Saturday, July 24, 2021

This must be understood


As I've been writing lately, language-usage is a key component of the war against our culture and our way of life. It has been an ongoing process which has lasted for decades.

If you go back far enough in time into our movies and television, you'll find that the usage of our language has changed over the years. It has been gradual. It is like the little froggie in the pan, which is getting hotter all the time. We're the frogs, and the pan is the use of the language. Eventually the language and the culture will "cook" us. By that time, it will be too late to "jump out" of the pan.

Hence my own determination to call it out frequently now. It is of vital importance to stop using their language, their concepts, their premises. All of this is meant to change our minds from what we were into what these social-engineering commies want us to be. What is that?

What do they want us to be other than communists? It has all the hallmarks of communism, which we USED to educate people against. Now the educational system has been turned on us, as if it were a weapon. Make no mistake, it IS a weapon.

Instead of disarming us, we should disarm them. As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, if you don't know your enemy, your chance of winning is not good. If you don't know yourselves, and you don't know your enemy, you have NO chance. They are teaching us to be like them. If this succeeds, then we have no chance, because we won't be ourselves anymore.

I see their influence everywhere. People who are supposedly on the side of freedom are constantly using the language of the enemy. This has to stop. If we don't correct it soon, we are cooked like that little froggie.

Thus the "vaccine" is not a vaccine. The pandemic is not a pandemic. Progressives are not "progressive", it is just a soft word for communism. It is not the left versus the right, it is freedom versus slavery. It is all geared toward putting us in chains. It is succeeding far too well for freedom-minded patriots to feel assured of victory. In fact, we are in a lot of trouble. It would be simple to change your habits, but few seem to be heeding this warning. It's not looking good. There are many other examples, but you have to look for them and be alert.

Lying about covid

 Actual data is in, and covid is very well contained in India.

But the fear-porn has Australia in total lockdown.

The only way they accomplish this enslavement is through lying.  There is no truth in what they are saying.

Australia should cast off these communist slave masters.  They have nothing to lose but their chains.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Four square against the Marxist paradigm


Just saw something over at Ace that reminds me that people must be stubborn, or just plain mentally lazy, or they are not what they seem to be.

Ace referred to himself as "right". Well, for the record, yours truly is not on "the right". The term "right" is in reference to the dialectic that I mentioned just the other day. If you are going to use a dialectic, don't use that one. That dialectic is the one that the commies like to use. Therefore, if commies use it, I won't use it.

Instead, I'll use the one that Reagan set forth in the speech that launched his career. That dialectic, which he didn't name as a dialectic, is one about freedom v. tyranny, as opposed to the one about left v. right. I'll rename it as freedom v. SLAVERY.

SLAVES ARE NOT FREE. Leftist regimes ARE NOT FREE. If we set the argument up as FREEDOM VERSUS SLAVERY, then the only ones favoring SLAVERY are the leftists themselves. Those on the side of FREEDOM cannot lose. Who would, if they had the choice, choose to be a slave?

Leftists love for you to label yourselves as on the "right" because they can call you fascist, and like Hitler. It is a dumb trap to let yourselves fall into to allow that. Don't use it. Those who do aren't going to be trusted by yours truly anymore. Either there's something wrong upstairs, as in "nobody's home", or you're trying to pull something on me. I'm not going to buy anything you sell if you keep doing that.

Ronald Reagan's 1964 speech

Look for it at the 4 minute mark.

RNA as in covid jab?

What could go wrong?

It is amazing what people will swallow.

You don't know all the facts yet.

From the " blogfather"

 America's paper of record.

It's the bee, but it only stings idiots.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Biden so-called townhall

After watching an hour of last year's debate with Trump, I looked up his "townhall" last night. There aren't many videos about it. Why is that? Maybe it wasn't too good?

Here's a short video excerpt.

It was only one of many, but not of this particular event. Curious thing, huh? You'd think there would be plenty of videos, especially if he looked good.

For a minute there, I thought he was going to whisper again in the one linked to above.

He said that we have to get past all that. He said that after he goes on a rant about the thing we were supposed to get past. Yeah, right. You get past it, not him.

Up votes were outvoted by the downvotes by more than three to one. Must have been a Biden landslide.


Over at Ace of Spades, there is more of a breakdown of the Biden seminar-style "townhall". Evidently, there were more gaffes. In addition to gaffes, the content of what he said won't go over well with many voters. Not that that matters anymore, you see.

Here's the link.

Not a traditional vaccine

This may be like a voice shouting in the wilderness, but what the heck? It can't hurt, and maybe someone will finally get it.

The use of language is important. The words we use are important. The premises we use in arguments are important. Therefore, it is important that you don't concede ground that you shouldn't just because you are too lazy to check up on the language that is being used.

Vaccines have traditionally meant the use of dead viruses to generate an immune response. They don't mean gene therapy. Yet there is an almost universal insistence upon referring to the jab as a "vaccine". It isn't. The jab works through the rna, which is novel. If that's not what it's doing, then please don't call it a vaccine anyway. It doesn't work the way that vaccines have worked in the past.

It is an experiment, and would not have allowed if there were treatments. But there are treatments. Therefore, these jabs should have been tested much more extensively before being unleashed upon the public.

People are either intellectually lazy, or they are part of the disinformation problem. If you don't use language properly, it is one or the other.

The reference to 'you' is generic. Not to be singling anyone out.

Is Biden competent?

There has been a lot of talk about that. Some folks may have been betting that Biden wouldn't last long.

A bit of a confession here: I didn't watch the debates during the election. I read about them, but I didn't watch. So I watched a replay of the second one just now. Or about an hour of it. At that time, Biden seemed to be in control of himself for that one hour.

There may be some exagerration of his faults, but he sure did seem incoherent on a simple question asked on that town hall, which may have been last night. Was he like that all through it? I don't know because I didn't watch it. Perhaps he only had one bad moment.

He's going downhill, probably. How far downhill since the election? It may take more time than I want to spend on the question in order to get an answer.

But in that debate, he was horrible. Not horrible in the way of being incoherent, but horrible in the constant drumbeat of falsehoods. It is very unpleasant to listen to that.

I don't know if he should be removed by the 25th amendment, but he should be removed if it can be proven that the didn't win that election. I don't believe he did, whether that can be proved or not, who knows?

With respect to being President, Trump was far, far better. If more people can be convinced by Biden on the basis of what he said in that debate, and how he has been as President, we are hopeless.

The only thing supporting the commies


Is the only thing that has ever supported the commies--violence or the threat of violence.

There is no truth in communism. They know that they don't have the support of the people, so they must rule by force or fraud.

The same is true in our country today. There is constant denial of plain truth that is staring at you straight in the face. Examples? They are becoming legion.

The women's national soccer team lost a scrimmage with 15 year old boys. What does that tell you? The commies insist that women can compete with biological men in women's sports. What does that tell you? Biden can't answer a question coherently. It isn't an isolated incident, it happens all the time. Yet this isn't regarded as extremely abnormal. What does that tell you?

Young people weren't around at the time of the former Soviet Union, but when a leader was clearly at the end, the commies pretended it wasn't so. Even when he died, they didn't report it immediately. It was like they were denying death itself. Communism is a war against truth. There is NO truth in it. Nothing but brute force.

So the people in Cuba protest. The commies do what they always do, they respond with violence. Biden is questioned about such a thing happening in the USA, he responds that it cannot happen because they have F-15's and nukes. So what is the difference?

Biden was elected with the most votes ever? He has a townhall last night, and it was nearly empty. He cannot answer simple questions coherently. He won? The commies say he did, but they say a lot of things that aren't so.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Get even-with-them-ism

Double standards

You read this over and over again on the webs. Look, you have got to learn how to fight this stuff. So, I offer this suggestion:

Cite the Dred Scott decision during the run-up to the Civil War. The Chief Justice was quoted to have said that the slaves have no rights that any white man could respect. This is a rather infamous quote. But if the current zeitgeist is to turn the tables on the white man, could that be a double-edged sword?

A double-edged sword cuts both ways. If it is inherently wrong and evil to say what the Chief Justice said in those times, then why is it not evil TODAY? The quote applies to any application of a double-standard. In those times, there was a double standard with regard to one class of people to another. If the same is happening today, but with another class of people that once were oppressing another, why is it okay NOW?

I cannot find the offending quote in the Wikipedia, but I know I've seen it.

Nobody lecture me about Wikipedia. If there is an attempt to scrub it, we'll know WHY.

If the idea is to punish America, it is clearly consistent with a lot of what is going on these days.

Ve haf vays to make you talk

There was something on the web, probably at Instapundit, which was about a statement made with respect to the Jan. 6th defendant at his sentencing. I could link to it, but if you're interested, you can do that yourself.

Anyway, the defendant's statement had nothing to do with his guilt, as far as I can see. He said that Biden was "lawfully and respectfully elected". My reaction to this is WTF?

Was he arrested for expressing his first amendment rights?! Was that statement coerced out of him, or his punishment would be far, far worse? If so, what does that say????

Ten to one, nobody else has this reaction I just expressed. Evidently, most people today are okay with criminalizing speech. Most people today are okay with criminalizing dissent. Otherwise, there would be a HUGE uproar over this. But I betcha there won't be.

A statement about WHY he broke a law, if he did so, might be appropriate. But a statement that only serves one viewpoint over another under coercion is definitely not kosher.

Extracting confessions is illegal under the Geneva convention, if I am not mistaken. This is the stuff that pinko regimes do. Especially a confession to that which isn't even illegal.

Not looking good, kiddoes.


Memory was off just a little.  He didn't say elected, he just said President.   Okay , water is really wet.  Big deal.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pegasus smegasus

Pegasus smegasus

Well, there was this bit about Pegasus on Bongino's show today. He doesn't understand why this isn't a bigger story. It may not be possible to ascertain that with any certainty, but that is not the point of this post.

This post is really about the topic of computer security, or lack thereof. In fact, there isn't any privacy anymore, and hasn't been for a long time. You could go back into the 80's and see stories about how a dossier could be compiled on anyone with no more information than what is on your license plate.

There is no privacy anymore. Anybody who thinks so is kidding themselves. But it is a lot worse than that. Pegasus, as described, is a pretty scary thing. But the only reason that it exists is that the government is okay for it to be in existence.

Our problem is that our government does not serve the people anymore. This is just another example of that. The government COULD police the corporations that build shoddy products that can be hacked, but they don't. The government COULD file anti-trust suits against the corporations for violating peoples right to free speech, but instead of doing that, they protect them from lawsuits, and encourage them to trample upon your rights.

The people out there think that the government will take care of you. Oh, they'll "take care" of you all right. It just won't be in the way that you think of.

The Founding Fathers had a healthy distrust of government, and sought a form of government that would police itself. That system has broken down because the people who have gotten into power no longer honor their oaths.

There is just too many people who don't get that. Too bad for us if that number doesn't change in a big way and very, very soon. It has in Cuba. If the Cubans can "get it", why can't we?



This business about left and right, as it applies to politics, has a name. It is called dialectics. Probably most educated folks are familiar with that term. For some reason, I had forgotten it. But it wasn't because I hadn't heard of it, or didn't know about it. I just plain forgot about it.

Actually, I wanted to write something about it today, so when I googled it, I didn't use this term. But the term popped up, and I thought--- "of course".

There are those who would scoff at this, but Reagan's "speech" that launched his political career referred to the dialectic, but not by name. Those who dabble in such things as Marxist theory would have recognized it right off, but I suppose it isn't something that they teach in high school. At least, not back when I was in high school. Reagan's speech was a little before that time, but not that by all that much.

Dialectics is just a means of argumentation, supposedly designed to get at "truth". To tell you the truth, most arguments don't arrive at truth. They may arrive at fisticuffs for those who cannot tolerate being contradicted. This may include a lot of people.

But the argumentation is supposed to be civilized and non-violent. It is an intellectual kind of thing. Supposedly.

Reagan's argument against it set up another form a dialectic. Instead of right v left, he set up the freedom v slavery argument. He didn't frame it quite that way, but the opposite of freedom is slavery. People who are not free cannot help but be slaves, right? There are some who might dispute that. Communists would certainly dispute that their people are enslaved.

But what do you call making people the property of the state? Communist countries do not allow free entry and exit of their peoples. That's what the Berlin Wall was all about. I suppose they still teach this history in our schools, but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.

If the people of places such as Cuba and North Korea could migrate to a freer country, they would do so. But there are barriers to that. Cuba is an island surrounded by a large body of water. North Korea is bounded by China, and a large body of water. If North Koreans could, they would leave for the south. China was poor itself before it embraced capitalism. But they are closet commies anyway. The Chinese are not a free people.

But the boundary between the two Koreas is one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. You probably wouldn't want to get shot.

Seems like a lot of young folk admire communists, but they don't know what they are admiring. They went to our schools, which don't do much to educate people anymore.

But this was about dialectics. The Communists loved to call their society scientific socialism. They loved to consider their ideology to be inevitable. The flow of history is supposedly on their side. The dialectic says so. Reality has said otherwise, at least so far.

But communism only leads to people being enslaved by the state. So Reagan was right. There is no right v left, only freedom v slavery. Reagan called it "tyranny". But since America is said to have the "original sin" of slavery, this word should be used when talking about communism. For that is what communism is. People should educate themselves about what it is, instead of being indoctrinated by communists in our "educational" system.

Not only has communism failed everywhere that it has been attempted, but its argumentation has not resulted in what they claim it results in. But they believe in it a whole lot anyway.

Some offer the excuse that it hasn't been tried by the right people. I suppose if they try every country on earth, they'll get the same results. Everybody will be enslaved, and the only people with any freedom at all will be the people at the top.

Anyway, I think the communists have always dreamed of turning America into a communist "paradise". Maybe they think there's something magical about America that will make communism really work this time in this place.

But as the late Rush Limbaugh once said, communism has already been tried here before. It was tried in the first colonies, where everything was communal. But it didn't work worth a darn, so they tried capitalism, and things got better.

If they taught that in schools, instead of the communistic CRT, these kids would be a lot better off. Instead, they will have to go through the living hell of communism if these clowns succeed.

Then you may learn what the truth is. That is, if you don't starve or get shot first.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Stuff that too few would think of

Dennis Prager:What you can do to make America better?

1. Develop your own moral character.

2. Getting married and making a good family.

3. Take care of one's family, especially parents.

4. Going to church ( or synagogue )

5. Volunteering for a service organization.


Looking over the list, it isn't just the young 'uns, ya'll. Cuz yours truly has not, and will not do any of this stuff on this list.

What I did do was this blog. It doesn't appear to have accomplished much. You might say that I dabbled a little with number 1 on the list, but like all things, I didn't get far with it.

Too late for me to do 2 or 3, since my parents have gone to the hereafter. I never married, and have no kiddoes. No others, except the family I was born into. Can't help a whole lot there either.

Church? I've never been a "joiner". That excludes number 5 as well. Oh, well. I am not much interested in joining any other organizations, so about all I can do is rant here.

One thing that I found while doing this blog is to seek a little self-reliance. Along those lines, I have dabbled in my off-grid project. If it does nothing else, if gives me something to do. Maybe it might even help me in the future, but I am not so sure about that.

Yeah, all roads lead back to this blog, which isn't getting much done, if anything. Maybe you can find something worth spending your time on here. There's a lot of posts covering the 11 years of blogging. Shoot, maybe it might help in some unknown way.

Sometime in the past, when I was working on the first in the list, I came across a quote by Abraham Lincoln. He said something to the effect that people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Maybe the thing about that quote is this: "make up your mind". If you get my age, and you are still figuring out what you want to be when you grow up, you just might have a problem.

Reconciliation bill to pass socialist wish-list must be stopped

It has been linked to the so-called Infastructure deal, so I've read. If this is combined with any aspect of the wish-list, Infastructure should be filibustered. If it gets attached to the reconcilation, it can't be filibustered. In other words, the Dems could get around the filibuster and pass their socialist wish-list without any GOP votes. They are looking for a way around it by holding needed bills hostage.

If the GOP allows that, they might as well close shop. They will have allowed themselves to become completely irrelevant. In fact, I am expecting that they will do that very thing, and claim that somehow they couldn't stop it.

Ace over at Ace of Spades calls it "failure theater". If that is what transpires, then the GOP will have achieved the dubious distinction of making themselves extinct. That's what they will be if they allow this. What possible function could they have but pretending that they matter for anything except conning the public into thinking that they do matter. Enough of the public has caught on to that game.

Unless they stop this, they don't matter. Let's not pretend any longer.

Beware of the dark side

The title is a bit of a joke. The joke is that it is in the old Star Wars movies. The joke is referring to something very real and serious to a line in a movie. But the joke may not be a joke after all. There really is a "dark" side. Maybe not of the type in the movie, but people really can have a dark side.

As it applies to today's real world events, the dark side is the total lack of integrity in our public officials. If this continues far enough it can have some really, really bad outcomes. Maybe not with a "death star", but in history, there have been Adolf Hitler types, who were responsible for holocausts. The dark side in this sense is a really real thing. The lack of integrity in Hitler could have been stopped, as it was so easily apparent long before he got into a position of power.

The trouble in those times were that people really knew better, but refused to act. Do we have the same trouble these days? Or are we so blinded by the evil that we cannot see it? What is the reason for this blindness?

One reason for it is this "cancel" culture. You don't have to cancel evil, just show people what it is and let them decide for themselves. The cancel culture wants to cancel anything that it claims is not truth. The problem is that there is another side of the story, and the other side should be heard before rash judgments are made. For those who really believe in these cancel culture types, you could be making a big mistake. The truth is not being told, yet you are willfully blind if you refuse to see it.

In my opinion, the cancel culture is being used to suppress the truth, not to shed light upon it.

An example of this is the Arizona forensic audit. The auditors have subpoened the routers, but these are being withheld. The claim is that the routers would invade the privacy of those who are using it. But this is not so. The reason is that routers are sending and receiving addresses, not what's inside the "envelope", but the addresses that are on top of the "envelope", so to speak. This has to be a lie, as those who are making the claim that the contents of the "envelopes" are private and could be read.

If the electronic "envelopes" are being opened, that is illegal in and of itself. So where is the charges being filed for that invasion of privacy? There is no such thing, and the claim is a bald-faced lie. This is your lack of integrity in full view. That is, it would be in full view, if the Pravda-like media would report it. But it typically refuses to report it, because the truth is not in them to report it.

But if anyone tries to report it, they could get cancelled. That's a cancel culture that is way, way out of control. That culture, if it is not checked, and stopped, can result in the kind of nightmarish outcomes that gave us Adolf Hitler.

By the way, Adolf Hitler was just a school boy compared to some historical figures. You people have no idea what could be in store for you if you don't get a handle on this.

If a public official can lie and defy a subpoena, and can successfully thrwart a legitimate investigation to uncover the truth, then we are no better than those who failed to stop the rise of Adolf Hitler. If such were to happen, we would have no one to blame but ourselves.

If the legislature orders an audit, it has to be performed. Anyone who can read the Constitution should be able to see that. The judge in that state has granted a subpoena already, so why is the public official in charge not in CONTEMPT OF COURT? Is this a failure to act that will enable them to get away with hindering a lawful investigation?

Where are the people in charge in Arizona? What will they do about this? Anything?

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Epoch Times video

Along the lines of the alternate economy, I have found another video source that can be added to the list of alternatives to YouTube.

This is actually a market opportunity for those who would enter this space, and media organizations such as Epoch Times, is now doing it. So you can watch the news on their new video source. I am surprised that there are more of these already, but clearly the need exists to get alternative news out there. The news media is censoring those that they disagree with, which in the case of YouTube, is actually ILLEGAL. They are supposed to be a neutral PLATFORM, not a traditional media source. The law shields them from LAWSUITS. It is a scam.

As long as we have a free economy and free system, these choices are possible. But if that goes away, we won't even have this alternative. All the more reason to support it- strongly.

So I cannot overstate the importance of using this new adversity imposed upon us, to seek out new sources of information, and Epoch Times has stepped up to the plate. I checked it out, and it's good. You will need to subscribe, however. So far, it is free. Hopefully, it stays that way.

By the way, I used it to check out the audit in Arizona. If you counted on traditional sources, like AP, you would get a completely different picture of the situation.