Thursday, July 11, 2019

Michael Flynn's New Brief Shines Sunlight On Prosecutor's Tactics



After listening to the Bongino show, it looks even worse.  The pattern is quite clear.  The Obama Administration used the technique known as "lawfare" in order to sabotage the candidacy and presidency of the opposition party.  This kind of thing will eventually lead to a bad outcome.  It seems inevitable unless something changes.

Perhaps that is what is meant by "draining the swamp".  But the swamp is not getting drained.

This type of "lawfare" has nothing to do with the rule of law.  The charges are fraudulent.  The previous administration looks like gangster government.


The "insurance policy" looks a little shaky right now.



Looks to me like they are looking for an "insurance policy" with regards to their "insurance policy".

If Flynn's conviction is reversed, it may hurt their case against Trump.  As if they have one.

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