It may be necessary for me to relate why I used the term recently. For this purpose, I
had to do some research. I knew that President George Herbert Walker Bush said the term, but
it wasn't during his inaugural speech. That's where I looked first.
No, the speech was just prior to Desert Storm. The link:
September 11, 1990, A New World Order declared
Very interesting date, by the way. Eleven years later, Bush's son "Dubya" was in the White
House, and something happened at the World Trade Center in New York... That something led
to another war. We also got a few other bad things that we are still dealing with, like
a curtailment of our freedom, and an expansion of government. All on the Bushes watch.
I chose the term because something went haywire when Ronald Reagan left the White House, and
this same George H.W. Bush entered it. He didn't utter the term at the inaugural, as I
thought, but when that war began in the Persian Gulf.
What does it mean exactly? It was supposed to mean one thing to those who supported the man,
but it is ending up being something else entirely. It leaves me very suspicious that this
latest war in Ukraine is part of the same thing. Everything is being pushed in that direction.
The Covid idiocy, the impeachments, the fraudulent election, and most everything else is
being used to destroy the old lawful order, and to bring out a soft coup. Some are now calling
it the Great Reset.
So, as Reagan once said, we are told it is a choice between left and right. But it isn't,
as Reagan continued to say-- instead, it was about the choice between tyranny and freedom.
Bush seemed to be on the side of freedom. But he had a way of being insincere. His
acts didn't comport with what he was indicating with his words. So it really isn't about
freedom. It is really about tyranny. He may not have been aware of that, but all too often,
he seemed to be siding with those who have always wished to bring on the iron hand of tyranny.
There might be a middle ground between left and right ideologies, but there is no middle
ground between being a slave, or being a free man. You either have your freedom
or you don't. There is no "middle way". The "middle way" is a trick to deceive you into
letting down your guard. Free men can carry guns, but slaves cannot. Free men can choose
to wear masks, but slaves cannot. Free men can vote, but slaves cannot. Free men can come
and go as they wish. It doesn't seem to be that way anymore, so why is that? I am suspicious
of those who would curtail freedom for the necessities of the moment. For the necessities
of the moment can be conjured up to fit the need of dictators.
Bush may not have meant it that way, but the results are the same as if he did. That's why
I say "Read my lips, no new Bushes." One is running for Attorney General in Texas, but
if people don't learn after two failed Bush Presidencies, they'll never learn. That's what
I fear may happen. These people keep turning up, and they keep doing the same old tricks.
There is another one going on with this sham January 6th subcommittee in Washington. The
Bushes and Cheneys are thick as theives.
Poll after poll says we are on the wrong track. It has been that way for quite some time.
The only constant in all of this is the same clique has been running the show. It is time
for them to exit the stage. They may be incompetent, corrupt, or both. It doesn't matter
if the results are the same. It doesn't matter what the intentions were. The results
speak for themselves. We are almost at war with a nuclear power in their backyard. That
is insane. The New World Order may well be a nuclear rubble pile.