Thursday, April 22, 2021

They don't win

 The only way that they get into power is by way of fraud.

If elections were made to be honest, the stupid stuff we see all too much of would disappear.

That conclusion is based upon the high probability that nobody wants what they are pushing on the rest of us.

Do you believe that people actually want bad stuff?  Because that's all that the so called elected officialdom is giving us.  Nobody's voting for this.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

"The bullies are winning."

 The Pappa John story 

1965 Ranchero--- The Scoop

The latest video is on Rumble now.

My videos are getting a few views. Excellent!

No need to get excited though. It isn't all that many views. But it is nice for people to notice.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

An elegant solution


All this time, I've been doing it the way I described in the previous video. After forcing it into video mode a couple times, I noticed that it seemed to come out of it by itself.

After retracing my steps, I discovered that there was a simple and elegant way to get out of the unwanted video mode.

The video below will show the procedure.

Is it a bug in the software? I'd say so, but it is a minor one. Perhaps some documentation that shows common problems like this one and how to get around them might help.

The story was always a lie.

of course it was.

Yeah--- another one of these

For those who are wondering why I waste time on this, well the answer is that nothing else out there is interesting enough for me. So why not do this?

Look, we've beaten the absolute hell out of the conservative issues. People won't listen. I don't know about anybody else, but beating my head against a wall doesn't interest me. If they won't listen, then I am going elsewhere.

No, I'm not giving up. But when I find something that I want to comment upon, then I'll do it. But I won't join the "woe is me" crowd. Sure, things are bad. But when people get in the mood to listen, you may have better luck than right now.

This video is a continuation of what I posted yesterday. I wasn't satisfied with what I did. Maybe this will explain the issue with the Construction Simulator 3 on Xbox.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Consim video

I like this game. However, it receives lower ratings than it should.

This video discusses a problem that I never solved with this game. I'm sure many folks encounter the same problem and give the game lower ratings than what it would have otherwise. That's too bad.