Do you want victory over the Democrats? If so, be of good cheer for it is guaranteed. That is, it is guaranteed if you want victory.
Say again? What I'm saying is that Trump's victory is guaranteed if the GOP wants it. My assertion here is that they may say that they do, but their actions speak more loudly than their words. Their actions say they don't want victory. They want an out. They want to say words that may convince others of their desires for a victory, but their actions don't agree with their words. For if winning actions were taken, victory would be 100% certain.
Why so confident? Because the GOP controls enough state legislatures to guarantee a victory in the electoral college. That is where it counts. If they would make up their minds to win this thing, victory is certain. The Democrats couldn't do a damned thing about it. We could get back to normal if they wanted normal. They want things to be in chaos. They want the Dems to win so we can get back to normal. Normal for them means a pretend opposition to the Democrats.
That's putting it in a nutshell. Everything that we have witnessed over the past 4 years since Trump won has been aided and abetted by the GOP. The Democrats could not have done a thing without the GOP permitting it.
The Mueller investigation could have been stopped before it even started. The GOP allowed it. They allowed it for over three years. Everything else, the impeachment, the Wuhan virus scaremongering, and the riots, all have been aided and abetted by the GOP. The Democrats know this and are taking advantage. They Democrats want to win. They are playing for all the marbles. The GOP? They sit on their hands and cry and moan and do nothing. They want to say that they supported Trump and wanted to win, but their actions say otherwise.
So what does the GOP want? Victory? Or defeat while appearing to want victory?
It should be obvious what they want. But what do YOU want?