Friday, February 7, 2020

The price of liberty

It is said that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

We'll be okay if people keep their guards up.  If not, then things will go downhill until we end up like Venezuela.

The conservative side may be too trusting.  You can be assured that the left is on guard always.  However, liberty is not their goal.  If it was their goal, there'd be no problem.  When it comes to the GOP, the media watches like a hawk, but it only goes one way.

It is a sad fact that we have to depend upon the GOP to preserve liberty.  Too many of them are too much like the Democrats.  They like their big government and ever-increasing encroachments upon the liberty of the people.

I'm not a big fan of State of the Union speeches.  I watched about half of the most recent one.   There are those who are praising it to the heavens.  I'm not so sure.   No, I'm not changing my politics.  But you need to watch out with this stuff.  The very idea of addressing Congress in person seemed monarchial according to Thomas Jefferson.  He gave his State of the Union in writing.  This was followed until Woodrow Wilson broke that tradition.  It was about that time that this country started down the statist road.

Don't put too much faith in these speeches, I say.

Ronald Reagan had a good State of the Union once.  But that speech wasn't about praising some government program or initiative.  It was about those "three little words" that the Constitution begins with, which are "We The People".  Reagan may have seemed a bit corny at times, but I think he really believed it.  I'd say way too many people these days do not seem to.

Reagan said we are a people with a government and not the other way around.   To put it another way, "we the people" own the government, but the government does not own us.  These days, it seems that we are marching steadily to the other direction that Reagan seemed to be warning us about.  The government is getting too powerful and it won't be too much longer when we might as well be slaves.  We won't be free anymore at this rate.

People need to take heed of where this government is going.  That includes those on our side.  I know Romney may want to seem like a dutiful and thoughtful conservative, but that is a ruse.  It is this dishonesty and corruption that is killing us.  If Romney was that thoughtful, he would have wanted a lot more information than it seemed that he was interested in hearing.  We need the full story, not the ones that the Democrats were telling.  There are two sides, and we got a rather one-sided process even in the Senate.  The House was a House of Horrors--a Star Chamber.  The Senate was too generous towards the House and should have been much more severe about their methods.  Romney didn't seem to find issues with the House, but 50 of his fellow Republicans did.

The impeachment was a Bill of Attainder.  Trump is treated as a guilty person without the benefit of due process.  A case should have been made to that effect.  It wasn't.  Too bad.  We may pay for that omission.  The price of liberty truly is eternal vigilance.  There may be those who are glad it is all over, but the only way to assure us of that was with a thorough process, which this was not. 

Not that I agree with the liberals.  No NEW witnesses, but there should have been an argument with the way that this process unfolded and a formal vote to condemn the way the House ran it.  We could have heard from a witness in the Senate trial, and it wouldn't have been a NEW witness.  One of the House's inquiry-witnesses had his testimony BLOCKED by Adam Schiff.  Some of what he said could have thrown a big light upon the sham that the impeachment truly was.

People may want to remember that one.  It is a big deal.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Losers gotta lose



Romney is a loser, alright.   If there ever was a shred of doubt, it is definitely confirmed now.



The GOP base hates Romney, particularly the Trump voters.  This idea will not be welcomed AT ALL.  Gabbard isn't Republican, she's just nuts.  She belongs with the Dems, but even they don't like her.  Maybe that is the attraction with these losers.  Pick the ones that everybody hates.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What Pelosi is really doing



Pelosi tears up the SOTU copy.  What's she doing?  Same thing.  She has to keep her divided party together, and the only way is to oppose Trump at every turn.  The move is symbolic.


This impeachment gambit will almost certainly fail.  Pelosi must know that, so what is she really doing?

It is within the realm of possibility that she will succeed.  But such a victory may not be what she is really seeking either.  It would be a Pyrrhic Victory, with the victors hardly better off than with a defeat.

It should be recalled that she opposed the impeachment for political reasons.  So what changed?  The changing factor was the loss of control of her caucus.  Therefore, that is what she is really doing.  She is attempting to keep her caucus under control even though the impeachment is against the interests of her faction.

If her faction succeeds in impeaching and removing this president, the country will become ungovernable.  Certainly, she must know that.  There is no way that Trump partisans will ever accept impeachment and removal for what is almost without a doubt, to be for partisan reasons.  Even if this impeachment succeeds, there has to be an afterward.  That would be very much in doubt if Trump were to be removed based upon merely partisan motivations.

Therefore, against her better judgment, she is going along with a flawed strategy.  She is keeping herself at the head of the parade that is marching in the wrong direction.  Persuasion has failed, so now she either accepts the demands of her fractious partisans or loses control.

She is not to be pitied.  If she were honest, she would resign from the speakership.  She is no better than the partisans, except for one thing.  She probably has a bit more sense than they do.  But she is not to be trusted, because she is just as dishonest as the rest of her tribe.  If she were honest, she would admit that truth is not on their side, as the impeachment of this president is a flawed approach to what is essentially a political obstacle for them to overcome.  She knows that their goals won't be aided by such a flawed approach, but her followers won't accept such wise counsel.  She seeks to live to fight another day.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Sen. Rand Paul names suspected whistleblower

Breitbart dot com

Bongino has additional information about the suspected whistleblower on his show today.  It will "bake your bagels", says Bongino.

Maybe Schiff will put Sen. Paul in jail for this heinous misdeed.

Schiff: If You Don’t Convict Trump He Might Give Alaska Back to Russia


Isn't it the liberals who are always wanting to do something similar with respect to the entire country?  Didn't we steal it from the indigenous peoples of this continent? 

Isn't it ironic that Schiff would make such an accusation when they talk the way they do about this country?  It is Trump's "nationalism" that is such a problem.  Why would Trump even think of such a thing?   Yet it was Obama who promised to be more "flexible" in his second term.

This entire thing is about a cover-up on the Democrat side.  It is a diversion of their own crime of selling out our country, yet here is Schiff trying to accuse Trump of doing what they do routinely.

By the way, Bongino spent a lot of time discussing how Biden will be a problem for the Democrats going forward.  It isn't going away, says Bongino.  "Biden and company" sold this country for a few bucks for themselves.   That's what they are trying to hide by impeaching the POTUS.  What Schiff is saying will not wear well over the long term.  But he is rolling the dice that it might help now.  Pathetic.

Limbaugh announces cancer diagnosis

The demon ( as I will call it ) strikes again...

Monday, February 3, 2020


Since this impeachment drive, I've kept an eye on the Rasmussen poll.

There has been no net change.  No net change if you figure in the margin of error.  There's a 2.5 percent margin of error, and his numbers float around the high forties.  The lowest I saw was about 43 percent just after all this all started, and at 53 percent at its highest just before it started.  Aside from that blip, it has been about where it has been all along.  No change worth mentioning.

The Senate may be a different thing.  But I haven't followed that, so I cannot comment.

Some say the real target was the Senate.  This may make some sense if the intention is to oust Trump in the second term.  It still wouldn't surprise me if the GOP went soft and went along with them the next time.  You can probably bet there will be "a" next time.

Onward, through the fog.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Baghdad Bob Democrats

These guys have "foot in mouth" disease...

The comparison may be an insult to Bob.

Groundhog Day

Today really does seem like Groundhog Day.  The same thing seems to have happened before.  Or is that Deja Vu?  I don't know Groundhogs nor French.  Either way, it's bad.