Market Ticker website has some info for those who may wish to see what is ahead. It isn't pretty.
There's no link, but it should be easy to find. I think the author's name is Denninger.
Putting it a little differently than Denninger, I'd say that the goal of the Russians and Chinese was to end the petrodollar. This is what is going to happen, and that will pull the rug out from under the western economies. Western policies are in lock step with that exact result. Almost like they want it that way.
Blaming Putin for this is absurd. It is a result of the so-called "Green New Deal" policies that the Democrats wouldn't even vote on when it could have been debated. Of course, the GOP didn't help any. They did their usual pretend game of being a useful opposition party. Nobody is minding the store. Knock on their heads, and ask if there's "anyone home", like the character Biff in the Back To The Future movies. The Democrats have no character in terms of honesty, and the GOP has no character in terms of guts.
As a result, Biden is pushing this Green New Deal, and the rest of it is more in line with collapsing the economy. It is almost as if it was their plan. ( Which is what I believe, by the way.)
They'll blame it everybody else but themselves. It is never THEIR fault. It is always the other guys.
They own this, but of course, they'll blame anyone they think they can get away with the shifting of blame.
That's the gist of it. All that is left is the crying.