The crack-up of the USA: is it by design, or by error?
The crack-up of the Weimar Republic in Germany may offer a useful comparison in one respect. It seems that the Communists and the Nazis were cooperating with each other. Neither liked self-government, which is often called "democracy".
Hitler was very upfront in his contempt for democracy. The communists, on the other hand, were a bit more devious. They offered their idea of "democracy", which is a dictatorship anyway. The dictatorship was supposed to go away, but it never does. No tyrant or group of tyrants willingly give up their power. So the commies will try to use more guile, while the Nazis may be direct in their methods.
As for the modern USA, it can be said that there is no lack of Nazi-type tactics. The use of violent mobs to influence the population, such as what the country endured during the 2020 riots, is not unlike what the Nazis did with their Brownshirts. But these guys are not necessarily upfront about their fascism. They seem to be Nazis with devious communist tendencies. A thought: since cooperation between Nazis and Communists did occur in the '30's, could it not be possible that some sort of cooperation is taking place again in this time? There's really not that much difference between Nazis and Commies, after all.
Like the Commies of old, the modern day Democrats are the devious ones. While extolling democracy and rule of law, they neither respect nor honor either. When Pelosi was asked about the Constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act she asked "Are you kidding?" It isn't beyond them to employ political violence. Why should it be beyond them to steal elections? Hitler and his Nazis weren't above chicanery in bringing about the rise of their Fuhrer. The same Fuhrer cooperated with his counterpart in the Soviet Union, and helped launch World War II. The battle for total power between the two factions resulted in the Nazi's victory, but when the dust settled from the war, the Commies were in possession of the Eastern half of Germany. Round two was a knockout for the Russians.
Trump was accused of cooperating with Putin to steal the 2016 election. Yet, it doesn't appear that Trump did any of those things he was accused of. However, Hillary sold uranium to the Russians. Could Biden be plotting with Putin to carve up the world, and make it their own? When the dust settles from that war, there may not be anybody left to carry on. The roles of Biden and Putin could be similar to what happened with Stalin and Hitler. The end of that collaboration resulted in big changes for the world order. Although Trump was accused of plotting with Putin, there was no war on his watch. The way this war is going, Biden will have us in it. For what reason?
Plotters and schemers abound. Or is war just an organic thing that will happen like weeds in the garden? Do countries really just stumble into wars? The study of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich shows that that war was planned from the very beginning of his rule. In this country, we cannot get an honest hearing on what really happened in the 2020 election. Is that just human weakness, or is it a part of the plan? One thing that it isn't. It isn't in the letter and spirit of rule of law and democracy. It doesn't match with the Bill of Rights. The modern crop of leaders in this country have no more respect for such than what Hitler did.
Hitler could lie too. He preached peace and made plans for war. In other words, he lied his butt off to keep an uneasy world in a false sense of safety. Whether by design or error, the people of that time did not act. If we don't act, we could be facing a fate worse than what that generation faced. Nuclear technology wasn't to be invented until the end of that war. It is far more dangerous now.