Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kamala Harris isn't middle class as she claims, ...

She's a shape shifter.

Kamala has been failing upwards her entire career...

Got outsmarted by a guy with dementia.

Cave men just don't wanna be commie pinko fags

We see you, but we don't wanna be you.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Did you know the facts presented in this video?

Except for the part that he is a commie. I knew that. But what I didn't know is how rich he was. He inherited a ton on money from his adoptive father. That according to Judge Joe Brown here.

Imagine the class warfare crap that the Dems laid on Mitt Romney for being rich, and their boy, Barack Hussein is even richer than Romney. Hoo boy. I don't like Romney, but at least Romney EARNED his money.

Vance is looking good

Who's the general of that thar Army?

The article cites yet another poll.

If the poll is correct, then Kamala Harris must be in deep-doo-doo.

But what if the polls are wrong?

I keep my powder dry. Forget the damned polls. Reply to Harris' demand for another chance to debate on Fox, which she already refused, by inviting her to say why Obama is now talking for her. Who's running for President? HMMMM?

The Texas Revolution, The Battle of San Jacinto

War Hawk Channel, YouTube

This is probably about as accurate of a history as you are going to get. Keeping in mind that the victor writes the history books.

Basically, Sam Houston outgeneraled Santa Anna. The rest of the story is mere detail.

What does this have to do with today's events? Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything.

Conspiwicy Teories

Poking a bit of fun at the pinkos for their contant whining about somebody out there telling the truth about them.

But the problem isn't just with the pinkos. It is with the miscalled opposition. That's because, let's face it, nobody really gives a flip. They're all protecting their "rice bowls".

Here's how I can say that with confidence. You say things are bad. The polls say things are on the wrong track. The polls consistently have said that for YEARS. Both major candidates say that this election is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVAH. This gets echoed everywhere in the media, including the alternative media.

So what gets discussed. POLLS! POLLS, POLLS. What the hell does polls got to do with any friggin' thing?

If you want to get some ideas across, you couldn't do a worse job than to discuss poll numbers all the friggin' time. Very little of that discussion of issues goes on anywhere. When a serious question gets asked of Harris, there's not much follow up. Just more word salads. Not here either. A lot of bitching about the word salads, but where's the discussion that Harris won't talk about? Trump is talking about things. But I don't really follow that.

So Ima gon to change that.

Or try to.

One thing that Trump proposed, in terms of actually changing things, is to put up the networks licenses up for new bids. Yep! If the media isn't allowed to broadcast anymore the way that they do, MAYBE we can get something more than media events, as opposed to actual debates and actual interviews. This is a change as opposed to the current system of dueling echo chambers.

Nothing is getting discussed the way that it should be. Instead we get canned interviews from the Harris campaign, and the so-called right has its own space. We aren't having a discussion. We are having dueling echo chambers that do nothing but talk about polls and how they other guy sucks.

Little wonder then that nothing changes.

So, the one thing that Trump proposes is go after the major fake media. GOOD.

What does the Harris campaign want? To shut down the alternative media. Are the two equivalent? NO. The left wants no alternative views at all. Trump just wants the infernal system to be fair. Just like he wants FAIR elections. Of course, the modern left ( and the RINO accomplices ) don't want that.

You can tell from their interviews who's sincere and who isn't. Trump GAVE interviews to his critical media opponents. But that's all he can get from the MEDIA. Harris won't even go where she'll get a critical examination of her record and her ideas. That's the difference. But she's lying about it. At what time in this campaign has she ever faced any critical examination of anything she has said in the past or in the present for that matter? Even the Democrats are saying she's playing it too safe. But they'll vote for her anyway. So basically they're full of sheet.

Trump has a substantive proposal. So does Harris. But the talk is about polls. Let's see some real discussion out there. But that isn't happening. Just echo chambers and polls.  What do the polls do?  They drive the race for the eyeballs.  If the horse race is all you care about then you really don't care about fixing anything, do you?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Run the numbers. It's amazingly similar here now.

7:40 PM:

8:06 AM:

It was some poll out there recently with respect to the attempted assassination ( if memory serves ). I think the numbers boil down to 28% who said that it would've been better if Trump was assassinated. Let's run the numbers then. If you multiply the 28% of the Democrats that were polled here ( it was of Democrats if memory serves ), and if Democrats are 40% of the larger population that includes everyone else, you get pretty close to that 10%.

Those in excess are probably Liz Cheney useful idiot types. Newt Gingrich once said that we need 80-20 issues, meaning we need 80% on our side. If what this poll indicates isn't it, then we ARE LOST. Once the commies get control, it is going to be impossible to get them out without violence. IMPOSSIBLE. All of this hysteria that the Democrats are ginning up about Trump is a typical tactic of the commies. It's divide and conquer. Class warfare. Turn the people against each other and rule them with an iron fist. If we don't get a handle on this, it is over.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

They're shoosting at us!

Then shoot back! ---Not really, I can't back that up.

The one thing that's rare about her are those gazongas.

Are we Angry yet??

The buzz is all around. What's going on at Starbase?

As Limbaugh said about "Gorebasms"---always fake

This article seems to be impressed with the REAL journalism from 60 Minutes.

It's not live, it's "Memorex". Which means that it isn't real, it's still fake. Not impressed by a thing here.

It's not Linux, it's you

The author also adds "You have to want it."

So, I'm in. The author tries to find an apt metaphor at the end of the video. Here's a suggestion: It's like emigrating a to new land, and learning how to do things in the new land. One of those things is to learn the language and the customs.

What made my "emigration" from Windows necessary? They have gone "Bug F**k". There's way to much trampling over the rights of the people, and if the people don't give a sh*t, then I'll have to look out for myself.

People also don't want to hear bad news. I can't do anything about bad news. I'm only the f**king messenger. Don't shoot me because we may not be in for a good time, and SOON.

All the signs point to a massive crack down by the powers-that-be. Once that they can claim another phony assed election victory, then the repression will kick in BIG TIME.

Otherwise, WHY IMPORT MILLIONS OF NEW PEOPLE? What other purpose could that have but to replace the Americans who are waking up and saying ENOUGH OF THIS SH!T!!!

People don't like change despite the fact that they're always listening to the a-hole politicians who spout that bravo sierra. Only this time, the change is for real. Once they got their claws into us all, they aren't going to go away peacefully. Know what I mean, Vern?

As the man said in the post prior me or scroll down please

On that mentioned post he was saying something about dissatisfaction... Two times this morning, I have had that feeling that he was referring to. One involved a TRUSTED NAME that appears to be attempting to RIP ME OFF. I am not exagerrating here, but people may think that. Whatever your opinion of my reaction to this, I have been double charged, and now I have to spend my time on fixing that. Not satisfied. Check one.

The second disatisfaction was when I saw this video. I've been seeing this type of news on the privacy guy ( Braxman ), and now here. Hard for me to believe that this much time has passed. Which tells me that I am not moving fast enough to counter the PRIVACY ISSUES. I just installed Zorin OS on my computer in order to deal with this very issue. Check two.

The worst of it is that this has been in the works for years. We may be WAY TOO FAR BEHIND. So, what are we to do about it? Certainly not to give up. Oh, no. MUST NOT DO THAT.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Unbelievably, Kamala Harris manages to bomb out on the View

Extra, Extra, read all about it!

Harris is hapless. Millions will vote for her anyway because they have been trained to hate Trump.

America is not a free country anymore, nor a capitalist country

It all corporations now. I've been on an anti-corporatist bent for awhile now.

Here's this video, which has some ideas I think are worth sharing. It is very much out of the "mainstream", but to me, the "mainstream" sucks. So, I could care less about the so-called mainstream.

Check this out, if you have the time.

Some links to chew on; 10/8/24

Here's the results of my browsing on the new Zorin OS.

From Instapundit, these links:

Losing the messaging war?

Kamala will not be ignored, she says.

How's CBS marking October 7th?

Red State: Harris' attack on DeSantis

Western Journal: KJ-P cries "misinformation"

TownHall: "Klown Kar Kamala bombs out on CBS' 60 Minutes"

Zero Hedge : Another 60 Minutes Bad Review.

Twitchy: Let them Fight!

Seems like Korn Plop and Klown Kar Kamala are in a Bad Romance...

Test post


Test successful. It will stay posted.

Danger Will Robinson! Language alert. Language alert. The test is to see if a file got transferred properly, and if it will display properly here. I'll check later because this is on delay. If it is no good, I'll delete this post cuz it didn't display properly. Anyway, the video below has some nasty language, but the content is worth a look.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Personal beef

I've noticed something for awhile now, but I haven't said anything here about it until now ( if memory serves). I've been trying to install another operating system besides Windows on my netbook. In testing it, I used my own blog as a test bed. What I saw was a graphic that says my blog is somehow an unsecure site.

Disclaimer here: I DO NOT OWN THIS SITE. Google does. If this site is unsecure, it is not because I'm doing anything. It is Google's responsibility to police their own site. I DO NOT OWN IT.

Even if I DID own it, I would do everything I could think of to secure it from any malicious threats.

I resent having that said about my blog. I am depending upon the honor of others to do the job that they should be doing themselves. It may be costing me pageviews. Think about that one for awhile.

The Dan Bongino Show: "...Kamala And The Media Are Lying (Ep. 2344) - 10/07/2024"

...and hundreds of people are dying. A bit of a turn of phrase to describe what's really going on.

They care nothing about what they say they care about. They don't give a flip about the people that died during a GOP administration. They were just using the stats (like COVID "deaths") as a way to manipulate people into su pporting them.

Here's a real live situation that nobody can manipulate ( who can conjure up a hurricane? but you CAN conjure up a "pandemic"). They won't budge on this hurricane, but they can sure piss and moan about COVID.

Bongino is talking about Katrina. No. We just had a COVID "pandemic" which might well have been cooked up JUST SO THAT THEY COULD USE IT for politics. They did it with Vietnam, with Iraq, with any friggin' hurricane that came along with a GOP president, and they put up those numbers. Are they doing that NOW???

My point is this: that if they cared so much back then, where the hell are they NOW? Giving money to terrorist regimes??? What the f**k is that?

But the GOP ( as a party ) cannot attack it. The reason? They keep funding this crap. They did it during this last session in Congress. They do nothing. But if somebody runs against the Democrats, they just use the tactic too. The people who should be held accountable cannot be. That's because too many people don't pay attention until this crap is all over us like hot molasses. Also, because these people make it about right versus left. But the "right' does it too. It MUST BE ABOUT SOMETHING. Make it about accountability.

In the post preceding this, there was some Elon Musk bashing. Well, Bongino puts that to rest by having a clip of what Elon Musk said. Also, Bongino said on his show that it's about pictures and sound bites. If you don't have the time, then it is up to us to focus on the pictures and sound bites and get them the hell out there!!!!

The part in the video might be found most quickly around the 36 minute mark. Look for it there. And more, much more. Don't miss the show. It's worth the time.

Starship update(s)

Here's one video that seems decent. Paging the Angry Astronaut...

There's those who complain about Elon Musk. I'd say he's no different than any of the others. He's got an interest in getting to Mars, and he doesn't have unlimited time. Governments acts as if they are immortal, but no government lasts forever. A warning to those who keep insisting upon acting as though they will last forever. It doesn't happen in this world. I'm not saying anything about the Angry Astronaut on those lines. I was reacting to a comment on the previous video. As for what the Angry Astronaut says, I'll pass for now. Just whatever...

Embed dump

Saw these two, so I embedded them here.

The first? There seems to be a divide amongst the Jewish folk. Older ones side with the commies, for some reason. Who can explain these people to themselves? Anyone???

I have spent the last year angry at Jews. by Karol Markowicz

What if Jews don't wake up?

Read on Substack

Thank you sir!!! May I have another? Why, of course you can.

Ya know? I've been seeing things on the webz that say that there's more blue folk in the area of devastation from the hurricane, but these people will probably vote for the commies anyway. Can anyone explain these people to themselves? They aren't necessarily all Jews, you know. As a matter of fact, they could be any walk of life. Or I am wrong about that?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Lost post that existed only in my mind

I had a deep thought that begged to be made into a post. Now that post has vanished from my memory before it could get posted here.

As I type this, I try to remember what it was. But alas, no luck. It shall be like the unknown soldier. Pay homage to what will never be known. It is a shame.

It had something to do with the state of affairs in this country. It may have made for some interesting reading.

What a pity.

It may have something to do with my current project. Yes! Something like that.

Indeed, it might also be about memories. The ones that are lost. Maybe. Or something else. I'm not sure.

Or about failed relationships. Ah, yes. That's an important clue.

It might have been about misunderstandings due to poor communication. Or assumptions being made that were wrong, and caused enormous trouble. Or the expectation that somebody knows something or remembers something just because you do, and/or the other should for some reason. But what if that person doesn't remember? Or has to be reminded constantly?

It may have been something like that. But it was lost just the same. It is a pity. It is also frustrating. When it happens, and is recognized as such, the reaction is "oh, shit. Not that again!"