Thursday, July 11, 2019

Ann Coulter


Ann seemed to have lost a lot of credibility with her criticism of Trump.  But this is a useful post, so here's the link.

As she mentions, there was little news coverage of the original prosecution.  A lot of these facts I didn't know about.

Now that I have read this, I am a bit worried about the course of events with respect to Trump.  It seems that the country has crossed a line and it may take bloodshed to restore it to what it once was.  There is no rule of law, and this Epstein story pretty much demonstrates it.

Acosta is deemed the bad guy, according to the media.  But Acosta didn't do the crime, Epstein did.

The media really is an enemy.  Unfortunately, so are most of the politicians in charge of this country right now.  We are in a world of trouble.

Note:  By the way, something is up with Twitter.  It has been a problem accessing it today.

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