it? My recollection is that efforts to improve upon the situation were resisted. The teachers unions were opposed. George W. Bush wanted to improve schools too. That's what he was doing on 9-11. But he was ridiculed for that, if memory serves. Now the schools are teaching "woke-ism", but basic American civics are no longer being taught. Who did this? It should be obvious who did this. It should be obvious what to do about it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Did the Secret Service just let an assassination attempt succeed? It only failed because the guy barely missed

This is looking more and more sinister...

Steve Winwood -- One More Morning

Another old tape I just found from my collection from way back when. Just one more morning. You don't know what you have until you have lost it. I can't believe I forgot this song.

RFK Jr betrayed by own son, who taped a private conversation and publicized it in order to make political points

RFK Jr. apologizes to Trump for the embarrassing leak of a private conversation. But RFK Jr. isn't leaving the race. His son took down the post, and as usual, doesn't apologize. He leaves his father to do the apologizing.

These people are so disordered. Just read the comments, for heavens sake.

I'm not referring to Trump here, in terms of being disordered. Maybe he's showing a bit too much generosity to people who don't deserve it. Many of RFK's ideas are unsound, in my opinion. The political left is their usual insane and horrible selves.

But his opposition to the COVID vax was the one thing he got right, again in my opinion. RFK Jr. may not be as nutty as the political left, but that isn't saying much.

But I didn't post this completely to pick on RFK Jr. and his idiot son. I'm picking on Ground News again. But Ground News does have a way to join in the rating for "factuality". You can vote on it. But this isn't a sound way of determing factuality. It isn't scientific. The most motivated ones are the ones who will vote. Evidently, the political left is more motivated, and thus votes heavily in these unscientific "polls" on factuality. What makes any old person who participates in this polling qualified to have their opinion treated as objective and fair?

Typically, the political left is rated higher in factuality than the so-called political right. I'm calling this out as bull poopie.

Obligatory, 7/16/24

Chain of links to the assassination attempt's unfolding story, this from yesterday 7/15/2024 Begin with Free Republic link

Sniper weighs in on Trump assassination attempt,via @MailOnline

The following is the above that is reformatted using the text below. The text might expand out to an embed code and display better, but if not the reformatted text above will have to do the job.

Sniper weighs in on Trump assassination attempt via @MailOnline

Repeat for next. First reformatted, then the original.

Dallas Alexander worked close protection for major world leaders, via @MailOnline

Dallas Alexander worked close protection for major world leaders via @MailOnline

... and finally an extracted quote from the article:

You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within, what looked like a couple hundred yards if that [of the president]. You can't get in that position with a gun when there's a president speaking. 'It cannot be done,' Alexander insisted.

This morning, I viewed the Bongino show on Rumble. It is embedded below. I could comment, but for the moment, I won't. What Bongino says here should be devastating for the political left. However, I suspect that there are many who will doubt what he says. There is no doubting his experience as a Secret Service Agent and policeman, however.

Dan Bongino Show 7-15-24


Here is what I offer for the moment. I don't have the time to go over all this. Other things are on the plate for me. I am posting this to stand in my stead, so to speak because there just isn't time to take all of this in and offer my two cents on what it all means.

Besides, haven't I been doing this all along? Anybody who wants to know what I think can access this blog. There's over 13k posts over the course of 13 years or more that I've been doing this.

Monday, July 15, 2024

News blurbs and return blurbification

Jen Psaki is reported to have asked the GOP to change the tone of the convention because it invites "retaliation".


If she is saying "shut up", then it sounds pretty familiar from these people.

I wonder if anything short of "yowsa massa" is acceptable to them. Something like the following link right here could be considered an invitation for retaliation.  What sort of retaliation did she have in mind?

The wolf doesn't like the sheep struggling too much from its impending doom. Accept your place, sheep.

Let's not rock the boat now, sheepsters. The wolf might get mad and shoot again. Shoot better next time, some of them have already said.

Oh, but that's too incendiary to mention.

Bottom line for me is that the leader of the opposition has nearly been taken out and I don't hear any contrition on the part of Democrats in what has transpired. Indeed, if any attempt at all at questioning their authority may somehow be considered off-limits.

Psaki says she's scared. She sounds belligerent to me. Always has.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Weird Al Yankovic

Did I spell it write?

Oh, my!

Jeff Bezos and ULA merger

Can they beat SpaceX? Maybe the better question is : "Can they stay relevant?" SpaceX is progressing by leaps and bounds. Those two guys are still mostly on the ground. ( I'm a poet and don't even know it.)

AGW discussion, number 120


Of all these AGW discussions, this one seems to have gotten the most attention. I say "seems to". Fact is, I don't know how accurate these numbers are.

A bit of thought may reveal why Venus may not have a runaway greenhouse. If carbon dioxide reflects heat back at the source, and if the source is coming from the ground, then it will act as a insulator.

Maybe not that much solar energy is reaching the lower levels of atmosphere, near the surface. It has to heat up somewhere in the clouds. The theory has it that the clouds are reflecting it back down, but what if it isn't that way? The sulfuric acid clouds reflect a lot of the light. In addition, a heated gas always wants to rise, not fall. Since the sulfuric acid level ends well below the "top" layer of the atmosphere, the question arises as to how much of that energy that is recorded as heat actually comes from the sun?

This discussion isn't about Earth, but about Venus. Venus is used as an example of the runaway greenhouse effect, and how to scare people into believing that such could happen on Earth. Let's take a look at Venus for a moment.

It seems that Venus has volcanic activity. It may have the most volcanoes than any other planet, including Earth. One number flashed out in bold relief that may give one pause, if one is so inclined. There may be more than a million volcanoes on Venus. What could this mean?

In terms of the runaway greenhouse effect, maybe nothing. Maybe everything. The truth is, there may not be enough information about Venus in order to make an educated guess. Also, the narrative is so well entrenched, that anything that challenges it may get suppressed. It seems that censorship of unapproved ideas has crept into the culture, and so the possibility that the narrative could be wrong is just not going to be accepted.

But this blog is a place where contrary narratives WILL be entertained. As far as I know, I may be the only one putting forth the possibility that Venus may not have a runaway greenhouse effect as is reported. Or that if there is one, it may not be due to the trapping of heat from the sun, but from the planet itself. That would be due to the volcanic activity within the planet. If there is considerable heat coming from inside the planet, its atmosphere may be preventing its release.

This counter narrative has not be encountered in my reading as of yet. So, I'll put it out there myself. If it is true, then what difference would it make?

Perhaps none. Perhaps a lot. There is more than one reason why Venus being used as a model for Earth is not a valid one. One of those reasons is its very thick atmosphere. Nothing like that could ever be duplicated on Earth no matter how hard we try. Humans can make only a tiny difference in the composition of Earth's atmosphere. It's this tiny difference that is what these narratives of theirs puts forth. That these tiny differences we could make can cause such big effects. It is yet another reason, for me at least, to doubt AGW.

Can the thick atmosphere of Venus really be responsible for the intense heat on its surface? Or would be Venus be a hot place even if the atmosphere was exactly like Earth's? For if the heat is really from volcanism, then that would be a fatal blow to the AGW theory. For not only can we not duplicate Venus like conditions due to our own efforts, that even if we could, it wouldn't make any difference anyway. For the carbon dioxide would not be the reason for why Venus is so hot.