The last of these post is presented herein. Kinda fancy, eh?
Anywho, what is the thing that happened in this election that would really surprise me?
You can ax that question of yourself. It should be an easy one to answer, unless you are an undecided, and somebody or something has to decide everything for you.
The surprise for me is if Joe Biden actually wins big. Big would be Reaganesque type numbers, which surprised me in 1980. It surprised me so much that I remember it 40 years later.
What say you people? What would surprise you? Pollsters may be surprised that they were wrong again, if the articles I read are any indication. That would presume that they believe what they put out. I'm not so sure about that. Even in 1980, the polls most likely weren't anywhere near being in the ballpark of being right. There's a long history of the polls being wrong.
They might get the winner right. Or they might not. But if this is a Biden blowout, I'd be very surprised. On the other hand, if it is a Trump blowout, I would not be surprised at all.
Why not? Well, I don't trust the polls. Secondly, I cannot believe the public is that stupid, at least not yet. A Biden victory would be epic stupidity. A Biden blowout would be mind bending stupidity on a scale so immense that a library couldn't hold all the books trying to explain it all.
Well, that's all I have to say about that.