Saturday, October 31, 2020

Looking back --- part three

The last of these post is presented herein. Kinda fancy, eh?

Anywho, what is the thing that happened in this election that would really surprise me?

You can ax that question of yourself. It should be an easy one to answer, unless you are an undecided, and somebody or something has to decide everything for you.

The surprise for me is if Joe Biden actually wins big. Big would be Reaganesque type numbers, which surprised me in 1980. It surprised me so much that I remember it 40 years later.

What say you people? What would surprise you? Pollsters may be surprised that they were wrong again, if the articles I read are any indication. That would presume that they believe what they put out. I'm not so sure about that. Even in 1980, the polls most likely weren't anywhere near being in the ballpark of being right. There's a long history of the polls being wrong.

They might get the winner right. Or they might not. But if this is a Biden blowout, I'd be very surprised. On the other hand, if it is a Trump blowout, I would not be surprised at all.

Why not? Well, I don't trust the polls. Secondly, I cannot believe the public is that stupid, at least not yet. A Biden victory would be epic stupidity. A Biden blowout would be mind bending stupidity on a scale so immense that a library couldn't hold all the books trying to explain it all.

Well, that's all I have to say about that.

Looking back--- part two

A little more digging into old posts here doesn't reveal what I thought I was thinking back in 2016. The reason to post this extra little post is that it might come true. So what was it???

It seemed to me at the time, which I'd like to be able to prove, but can't right now, is that Trump had a chance to realign the electorate. Sometimes you get political realignments if there's somebody who can pull it off. Reagan did that, but Bush gave it all back by being a dumb ass.

Looking at Trump's accomplishments, I'd say he has a chance this year. By the way, what I wrote about polls in 2016 seems awfully familiar today.

If enough Democrats cross over to the GOP this time, it could be one of those realignment type deals. However, if you get somebody who shit cans all that progress the way Bush did, it won't hold up any longer than this electoral cycle.

Like Forrest Gump said, "that's all I have to say about that".

Looking back

Someone once said not to look back, because something may be gaining on you.

I guess I'm not always so good at taking advice. I'll look back. If something's gaining on me, maybe I can do something about it.

Maybe I like being the oddball.

With that, I post about what I saw going into the election of 2016. The answer appears to be--- "not much". Seems like I didn't have a whole lot of predictions up my sleeve back then. Actually, I had concerns much closer to home. At any rate, I DID vote in 2016. I remember that too.

I recall the weather was overcast. Probably not real cold by the standards around here, or for Houston's standards either.

It seems my recollection was not surprise at Trump's victory. Nobody seem to be expecting it, but being the oddball that I am, I was kinda thinking it could happen. Not sure that it was posted on this blog though. I did go through a few posts, but not that many. I'm not THAT curious about it.

One election that DID surprise me was the Reagan-Carter election. The thing that surprised me was how FAST it was over. Carter conceded even before all the polls closed. Carter wasn't really all that sharp, after all.

I was really disappointed that Romney didn't beat Obama. Considering what an ass Romney has been lately, it is not hard to see why he lost. At the time, it seemed like he wasn't trying hard to win. Say what you will about Trump, he pushes it HARD. If we got that out of Bush in 1992, Slick Willy would still be an Arkansas hick. If, If, If...

Well, we coulda done without the Slickster. But Papa Bush blew it all the same. Trump isn't blowing it. What else could you ask for? Perfection? If perfection is required, the GOP might as well pack it in. If a Dem shows up, he is claimed to be a shoo-in.

The country needs a house-cleaning. But Trump needs to be carrying the Broom!!

If that puts me in the minority, fine. I'm used to it.

Off-grid bldg option

There are complete buildings that you can buy, but that is a bit too rich for my blood these days. This is the cheapest option. The rest could be built out at my leisure.

Footings will have be put into place so it can be anchored.

It may require more than one person to put it together. May need a scaffold. Details, details, details...

When the thing is not the thing

This COVID-19 thing is getting curiouser and curiouser. This business about the "novel" corona virus looks more and more like a fraud. Before you jump off and dismiss this out of hand, please consider that you cannot get beef stew by starting with beef stew. You get beef stew by adding things to it. With the cornonavirus, they are taking a mixture of things, and trying to convince you that it is pure coronavirus.

The excellent blog by Jon Rappoport put me on to this. A hat tip to Ann Barnhardt, by the way.

Rappoport is on to something when he said that the CDC never said that they had a pure sample of the cornonavirus. The only thing they have was a "stew", a mixture of stuff. From that, the CDC claims that they can get the "real thing".

This is fallacious reasoning. It is the correlation as cause fallacy. Sure, cornonavirus might "go with" people dying, but it may not necessarily be the cause of it. Just like potatoes going with beef stew, the stew isn't potatoes. You don't "gene sequence" with a MIXTURE. You gene sequence with the real thing. With the correlation as cause fallacy, you could have a killer in the mixture, but it may not be what you think it is. The fact is, the CDC admitted essentially that they don't know what they are talking about. The other possibility is worse.

Before you go off on me again, just consider this: the CDC is a government agency. What makes them so pure and noble? If they had an agenda, they could push it off on the rest of us and maybe we wouldn't be the wiser.

It's true that I don't trust the government. After what has happened this past four years, with the government throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Trump just to get him out of office, I can see how a government run agency could cook up a foul brew and pass it off as the real thing.

We cannot question their good intentions. That alone is a cause for suspicion. "Just trust me" doesn't cut for me anymore. I'm the man from Missouri from now on. You'll have to show me. So far, the only thing that they have shown me is that they are political hacks.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Finger-pointing Joe Biden

Somebody on the conservative side asked Joe Biden a question recently, and Biden's response was that the man was asking the wrong questions. Now the thing about that response is that Biden started pointing his finger at the man.

This is rude. I thought it was Trump who was supposed to be rude and so forth. But what about this? It isn't an anomaly. Biden tends to act that way when he is challenged.

The man's response seemed to be rather passive. Passivity in the face of a bully just isn't good enough. Well, at least the man asked. If it was a liberal reporter, he would interrupt. We need to get tougher. We're too damned polite. When the finger-pointing starts, stuff needs to be said right back.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Time for Choosing


The voting is over for me. I did it and now to await the results.

The Hunter Biden thing continues, but it is really about the media. That's correct to focus on the media. If the media wants to check out something, then check it out. Ignoring it isn't journalism.

The fact is that there is some definite evidence here. Simply ignoring does not make it go away. The more that they ignore it, the more attention will likely be drawn to it. The fact that they have ignored hasn't stopped them from having to address it in some way.

But the way they address it is to repeat verbatim the talking points of the Bidens. It does not address the accuracy of the evidence at all. It doesn't address the credibility of Bobulinski. If they have addressed it, then I stand corrected.

It would be a scandal in itself for the Trump Campaign to attach itself to this and it turned out to be completely false. Actually, that would be an opportunity for Dems. Instead they hope to ignore it and hope it goes away. Or that nobody will care.

Yes, and if Biden wins, it just might go away. Nobody will hear a word about it anymore. But we won't be any closer to the truth of the matter, no matter what the truth actually is.

The computer is back

 The reason for the outage is that the service provider cut me off.  Fine print that I did not read carefully enough.  Sure, I have unlimited data, but not for hotspots.  Once I reached the limit, the shut it off.  I had

to use the phone.

By the way, I am using the text editor with Blogger to make this post.  As you can see, their formatting sucks.

I won't correct it.  

Isn't our "progress" lovely?

If Biden wins, he'll repeal the Emancipation Proclamation.  As Honest Abe once said, it will be all slave or all free, but not half free and half slave.  These people will enslave the world if they are not stopped.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Take this and call me in the morning

 Breaking the chains


"Brave New World" is mentioned.  This brave new world is dubbed "the medical civilization".  Those who wish to break free may be like John Savage in that story.

Freeing the world from that grip may not have any happier an ending.  Let's hope it won't be necessary.

Bobulinski interview

Bobulinski interview with Tucker Carlson

CTH had an embedded YouTube video posted, but it appears that the Ministers of Propaganda had it taken down. At any rate, it doesn't look watchable now.

I got a view in before it got disappeared. Hopefully others can see it elsewhere.

You have to expect that these days. The media is "all in" on the suppression of all info that may harm Biden's chances. In doing so, they are aiding and abetting a crime. Yep, it has gone this far. Looks like impeachable offenses to me. We got that to look forward to if Biden wins./gag

Bobulinski said in his interview with Carlson that he came forward to clear his name. The Democrats have attempted to smear him and the GOP with the same kind of accusation that they levelled at Trump--"Russia, Russia, Russia". Bobulinski is a proud veteran, but the Dems have no qualms about attacking him, while claiming nobody can question any of their vets.

Bobulinski isn't even a Republican, as he pointed out before.

He also mentioned Sen. Johnson's investigation in the Senate which has a report out on the tawdry story of the Bidens. I've read maybe a third of it, and skimmed over the rest. For their efforts, the Democrats have accused the GOP of spreading Russian disinformation.

The 87 page report is Titled "Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on US Government Policy and Related Concerns"--US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. US Senate Committee on Finace Majority Staff Report. Question: Does the Minority have a staff report? If so, what is in it?

Funny thing, but these Democrats have known about this all along. It is not a secret to anybody but the American people, who are being given the mushroom treatment by the media and the Democrats.

Remember, it was the Democrats who impeached Trump for looking into this in the first place. Obviously, they are hiding something. That "something" is the corruption of the Bidens, and their own corruption by protecting him from accountability.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

One week to go

Biden may be on the ropes. It all depends on what I've read yesterday, and how the reaction to it may go. That's providing that what I read is true or not. If it is not, then it won't matter.

So if Biden is on the ropes, what should he do? Why should anyone tell him something that may help him? It might be the height of folly to help the guy. I wouldn't want to do that.

On the other hand, if he did do what I thought he might do, he may do himself a service that could make a difference. The question is whether or not he will or won't.

This is vague on purpose. The reason is that the they have to find this on their own. If they don't, they don't deserve victory. Not that they might gain it anyway. In that case, none of this matters.

Monday, October 26, 2020



What if the things that we are being told are wrong? Not only wrong, but dead wrong?

People seem to have a lot of credulity when authorities tell them something. The only reason to believe in this coronavirus scare is that the authorities are telling us to be scared, so people fall into line and act scared.

There was a report out today that says that there was a Danish study that shows masks are ineffective and shouldn't be used. But if the authorities say otherwise, the masks stay on. So far the report is being suppressed, so I have read.

We already have the example of Sweden, which didn't have lockdowns. The lockdowns aren't effective, but there they are in the blue states. Sometimes even the red states.

If the authorities said that "the masks didn't work, so don't wear them", would the people stop wearing them? If the authorities said "lockdowns don't work, so no more lockdowns", would people go back to normal? If you agree that this would happen, then would you also agree that a good number of these authorities are not acting on the basis of health concern, but politics instead? Cui bono? Who benefits from this fear?

If you agreed to all that, then where's the pressure on the authorities to cut the crap? Why the suppression of a study that proves masks don't work?

Isn't that suppression of the truth a bit like the suppression of the Biden corruption story? Isn't that what we are dealing with here? Keeping us in the dark and feeding us BS.

We're getting the mushroom treatment.

Washington Post pushes censorship and disinformation

Remember, the Washington Post says "Democracy dies in darkness". Isn't that what they are supposed to be fighting?

The Washington Post op-ed piece says the Hunter Biden story should be treated as a Russian plot even if it isn't so. That is just advocating that reporters should just LIE about it then. In the bad old Russian KGB days, that was called "disinformation". 

Censorship is simply suppressing a news story. That's what Twitter and Facebook are doing.

It is certainly news that a hard drive with sensitive information is turned into the FBI, which has to issue RECEIPTS when they take something, and have to issue a number, which identifies it to their system. The number indicates that it is a money laundering case. They don't do this lightly, say Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent.

The receipt confirms the existence of the hard drive, the DOJ has commented upon it, therefore it EXISTS. You cannot pretend otherwise. But these guys are. When Twitter and Facebook's effort at censorship FAILS, then they LIE about it. Not only do they LIE, they suggest that others LIE about it.

It should be pointed out that Adam Schiff cannot have any intelligence that wasn't given to him as a part of the briefing that they get from the agencies. Director Ratcliffe says that they never briefed Schiff on any such intelligence as Schiff is claiming. It is nothing but a LIE from Adam Schiff.

By the way, the article refers to the hard drive and the information therein as being ALLEGED. It isn't ALLEGED. It is REAL. It has indeed been verified as to its existence, and the pictures of Hunter Biden are of Hunter Biden. If they are not, let the Bidens formally DENY it. Which they have not. They have only made counter-accusations which is not a denial.

This amounts to censorship and disinformation from a publication that claims that Democracy Dies in Darkness. The Washington Post and their accomplices appear to be the Princes of Darkness themselves. You'd think the Evil Empire has descended upon us. Not to make light of this, but these are the people who represent themselves as the enlightened ones. It is hard to see how that can be true when they act the way that they are.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Solar panel

Off-grid post--- 10-25-20

Cross my fingers, the solar panel appears to be online! About freakin' time. This has been one long, long trip. It shouldn't have been this way, as it is very simple. But there were a few snags, obviously.

The last of the parts arrived on this past Monday. From Monday to Sunday, I fought this thing until I was successful. The problem centers around two areas. One of them is me, the other is this controller.

The problem with the controller is that wires keep coming out. This was a factor in the failure of the other system.

The wires keep coming out because the thing is cheap. If you tighten down too hard, you'll strip out the screws. This happened. I figured out a way around that problem, but it is still a damaged article now. For now, it works fine. If it fails, another one is already on the way.

The other problem is with myself. I made some pretty dumb mistakes. One of them was to get the wires crossed. It might take a book to understand how and why something so stupid could have happened. Lucky for me, it didn't seem to harm anything. Cross my fingers.

The main thing is that I have it back. Cross my fingers.