Monday, October 7, 2024

Personal beef

I've noticed something for awhile now, but I haven't said anything here about it until now ( if memory serves). I've been trying to install another operating system besides Windows on my netbook. In testing it, I used my own blog as a test bed. What I saw was a graphic that says my blog is somehow an unsecure site.

Disclaimer here: I DO NOT OWN THIS SITE. Google does. If this site is unsecure, it is not because I'm doing anything. It is Google's responsibility to police their own site. I DO NOT OWN IT.

Even if I DID own it, I would do everything I could think of to secure it from any malicious threats.

I resent having that said about my blog. I am depending upon the honor of others to do the job that they should be doing themselves. It may be costing me pageviews. Think about that one for awhile.

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