Biden said to have promised to end fossil fuels
There is a movement afoot to attempt to declare a national climate emergency. Well, it's plenty hot here in Texas right
now, but I wouldn't characterize it as an emergency. Not hardly. Certainly not a reason to impose some sort of
draconian regulatory scheme. You know, like a "pandemic emergency"? Remember that one?
There's a technology that may be available soon that COULD end fossil fuels. Or, if not ending it, reduce its usage
drastically. That would be nuclear energy. Nuclear energy could replace it, but it isn't "green". That would mean
fission energy as not being "green". One should ask if that is true or not. But first, what exactly is "green"?
If being "green" means perfect, then we may as well close shop for good. Perfection doesn't exist. But if Focus Fusion's
people are right, aneutronic fusion could come mighty close. Let's stop and ask a "what if" question. That is, what
if aneutronic fusion doesn't quite live up to its billing? It's not supposed to produce neutrons, so it should be
completely safe and "clean". Would the greenies object? What if aneutronic fusion produced just a little radiation?
Examine the premises. The argument that the greens put forth asserts that all radiation is bad. Make no mistake, radiation can be bad, but it is the dose that matters. As for everything that has radiation being bad, then everything
alive is bad, for everything alive has carbon-14, which is radioactive. Carbon-14 is used for carbon-dating ancient
things once alive. Carbon-14 is produced naturally by cosmic rays. Might as well ban cosmic rays, huh?
Not all radiation is bad. There are useful things, like Proton Therapy, which treats cancer. Radiation is not always
bad. Indeed, it can be a very good thing. Without Proton Therapy, I'd be dead right now. That's pretty good for me, but there are those who would not be so sure...
If you believe the left all the time, we'd be in a big mess. In fact, they are getting so bad, I'd venture that nobody
should listen to them AT ALL, unless they can produce irrefutable proof of everything they say. Until that happens,
they should be ignored.
So Congress wants to stop Brandon from issuing another one of his idiotic decrees. The best way to deal with his
"emergencies" is to ignore them. Make a big point out of it. They try to jam something in your face, then send it
right back into their face. That would work a lot faster, and who knows, it may teach them a badly needed lesson.