Once again I feel compelled to write about this phenomenon that has invaded the public square. That phenomenon is the usage of the term left and right. Actually, I use the term "left", but I stop with the use of the word "left". I recommended the use of the word left because it refers to how they use the word to describe
themselves. Secondly, the model is from a Marxist source, which is leftist of course.
What I propose to discourage as much as possible, if not to ban it, is the use of the word right with respect to how one describes oneself.
So, here's another twist that may help. Ronald Reagan used it, but to merely copy him is not good enough it seems. So let me elaborate a little more. I think Reagan's approach is best because those who oppose the left are not necessarily totalitarian, but the
left has to be. The leftist paradigm must always end in communism, which is totalitarian.
Those on the left may protest this, but in doing so, they have to ignore the Marxist dictum that communism is inevitable. If you are socialist, for example, you may not be totalitarian at the moment, but eventually you must become so because it is inevitable. Socialism is just a stepping stone to communism. That is how you end up on the "right side of history", by the way. If something is inevitable, then it might as well already be in the history books.
Therefore, you can oppose communism, but still be a socialist. You are not opposing in toto, but only as a matter of degree.
It is also easy to label someone a "fascist", because to communists, everything is in conflict. If you are in opposition then, then you have to be a fascist.
However, there is a problem. Not everyone who opposes communists are fascists. Obviously this is true, if one can be a socialist, one is not a communist.
Reagan said the choice was between freedom and totalitarianism. Marxists and leftists disagree on how much of that totalitarianism. But neither are in favor of freedom.
You don't have to be a fascist in order to oppose a communist. Nor a leftist. Nor a socialist. But a communist has to find fascist hiding around every corner.
Maybe that helps to clarify things a bit. We shouldn't be arguing left v right, but tyranny v freedom. On that score, the left loses across the board.