Monday, July 19, 2021

Reconciliation bill to pass socialist wish-list must be stopped

It has been linked to the so-called Infastructure deal, so I've read. If this is combined with any aspect of the wish-list, Infastructure should be filibustered. If it gets attached to the reconcilation, it can't be filibustered. In other words, the Dems could get around the filibuster and pass their socialist wish-list without any GOP votes. They are looking for a way around it by holding needed bills hostage.

If the GOP allows that, they might as well close shop. They will have allowed themselves to become completely irrelevant. In fact, I am expecting that they will do that very thing, and claim that somehow they couldn't stop it.

Ace over at Ace of Spades calls it "failure theater". If that is what transpires, then the GOP will have achieved the dubious distinction of making themselves extinct. That's what they will be if they allow this. What possible function could they have but pretending that they matter for anything except conning the public into thinking that they do matter. Enough of the public has caught on to that game.

Unless they stop this, they don't matter. Let's not pretend any longer.

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