As I've been writing lately, language-usage is a key component of the war against our culture and our way of life. It has been an ongoing process which has lasted for decades.
If you go back far enough in time into our movies and television, you'll find that the usage of our language has changed over the years. It has been gradual. It is like the little froggie in the pan, which is getting hotter all the time. We're the frogs, and the pan is the use of the language. Eventually the language and the culture will "cook" us. By that time, it will be too late to "jump out" of the pan.
Hence my own determination to call it out frequently now. It is of vital importance to stop using their language, their concepts, their premises. All of this is meant to change our minds from what we were into what these social-engineering commies want us to be. What is that?
What do they want us to be other than communists? It has all the hallmarks of communism, which we USED to educate people against. Now the educational system has been turned on us, as if it were a weapon. Make no mistake, it IS a weapon.
Instead of disarming us, we should disarm them. As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, if you don't know your enemy, your chance of winning is not good. If you don't know yourselves, and you don't know your enemy, you have NO chance. They are teaching us to be like them. If this succeeds, then we have no chance, because we won't be ourselves anymore.
I see their influence everywhere. People who are supposedly on the side of freedom are constantly using the language of the enemy. This has to stop. If we don't correct it soon, we are cooked like that little froggie.
Thus the "vaccine" is not a vaccine. The pandemic is not a pandemic. Progressives are not "progressive", it is just a soft word for communism. It is not the left versus the right, it is freedom versus slavery. It is all geared toward putting us in chains. It is succeeding far too well for freedom-minded patriots to feel assured of victory. In fact, we are in a lot of trouble. It would be simple to change your habits, but few seem to be heeding this warning. It's not looking good. There are many other examples, but you have to look for them and be alert.